Saturn, the name that spells Justice, hard work & discipline in astrology is moving signs early next year. Saturn has been in Aquarius sign since 17th January 2023 and is currently posited here. It will move to Pisces sign on 29th March 2025 and stay there till 3rd June 2027. The planet is moving from a sign that was ruled by itself to a sign that is ruled by Jupiter.
However, Saturn’s move to Aries in 2027 is short-lived as it re-enters Pisces on 20th October 2027 in retrograde motion. Saturn’s final movement out of Pisces sign happens on 23rd February 2028 only.
One way or the other, rightly or wrongly, Saturn as a planet has been made into a planet of dread and scare, which is not really required.
Many people who believe in or follow astrology, look at the planet and its transits and natal positions with a mix of anxiety and apprehension. The fear may not be totally misplaced but at the same time, is not necessary also as Saturn is a giver of many things as well, most important of them being Learning, Maturity and Wisdom.
During a Saturn transit, multiple facets of our lives, including career, relationships, health, and overall well-being, may be influenced. This period is often regarded as a time of growth and reflection, as it challenges us to face obstacles and gain meaningful life lessons. Saturn is known to be an extremely effective but a hard disciplinarian teacher.
Click here to read your 2025 forecast & Saturn’s importance in your Janam Kundli.
Saturn is known as शनैश्चर: in Sanskrit or Hindi. It means Slow ( शनै:) Moving ( चर ).
It stays for 27 months in one sign and therefore takes full 30 years to complete its one revolution around the zodiac. During this 27 months time, Saturn does both direct as well as retrograde movement.
Saturn as a planet has been depicted as a hard task master and is synonymous with hard work, difficulties, harshness, delays and aloofness. Many ancient astrological texts and even the astrologers of past and present do paint the Saturn as a planet of dread. While, this kind of classification is not totally without a justification, Saturn is also known to bring exceptional transformational changes that take the native to a different level or realm of life in positive ways.
Post March 2025, people with Moon sign of Aquarius, Pisces or Aries will be undergoing through their Sadhe Saati. Capricorn Moon sign people will be heaving a sign of relief with end of their arduous transit and Aries Moon sign people will start experiencing the initial effects of the Sadhe saati.
Our renowned astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak has written a comprehensive post on the impact of Saturn’s upcoming transit in Pisces in March 2025.
Here is a summary of the predictions for each sign:
12th house transit or the first phase of Sadhe Saati will be challenging for most Aries natives on all fronts like Career, Health, Finances and relationships. A silver lining would be some kind of betterment or benefits related to foreign associations.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
Taurus natives should get strong support of Saturn in all areas of life though the aspect on Lagna and the 8th house might bring some difficulties on Health front.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
There will be opportunities with respect to career during the transit though parents health especially if they are in elderly age bracket will keep Gemini natives mentally occupied.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
Saturn is the lord of 8th house and thereby a functional malefic ( not good effect) planet for Cancer sign natives. Till March 2025, Saturn was also posited in your 8th house. This could have caused substantial distress to many Cancerians especially on Health front.
Saturn moving to your 9th house would bring relief post March 2025. Betterment can be expected on all fronts. However, the pace of betterment is likely to be slow especially in 2025.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
For Leo lagna or Leo Moon sign people, Saturn is the lord of 6th and 7th houses. It is also a strong adversary to the Lord of Leo sign, the Sun. This makes Saturn a tough and difficult planet for Leo natives.
Saturn moves to your 8th house, making it Ashtam Shani placement for you. Expect toughness on all fronts. However a good thing about 8th house transit of Saturn is that it is transformational. If you keep the right attitude during this complex sojourn, you will not only come out flying but also be much better equipped for a far more promising future.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
Saturn is a benefic ( positive impact) planet for Virgo natives. It lords over the 5th and 6th houses of the Virgo horoscope.
The transit of Saturn from Pisces will be happening in the 7th house of Virgo natives. This will give them mixed results. While the transit will give encouraging results for Career, partnerships and on financial front, but at the same time may prove average to below average on the fronts of Health and spouse.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
The 6th house transit of Libra will prove overall good for Libra natives. Saturn is a benefic planet for them and the 6th house placement is also a favourable astrological phenomenon.
You can expect overall prosperity, good opportunities on Career front, gains from abroad and Saturn’s help in paying off old loans. Health wise also, Saturn will help you take control of your diseases. Some challenges on maternal relations side might be there though.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
Saturn is an enemy planet of your Lagna or Rashi lord Mars. It will be moving over your 5th house.
5th house denotes children/progeny, love affairs and long term financial planning. Sitting in 5th house, Saturn aspects your 11th house which is the key most house for evaluating long term investments and income from business. You can expect substantial developments on these fronts. Health may see some hiccups.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
The commencement of Kantak Shani might bring over all harshness on several fronts. However, Saturn is not an enemy of your Lagna or Rashi lord and it also presides over two very important houses – 2nd and 3rd. 2nd house represents Wealth and 3rd house represents Valour. Therefore, there can be growth but with a fair share of challenges.
Saturn in your 4th house in this transit will aspect your 10th house that represents career. Career will see some significant change that possibly might have an angle of unpleasantness say like a transfer from your existing place. Health wise, lungs should be protected as also care should be taken of Mother’s health as well.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
Saturn is the lord of Capricorn sign. So, whether Capricorn is your ascendant on your Moon sign, Saturn is extremely important planet for you.
