Basics of the Charts

A person’s life is a record of the Karma one has created for oneself over countless past lives.

The soul is encased under three bodies. The first body is called Karan Sharira or the Causal body, the second body is called Sooksham Sharira, or the astral body and the third is called Sthool Sharira, or the gross human body. 

Any action that is performed with a will, an emotion, or a desire is called Karma. It gets recorded on the soul-Karan Sharira-Sooksham Sharira combination. Once written it cannot be erased until its results have been enjoyed or suffered on earth by the person who created it. 

Understanding Karmic Record

The soul, Karan Sharira and Sooksham Sharira are indestructible but the gross human body is open to decay and death. Vedic Jyotish is a tool to ascertain what will happen to this human body during its stay on the earth. This, it does by reading the Karmic record. 

The Karmic record is huge as a great deal of Karma has been accumulated over countless lives we have had on earth. This accumulated Karma is called Sanchit Karma. It cannot all be expended in one lifetime of an individual. A small portion of this is therefore given to a human being and this body of Karma is called Prarabdh Karma. Vedic Jyotish reads this Prarabdha Karma to make predictions.   

Astrology Basics

Getting yourself acquainted with the basics of Astrology will help you understand the Message better!

Significations of the twelve houses

A horoscope consists of twelve segments or houses. Each house governs many areas of a person’s body. Depending upon the time of birth, there will be a zodiac sign rising in the east. This sign is called the rising sign or Lagna and forms the first house of the horoscope. Let us assume that Aries was the sign rising in the east so Aries becomes the Lagna and the rest of the eleven signs fall in the succeeding houses. 

The first house stands for everything pertaining to birth.

The second house represents means of sustenance, food and nourishment, mouth and face, accumulated wealth etc.

The third house signifies ears, typically the right ear, shoulders, the respiratory canal, younger brothers, friends etc.

The fourth house tells us about the mother, mind, property and real estate, vehicles, comforts, etc.

The fifth describes the children, the power to advise, the emotional nature, the lady love or paramour, amusements and amusement parks, etc.

The sixth house helps us look into signifies enemies, diseases, hurdles, injuries, theft, vices, foreign elements of every description, intestines, violence, theft, etc.

The seventh house represents spouse, marriage or live-in relationship, divorce, reproductive parts of the body, trade, and business.

The eighth house is used to determine death, dishonor, adventures, foreign travels, sea, scrotum, destruction, longevity, etc.

The ninth house deals with luck in general, divine help, religion, spirituality, the Guru, higher knowledge, and one’s father, etc.

The tenth house is examined to answer questions about the profession, social status, government, and bureaucracy.

The eleventh house is seen for gains, left ear, injury, disease, the lower portion of legs, etc.

The twelfth house signifies feet, expenditure, wastage, overuse, loss, separation, luxury, and sexual enjoyment in particular.

These significations are the bare minimum and a complete list will make the article overly long. If our question pertains to career, we shall see the tenth house. If we are looking for financial status we shall examine the second and the eleventh houses. It is very important to find out the correct house to look for when answering a question.  Once we know the house to examine, we look at the planet that owns the house. The strength of the ruling planet will tell us whether the results will be good or bad. For example, if the question pertains to the financial situation, if the lord of the second and the eleventh houses are strong one would be wealthy. We shall now look at the planets and their properties.

Planets as Karakas for Relationships and Things

Sun  : Father, profession, vocation and soul.

Moon : Mind, mother.

Mars : Siblings.

Mercury : Power of speech, education, maternal relations.

Jupiter : Wealth, progeny, husband, elder brother and sister, education.

Venus : Wife, vehicle, real estate, physical happiness.

Saturn : Longevity, service, servants.

Planets as Karakas for houses.

First House : Sun

Second House: Jupiter, Mercury 

Third House: Mars

Fourth House : Moon, Venus

Fifth House: Jupiter

Sixth House: Mars

Seventh House: Venus

Eighth House: Saturn

Ninth House : Jupiter,

Tenth House: Mercury, Sun, Saturn, Jupiter

Eleventh House : Jupiter

Twelfth House: Saturn, Venus.

