Sadhe Saati fears?

February 14, 2024 Author: Anand Sagar Pathak

Sadhe Saati and Its Impact on Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces Signs

Saturn started transiting into Aquarius sign on 17th January 2023 and shall stay in Aquarius till 29th March 2025. Thereafter, Saturn will transit into the Pisces sign. Currently, the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are running Sadhe Saati.

One of the most dreaded names in Vedic astrology is Sadhe Saati. But before we understand the impact of Sadhe-Saati on various signs we need to first understand what is Sadhe Saati.

The transit from Saturn commencing from its first transit from the twelfth house of Moon till when Saturn finally transits out of the second house from Moon is the period of Sadhe Saati. Saturn nearly stays in one sign for two and a half years. Transiting three houses twelfth house, the first house and the second house takes a total of seven and a half years. Seven and a half in the Hindi language is called Sadhe Saat. Hence, this transit of Saturn is called Sadhe Saati.

The Moon in Vedic astrology represents the mind. Moon is the fastest-moving Graha in the Navagrahas and Saturn is the slowest. Therefore, things appear to occur slowly in life. There are delays and frustrations because of this transit. Apart from that twelfth house is the house of loss or expenses. The lagna is the house of the physical body and the second house is the house of “Kutumb” (immediate family) as well as finances. Hence, Sadhe Saati’s period at times is quite challenging. There may be challenges in various quarters of life.

Many traditional astrologers believe that the first cycle of Sadhe Saati which occurs around childhood can cause the death of grandparents. The second cycle of Sadhe Saati which occurs around mid-age can cause the death of parents. The third cycle of Sadhe Saati which occurs around old age can cause the death of the native. However this may be a over simplistic way of looking at Sadhe Saati phenomenon.

Sadhe Saati may not always be bad. The native can do well in his career. There can be marriage and birth of children. If Saturn has good lordship in the horoscope Sadhe Saati can yield very good results. Hence, generalization shouldn’t be done while analyzing the effects of Sadhe Saati. If Saturn transits from its sign the transit results can be good.

Saturn is the planet of Karma if the native does good Karma, avoids addictions of all kinds and avoids non-vegetarian food ( or observe food discipline) and behaves well with subordinates and poor people Saturn may start yielding good results during the period of Sadhe Saati.

The effect of Sadhe Saati has been discussed below for all three signs.


Saturn is currently transiting from the second house. This transit can be challenging. There may be issues in family life. You may find it difficult to adjust to family. You need to exercise control of your tongue as your tongue is doing maximum damage. Your financial uncertainty may start resolving fast. Problems or fights in the family may also start resolving. But yes, you should stop uttering hurtful words.


Career-wise you may keep on getting good opportunities currently. There can be some delays in getting new work or assignments. You can have unexpected gains in your job after putting in some amount of effort. New job opportunities may also come your way. Things may improve concerning the career prospects of the native. You may also get recognition in your job.


Saturn in the second house is not generally good concerning finances. However, Saturn’s transition from its sign is good. Things may improve financially but with effort. There can be gains from investments as well. Your financial hardship may be resolved. The native may be able to get back his financial liquidity because of this transit of Saturn.


You need to take care of your health currently as long as Saturn is transiting from the second house. You may be prone to illness. You need to take proper care of your diet currently. You may also be prone to eye-related issues as well as dental issues. You should avoid intoxication of all kinds during this transit of Saturn.


Saturn’s transit from the second house is not good for family life. There may likely be issues in your family. Money or finances may be the reason for friction. Sometimes we need to give more value to relationships than money. If you can understand this you can easily mend your relationship with your family members. You may also start getting more support from your family.


Saturn is currently transiting from your lagna. Things may be challenging especially concerning health. This transit can also trigger changes concerning your job as well as residence. Marital life may also suffer as a result of this transit of Saturn. Work wise things may improve with efforts as Saturn will aspect the tenth house. Yet the results may be below expectations. Your expenses are likely to shoot up. However, if you are trying for a job change, things may improve.


The current transit of Saturn is not very good concerning career prospects. Uncertainty can be there even after your best efforts. Things may not be as you like. You may also get frustrated by the lack of support in your job. However, career stagnation which was causing concern for you may end soon. Things may now start moving ahead positively with efforts. Job change may be required.


Saturn’s transit in the lagna is likely to cause some financial uncertainty. Your stuck money may get recovered. Things may start moving ahead in the right direction. However, your expenses may remain high which may not allow you to save much. You can also have unexpected financial gains. You can also gain from travelling as well as from foreign.


Saturn’s transit from the lagna is not a good transit concerning health. You may be prone to illness. This transit can often cause a relapse of old diseases. You may be prone to pain in joints. Things may start improving concerning health after due medical attention. However, there can still be chances of being hospitalised for some ailment during the transit of Saturn in lagna because of its twelfth lordship.


Saturn’s transit from the lagna can cause friction in marital life. Misunderstandings may creep into your relationship. Your relationship with your siblings and also with your father may also be negatively impacted. You can also gain wealth from your father. The ghosts of the past can impact the natives.


Saturn is currently transiting from the twelfth house. This transit is quite challenging. Your expenses are likely to shoot up because of this transit. You may be troubled a lot by secret enemies. You may also have unpleasant experiences while travelling. You need to take care of your health. You may also suffer from insomnia which can also trigger depression in the long run. Your expenses may remain high as well as wasteful. It would be best if you took control of your expenditures.


Saturn is currently transiting from the twelfth house which can cause obstacles on the career front. Things may not move well in your job. It is also likely that you may start planning for a job change. The transit of Saturn in the twelfth house may even make it difficult for you to make the desired changes. Your career may start progressing after initial hardships and after making some important changes.


Saturn is currently transiting from the twelfth house. This transit is likely to cause financial difficulties. You should be careful in investing money as there is a strong chance of making a financial loss because of unplanned and risky investments. However, one positive thing is that new venues of earnings may also open up for you. Some natives may also gain from foreign sources.


Saturn is currently transiting from the twelfth house. This is not a very good transit concerning health. You may be prone to illness. There is also a strong chance for hospitalisation. You should take care of your eyes. Saturn in the twelfth can cause health-related issues. You may be prone to depression because of this transit.


Saturn is currently transiting from the twelfth house can cause issues with kith and kin. This transit is likely to make you detached from your family. Things may also be tough in marital life. It is likely that you may travel a lot with your family and can have quality time together. There can be gains from maternal relatives.

Easy-to-do remedies for Saturn

  1. a) The native should offer nuts to the girl child (Kumari Kanya).
  2. b) One should feed crows, dogs, and Buffalos.
  3. c) The native should behave properly with employees.
  4. d) The native shouldn’t infringe on other people’s share or their rights.
  5. e) The native should indulge himself in good deeds.
  6. f) The native should offer coconut dipped in mustard oil in the temple.
  7. g) The native should maintain good relationships with their uncles and should take their blessings regularly.
  8. h) The native should help the needy.

Mantra for Saturn: “Om ShanischRaay Namah”

Beej Mantra for Saturn: “Om Praam Preem Praum Sah ShanichRaay Namah”.