Ascendant or Lagna (In Hindi) or the Rising sign is one of the most important components of the birth chart. When one gets one’s birth chart made by any professional astrologer, the Ascendant or the Lagna is the first house of the horoscope or Kundli or Janam Patri made by the professional.
Over all there can be 12 ascendants (equal to the number of houses in the Kundli). That means that the human population is divided into 12 ascendants (just like Sun Signs).
An Ascendant is the first house of horoscope, Sun Sign is the sign where the Sun resides in the horoscope(However most people know their Sun sign by their date of birth), Moon Sign is the sign where the Moon resides in the chart (also called Chandra Lagna or Rashi).
The ascendant is perhaps the first defining parameter, the learned Astrologers see when they start to analyse a birth chart ( also known as Kundli or Janam Kundli or Janam Patri or simply even Patri).
Western Astrologers use the word Rising sign more rather than the word – Ascendant.
In India, we use the word Lagna. Lagna essentially comes from the word – Sanlagn (संलग्न) which means “ Attached”. So Lagna ( Ascendant) is something that is attached to you for life. Metaphorically, you can also say that it means it defines what will keep you walking throughout the arduous journey of life ( लगे रहना).
One single day sees all the ascendants rising. That means there are 12 ascendants in 24 hours. This means that each ascendant has about 2 hours to itself. An ascendant starts at Zero degree and ends at 30 degrees. What this also means is that when the ascendant is near zero or thirty degrees in the Birth Chart, one has to be quite particular about his or her birth timing.
Each ascendant has a planetary lord. Some planets govern two ascendants as well.
In Astrology, one of the most basic and simplest remedies to work on weaknesses in the chart is to propitiate the Lagna Lord.
Lagna ( Ascendant) | Planetary Lord |
Aries | Mars |
Taurus | Venus |
Gemini | Mercury |
Cancer | Moon |
Leo | Sun |
Virgo | Mercury |
Libra | Venus |
Scorpio | Mars |
Sagittarius | Jupiter |
Capricorn | Saturn |
Aquarius | Saturn |
Pisces | Jupiter |
At Astropatri, we have done significant efforts to describe each Lagna in detail. We also want to keep adding to this very important part of the horoscope throughout our digital life.
You can read about your Ascendant ( Lagna) in detail here :
One of the most prevailing confusions in the modern world is that a majority of the people have very little clue on what their ascendant is.
Western Astrology defines the Zodiac or the Sun Sign from the date of birth. Something like the below table:
Date of Birth ( Range) | Zodiac |
21st March to 19th April | Aries |
20th April to 20th May | Taurus |
21st May to 21st June | Gemini |
22nd June to 22nd July | Cancer |
23rd July to 22nd August | Leo |
23rd August to 22nd September | Virgo |
23rd September to 23rd October | Libra |
24th October to 21st November | Scorpio |
22nd November to 21st December | Sagittarius |
22nd December to 19th January | Capricorn |
20th January to 18th February | Aquarius |
19th February to 20th March | Pisces |
This however does not necessarily mean that in the birth chart, Sun is in that sign only. For example it is quite possible that some one born on say 27th November and the one identified as Saggitarius as per the table given above is having Sun in Scorpio instead of Sagittarius.
So many people are reading wrong sign’s forecasts due to ignorance!
In all probability, this person is reading his/her daily/weekly/monthly and yearly forecast as Sagittarius as per his/her date and month of birth. However – the actual sign where Sun is posited is in the Birth chart is Scorpio. The Moon Sign is something else and the Ascendant is some other sign.
(Horoscope courtsey :
In Indian or Vedic Astrology, great emphasis is placed on Moon Sign which is also called Rashi in Hindi. So, you would see that the famed Astrospeak forecast in the reputed Times of India publications clearly mentions that this forecast is as per Moon Sign and this particular forecast is as per Ascendant.
Astropatri would recommend that one should be aware of all the following three:
1. Ascendant or Lagna
2. Moon Sign or Rashi
3. Actual Sun Sign ( not the one you think that you are as per your date and month of birth)
There are many websites like, that give a very accurate charting of one’s Janam Kundli or Patri. One can create one’s horoscope from these websites and quite a few others.
There are multiple ways of Ascertaining the strength of Ascendant or Lagna. Most astrologers will have their own unique ways. Some of the common ways are:
There may be some other ways to look at it. Knowledgeable astrologers will use many combinations and permutations to arrive at a conclusion on the strength of the Ascendant.
Broadly the Ascendant can signify one or all of the following things:
(1) Body,
(3) Fame,
(4) Happiness,
(5) Dignity,
(6) Knowledge,
(7) Strength,
(8) Longevity,
(10) Age,
(11) Old age,
(12) Political life,
(13) Birth place,
(14) Peace,
(15) Dreams,
(16) Hair,
(17) Limbs,
(18) Unhappiness,
(19) Livelihood,
(20) Gambling for others,
(21) Stigma, ,
(22) Honor,
(23) Skin,
(24) Sleep,
(25) Wisdom,
(26) Wealth,
(27) Nature to insult and to avenge,
(28) Freedom from ill health,
(29) Nature to renounce,
(30) Ability to do work,
(31) Endeavoring to preserve live-stock,
(32) Loss of decency, and
(33) Defamation from one’s own Kinsmen or persons of the same caste.
We have covered the remedies separately. A link to the same is provided below for easier navigation.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo |
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
An Ascendant is one of the strongest pillars of the horoscope. A strong ascendant and its lord has the ability to bring out the best in the native and make him pass through any adversity with ease and poise. One must know one’s ascendant and do all the things that help in strengthening the ascendant and its lord.