Saturn’s moving from Aquarius to Pisces, which means from your 2nd house to 3rd house -shall prove fortunate on all fronts. For people with Capricorn Moon, this signals the end of Sadhe saati, a long 7.5 years transit that could have proved cumbersome for a large chunk of the natives. Health front will see noticeable relief for a lot many of you. You will have an all time high element of grit and courage for the next 27 months.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
Saturn is lord of Aquarius sign also. However it also lords over the troublesome 12th house. Therefore there is a stronger probability of mixed results as compared to Capricorn natives.
For people with Aquarius Moon sign, you would be entering the last phase of your Sadhe Saati. While the peak phase of the much feared transit is over, you can expect some harshness to continue lingering over from the past. Speech must be carefully monitored as Saturn in 2nd house is well capable of making you blurt out things that you are likely to regret later.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
For those who were born with Pisces ascendant or Moon sign, it is a re-run for you. Saturn is back again in your sign. For people with Pisces Moon sign, the peak phase of Sadhe Saati starts in March 2025. The peak phase of Sadhe Saati brings challenges on many fronts as per ancient astrological texts.
Traditionally, astrologers may offer numerous cautionary warnings and ominous predictions about this astrological aspect. One must, however, understand that there are no absolute black and whites while trying to understand the situation and its impact. Hard work, discipline and perseverence are the keys to get out of any kind of tricky situation especially when Saturn is the harbinger.
Pisces is known as Meena ( मीन) in Hindi. It is a watery sign, ruled by the Jupiter.
Pisces represents creativity, empathy, spirituality, intuition and compassion. It also represents dreams and subconscious.
It is the 12th and the last sign of the zodiac and thus also metaporically represents an ending or a completion of a cycle or removal or dissolution of boundaries.
Here comes the interesting part as the Saturn on the other hand, signifies boundaries/limits , rules , strictness and rigidity. So we have confluence of 2 diverse energies happening during this transit.
Saturn in Pisces allows for mixing of the grounded and disciplined energies of the planet with that of fluid and imaginative energies of the Pisces sign.
One may see or or many of the folowing manifestations :
Possible Macro impact:
On a Macro level, Saturn transit to Pisces in 2025 may lead to better awareness of macro level issues like concerns related to the environment , humanitarian efforts for deprived sections& masses as Saturn represents them and also to some kind of spiritual awakening or movements.
During this transit of Saturn, people might make concerted efforts for addressing social inequalities and fostering a sense of unity and compassion in dealing with global challenges.
Astrologers across the world tend to see transits of major planets from Moon sign.
However, it has also been seen that many a times, predictions of transits when seen from Lagna or Ascendant are also quite accurate.
Astropatri recommends that one should see the transits from both Ascendant and Moonsign in that order.
Astropatri allows you to check your Lagna and Moon Sign. You can make your horoscope and get to know about your planetary details by clicking here.
In case, you are getting conflicting predictions from Lagna & the Moonsign, it is always better to consult an experienced astrologer who can synthesize & finetune the predictions for you.
Another way to check the possible impact of this transit in terms of positives and negatives is to see what Ashtakvarga points, Saturn is getting in Pisces in your birth chart. If it is 4 or more, one can expect a fairly good transit.
It is also advisable to see the possible results of impact of a major transit like that of Saturn’s Pisces transit from 2025 in conjunction with the operating Dasha. It is seen that the results of the transit are more pronounced when the planet in consideration is also operating as the Mahadasha or Antardasha lord.
The strength of the transiting planet in the birth chart is obviously one of the main factors that define the possible and potential impacts of major transits.
Moon represents the mental self and Lagna represents the physical persona. It is also quite possible that some of the impacts of the transit can work more on the mental realm rather than the physical one. Reading the transit results from Lagna as well as the Moon sign is therefore recommended strongly.
Astrologers and students of astrology across world place a lot of significance to Saturn’s transits and the effects and impact of these transits is quite distinct to the discerning few. While the transit does bring the natives a sense of complexity, it also offers exceptional opportunities to align and prepare oneself much better in dealing with the future.
Astropatri, therefore advises its readers not to be overly anxious or concerned about the impact of upcoming transit of Saturn in Pisces from March 2025.
Saturn is known to be a hard task master but at the same time is known for its sense of justice.
Saturn as a planet identifies with Elderly, working classes, masses and poor people. If one is good to them in general, the chances of Saturn troubling you are pretty less anyways.
It is also recommended that if for any reasons, Saturn’s transits are giving too much hassle then worship of Lord Hanuman on a daily basis must be done. The other remedies of Saturn can also be done. Remedies for each sign are given on individual sign pages for Saturn’s 2025 -2027 transit in Pisces.
Saturn is the primary Karaka for justice. It is said that Saturn’s natal placement, its Dasha periods and transits indicate the most important lessons, one needs to learn during either the life time of for that particular period.
Saturn is thus treated as a very important and significant teacher for all of us. It is strict, high on discipline, punishing mistakes but at the same time, absolutely fair in what all it brings to its students.
1. Saturn enters Pisces sign on 29th March 2025
2. Saturn becomes retrograde in Pisces sign on 13th July 2025.
3. Saturn becomes direct in Pisces sign on 28th November 2025.
1. Saturn becomes retrograde in Pisces sign again on 27th July, 2026.
2. Saturn becomes direct in Pisces on 11th December 2026.
1. Saturn enters Aries sign on 3rd June, 2027
2. Saturn gets into retrograde motion on 9th August 2027.
3. Saturn re-enters Pisces sign in retrograde motion on 20th October 2027.
4. Saturn becomes direct in Pisces sign on 24th December 2027.
1. Saturn finally leaves Pisces sign and enters Aries sign on 23rd February 2028.
Saturn’s movement happens primarily through 3 Nakshatras during its Pisces sojourn.