Making Best Use of Astrology

Astrology is a very potent tool for Maximising Your Potential.

One of the most negative points that go against Astrology or its usage or application is that it makes people fatalistic and idle (saying that if everything is ordained by the fate, then why do all the hard work?).

Astrology is considered as superstition or a pseudoscience by many including the so called Rationalists associations for this reason. This perception is because of the wrong way, many of us think of and use Astrology.

To use Astrology as a tool or reason for inaction (the right word is Karmhin – meaning indolent, lazy, sluggish who does not do any efforts) is a stupidity and no less than a sin.

What do our Texts or Saints say?

In Sat Sai Charita, there is a story that says that a young chap, fairly depressed by what an Astrologer told him, goes to Shirdi Sai Baba and tells him that it will be impossible for him to become a Doctor as he desires, since his stars do not allow  this. The mighty Sai assures him that he will become one for sure and asks him to appear for the competition. The young lad clears the competition and becomes a Doctor.

In the famed “Janki Nath Sahay karen jab kaun bigaarh sake Nar tero” in Vinay Patrika by Saint Tulsidas, there is a line that says :
“ Sooraj, Mangal, Som, Bhrigu Sut, Budh aur Guru vardayak tero, Rahu Ketu ki nahi gamyta, sang Shanichar hot huchero” ( Sun, Mars, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter will give you favourable results, Rahu -Ketu will not be able do any harm and Saturn will act like a friend, if the Lord Ram, the husband of Goddess Sita is on your side)

Saint Premanandji of Vrindavan, one of the rarest and real saints that we are blessed with nowadays also says that Prarabdh ( what is ordained before) will not be able to stand even for a second if you recite the name of Goddess Radha even once.

This means that while Astrology will act as an indicator, it will and can not act as an obstacle in your path if you do the right amount of effort in the right direction. “Right” here would perhaps come from one’s heart or a gut feeling or one needs to pray to the Power above us to guide us in the right direction.


सकल पदारथ है जग माहीं, कर्म हीन नर पावत नहीं
(The world offers everything, the lazy and indolent get nothing)
By Saint Tulsidasji

Using Astrology as a tool for empowerment and improvement

Here is a practical example of using Astrology for betterment:

Let us say that your stars are telling you that you have a period of ill health coming in say 2024-2025. What should you do? Brood and worry yourself to fall sick? No.

One should follow the principle laid by some wise men and women before us. 90% of the things are in one’s control. 10% are not. So we should practice “Control the controllable”. Work towards the 90% and pray for the uncontrollable 10%.

In actions it means, taking the right diet, exercising regularly, going for medical tests, consulting good doctors, leading a healthy life schedule like no smoking, substance abuse and having sufficient sleep, practicing gratitude, helping the needy, being kind to those who can not offer anything back to us etc. Essentially doing what is in our control and praying to the Lord above to help us in performing our duties towards, self, family and society without any hassle or hiccup.

If for whatever reason, the Almighty decides to make you go through the 10% that is not in your control, accept and continue praying for His/Her blessings to come out of the situation.

Using Astrological Remedies

Nowadays, it has become a practice for Astrologers to prescribe detailed, difficult to undertake and costly remedies to overcome adverse planetary constellations. This may not be required in most cases.

If one sees the order of the Universe, everything provided by the Divine is free. Water, Earth, Air, Fire, Sunlight, Sky, Food – everything for our need. Astrological remedies are no different. Most adversities can be tackled using simple and easy to do tasks like Reciting a particular mantra or stotra ( Ex Aditya Hridyam for Sun, Om Namah Shivaya chants for Moon, Hanuman Chalisa for Mars and so on..) or feeding animals like ants, birds, dogs, cows, fishes or helping the orphaned, poor, old, destitutes etc).

Costly and complex remedies may be needed for very specific purposes. Simple remedies can be sufficient in more than 95% of the cases.


Let us use Astrology as a progressive tool and not as a regressive one. Believe in God’s kindness all the time and everywhere and reflect His/Her blessings to all the people, animals and things around us. Things will take care of themselves.

hindu astrology
About Author

Alok Bhatnagar

Alok Bhatnagar, founder of Astropatri got initiated in the field of Astrology in 1998. He was working with the Internet department of The Times of India Group at that time. Alok helped set up the Astrology portal for Times Group – Astrospeak.

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