Planetary governances

Sun: Soul

Moon: Mind

Mars: Strength

Mercury: Speech

Jupiter: Knowledge and happiness

Venus: Sexual potency

Saturn: Grief

Planetary cabinet

Sun and Moon: Royal status

Mars: Army chief

Mercury: Prince

Jupiter and Venus: Ministers

Saturn: Law

Planetary states

 Because of their continuous movement around the Zodiac, planets pass through various Avasthas (states). There are total of five states and they depend on the degree of the planet in a sign.

Odd signs Avastha(State) Even signs Grade of results
0º-6º Infant 30º-24º ¼
6-º12º Youthful 24º-18º ½
12º-18º Adolescent 18º-12º Full
18º-24º Old 12º- 6º Negligible
24-º 30º Dead 6º-0º Nil

Combust planets

When a planet is very near to the Sun his/her energy is overpowered by that of the Sun. The planet is then considered to be combust. Combust planets do not give good results and the house of which they are lords also suffer.

Planet Combust in direct motion Combust in retrograde motion
Moon 12º
Mars 17º
Mercury 14º 12º
Jupiter 11º 11º
Saturn 10º
Venus 16º 16º

Natural friends and enemies


Planet Friends Enemies Neutral (Equals)
Sun Moon, Mars, Jupiter Venus, Saturn Mercury
Moon Sun, Mercury None Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn
Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter Mercury Venus, Saturn
Mercury Sun, Venus Moon Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Mercury, Venus  Saturn
Venus Mercury, Saturn Sun, Moon Jupiter, Mars
Saturn Mercury, Venus Sun, Moon Jupiter


Temporary friends and enemies

The planet placed in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 10th,11th, 12th  house from another planet becomes a temporary friend. In rest of the houses he becomes a temporary enemy.

Compound relationship

First relationship Second relationship Resultant relationship
1 Friend Friend Extreme friend
2 Neutral Friend Friend
3 Enmity Friendship Neutral
4 Enmity Enmity Extreme Enmity
5 Neutral Enmity Enmity


Effect of a relationship.

Relationships in the above table will give results as given below.

  1. 1. Full benefic results with guarantee.
  2. 2.Benefic results.
  3. 3.Good results in a friendly sub period.
  4. 4.Full malefic results.
  5. 5.Malefic results.


To gauge the strength of a planet the following figures will be helpful.

Exalted: 100% good results.

Mool Trikona: 75% good results.

Own house: 50% good results.

Friendly sign: 25% good results.

Neutral sign: 12.5% good results.

Debilitation or enemy sign: No good results. Only bad results.

The concept of the Karaka or the significator

A karaka is a planet that signifies the characteristics of a Bhava or house. Each house is given one or more Karaka.

The Sun is the karaka of the Lagna, the 9th and the 10th;

Jupiter is the karaka of the 2nd, 5th, 10th and the 11th;

Mars is the karaka of the 3rd and the 6th;

Moon is the karaka of the 4th;

Mercury is the karaka of the 4th and the 10th;

Saturn is the karaka of the 6th, 8th, 10th and  the 12th and

Venus is the karaka of the 7th house from the Lagna; these are also called the Bhava-karakas. 

Whenever we examine a chart it is very important to gauge the strength of the Bhava, the Bhava Lord and the Karaka of that house. If all three are strong the results will be bountiful. Diminishing strength of these factors will bring proportional reduction in the results.

The Shad Bala

Shad Bala or the six fold Planetary strength gives us an extremely accurate idea of the strength of a planet and the tendency of that planet to give good or bad results. 

Planets have six sources of strength and these are determined mathematically. There is no guesswork involved. We shall not go into the mathematics and the complex equations involved and will limit ourselves only to listing the sources of strength. The exact strengths are easily available in the computer software available to you.

Unit of planetary strength: The Bala of every planet is measured in Rupas. A Rupa is further sub divided into sixty Shashtiamsa.

  1. Digbala: Various planets become powerful in certain directions. Below is a summary of strengths by virtue of placement in one of the four directions. This Bala (strength) is called Digbala or strength due to direction.

East: Mercury and Jupiter are strong in the east, or when they are placed in Lagna or ascendant.

West: Saturn is strong in the west or in the seventh house. 

North: Moon and Venus are strong in the north, or when in the fourth house. Planets get zero Digbala when they are 180º away from their place of maximum strength. 

South: Sun and Mars are strong in the south or in the tenth house. 

When a planet is strong in Digbala, he will benefit the native in his direction in his Maha Dasha or Antar Dasha.

Suppose, Saturn is situated in the seventh house in the west, he will benefit the native in his Maha Dasha or Antar Dasha from the western direction and all activities will be completed fruitfully and completely in that direction. 

  1. Sthanbal (positional strengths): A planet occupies a certain sign in a Rashi in a friendly, neutral or inimical Vargas (divisions). It could be exalted or debilitated, it could be in his Mool Trikon Rashi or his own sign. All these states refer to position of the planet and determine the strength of a planet. Thus Sthanbal is divided into five parts.
  • Uchha Bal: Strength due to exaltation.
  • Sapta Varga Bal: Strength due to placement in seven Varga. 

Planets also get strength during day or night. A day in this case will be from sunrise to Sunset, and a night will be its opposite.

  • Oja Yugma Rashi Amsa Bala: Strength due to placement in a odd or an even sign and odd and even Navamsa. 
  • Kendra Bala: Strength due to placement in the first, fourth seventh or tenth sign. (not Bhava or house)
  • Dreshkan Bal: Planets are divided into three classes, masculine, feminine and hermaphrodite. Sun Mars and Jupiter are masculine, Moon and Venus are feminine and Mercury and Saturn are hermaphrodite planets. A male planet in the first Dreshkan gets 15 Shashtiamsas of strength. A hermaphrodite planet gets a similar value in the middle Dreshkan while a feminine planet in the third Dreshkan gets the same value. 

The sum of all these five sub categories is called Sthanbal. 

  1. Kalbal: This is the strength acquired by a planet due to time. This is calculated by considering the year, month, weekday, and hour. Kalbal is further subdivided into 
  • Nat Unnat bal: This the strength that a planet gets on account of birth occurring during day or night.

Planets which are strong during the day: Sun, Venus and Jupiter are strong only during the day. Planets which are strong during the night: Moon, Mars and Saturn are strong during the night.  Mercury is an exception and is strong both during the day as well as the night.

  • Paksh Bal: This is the strength that a planet gets due to the birth being in a bright or dark fortnight.

Malefic planets like Mars and Saturn are strong during the Krishna Paksha (Dark fortnight) while the benefics like Moon, Jupiter and Venus are strong during the Shukl Paksha (bright fortnight).

    • Tribhaga Bal: Strength due to birth being in a particular part of day and night. The day and night are divided into three parts respectively. Various planets get various strengths when falling in different parts.
    • Srishtiyadi Ahargana: Ahargana is the number of days passed from any particular epoch and Srishtiyadi Ahargana means the number of days passed since creation. According to the Hindu mathematics 714404130045 days have passed since creation of human life on earth. 
  • Abda Bal: The planet who becomes the king of the year gets a strength of 15 Shashtiamsa. 
  • Maasa Bal: The planet who becomes the lord of the month gets a value of 30 Shashtiamsa.  
  • Vara Bal: The planet who becomes the lord of the day gets a strength of 45 Shashtiamsa. 
  • Hora Bal: A day is divided into 24 hours and each Hora is ruled by a planet. The planet that rules the Hora at the time of birth gets a strength of 60 Shatiamsas. 
  • Ayana Bal: Each planet will be situated either towards the north or south of the celestial equator and as a result of this it gains a certain amount of strength. This is called Ayana Bal. 
  1. Cheshta Bal: Cheshta means effort. More specifically it means the effort due to retrogression. Every planet gets into a state of retrogression when its distance from the Sun exceeds a particular limit. The strength due to this act is called Cheshta Bal. 
  2. Naisargic Bal: Refers to the natural strength that a planet possesses. The value assigned to each depends upon its luminosity. Sun has the greatest Naisargic Bal while Saturn has the smallest. 
  3. Drik Bal: Drik means aspect and Drik bal is the strength that a planet gets from aspects by other planets.

The system of Dasha and Bhukti

What is Dasha and Bhukti in astrology? 

Hindu Vedic astrology is a Moon-based system. Everything is centered around the Moon. 

The Zodiac is a circle of 360 degrees and is divided into 108 segments each spanning 3° 20’. Each of these segments is called a Navamsha or Navamsa.  The zodiac is also divided into twenty-seven segments of 13° 20’ each. Each segment is called a Nakshatra. Each Nakshatra will, therefore, have four Navamshas.

There are a total of twenty-seven Nakshatras in all starting from Ashwini and ending with Revati.

A Rashi or sign is 30° in extent and each Rashi will have two Nakshatras in it with 3° and 20’ of arc left. This one Navamsaha will be the starting point of the next Nakshatra. 

For example, let us take the case of Mesh Rashi or Aries. There are thirty-degree in the  Rashi. Ashwini Nakshatra which measures 13° 20’ will occupy it and Bharani Nakshatra which is the next Nakshatra and also measures 13° 20’ will also fit in completely. Now we have 3° and 20’ left and this will be occupied by the first Navamsa of Krittika Nakshatra. The rest of the three Navamshas of Krittika will spill over into Vrish Rashi or Taurus.  This is the foundation of the Dasha Bhukti system.

We note down the time of birth and then make a horoscope based on it. The placement and the degree of the Moon are carefully noted.

Let us assume that someone is born on 29/12/2019 at 21.21Hrs  in Delhi. The Moon is placed in Makar Rashi or Capricorn at 23° 46’ in Dhanishtha Nakshatra. Dhanishta Nakshatra starts in Capricorn at 23° 20’ and ends at 6°40’ of Kumbha or Aquarius.

Dhanishtha 293º20’-306º40’ Makar23º20-Kumbh 6º40’ Mars 7

  Dhanishtha Nakshatra is ruled by Mars which has a Dasha lasting seven years.  If Moon was exactly at 23°20’ in Dhanishtha, she would have enjoyed a full Dasha period of seven years. Since she is placed at 23°46’ she has traveled 26’ beyond the starting point. Now it is a question of simple math. If 13°20’ are equivalent to seven years then 13°20’ minus 46’ or 12°34’ are equal to 6.47 years.  Technically the extent already traveled by Moon is called the Bhukt or spent period. And the extent remaining is known as Bhogya meaning still to be experienced.  This is often expressed as ‘Remainder of Mars Dasha at birth is 6.47 years.’ or six years ten months and twenty-four days. 

Dasha period is measured in years, but the whole of that period will not be the same. There will be ups and downs in the life of an individual. We need smaller periods that can narrow down the focus. A Bhukti is exactly that. It is used to ratchet up the magnification. From years, we can focus down to months, days and right up to the time taken by a moment. These are termed as Mahadasha, Antardasha, Pratyantar Dasha, Pran Dasha, and Sooksham Dasha.

This is a very rudimentary explanation of the system, and I have deliberately not explained how to calculate the Antardasha and Pratyantardasha.


We recommend that people who are keen to get a horoscope based guidance for themselves , should be aware about the basic terms and facets of Astrology. This will help you get a better understanding of the guidance that you seek.

Astrologer Rajiv Sethi
About Author

Astrologer Rajiv Sethi

An astrologer par excellence, Rajiv has more than 30 years of Astrology exposure to multiple countries and cultures. Rajiv Sethi is a Vedic Astrologer with Jyotish Visharad/MA in astrology from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences, Delhi chapter.

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