It is all about Genuine Astrology !

Astropatri aims to be the leading Vedic Astrology site of India. It is a a part of Sarvshree Digital Tech and Marketing Private limited. Sarv means for all and Shree means – fame, wealth and well-being. Thats the aim of Astropatri.

We wish to distinguish ourselves from the rest of the players who are already operating in the space by giving well researched and somewhat esoteric content. While we will adopt and promote a progressive approach to Astrology, we will remain true to the basics of the science without using any modern-day filters.

Our Astrologers will all be experienced not only in Astrology but also in Life. Unless we find someone very good despite his lesser number of years in the domain, we will remain partial to age and experience.

Many current Astrology websites are currently love or relationships centred. Apparently, this is where the dollars are. However, while Astropatri will be all eyes and ears to your genuine relationship problems, we will not milk the area of love and relationships just to increase our earnings.

Astropatri wishes to create a very interactive horoscope engine in times to come. However, this is still some time away as we speak.

Astrologers in earlier times used to live a pious life so that their predictions come out accurate. This part has been compromised a lot in recent times. Astropatri is very particular that our astrologers are deeply spiritual persons who use Astrology as a science of piety. Therefore, we are very selective about whom we will work with or not.

Our core is that we would not like to earn out of misery of someone. Earning our bread and butter is important but so is keeping the tab on our Karma. No costly or unnecessary remedies just to increase our wealth!

Where we are based?

Astropatri is based out of Noida. We can be reached out at the following address:

8th Floor, Platina Heights,
Sector 62, Noida

Parashar Rishi

Our Core Values !

Our Core Values are - Empathy, Kindness, Compassion, Being Truthful and Genuine! We are WYSIWYG ( What you see is what you get!)


Most astrology websites focus on love and relationships. However, Astropatri won’t exploit this area just to make more money but provide honest solution to your genuine relationship problems.


Our Astrologers will all be experienced not only in Astrology but also in Life. Unless we find someone very good despite his lesser number of years in the domain,we will remain partial to age and experience.


Astrologers in the past lived a pious life to ensure their predictions were accurate. Unfortunately, this has changed in recent times. At Astropatri, we’re very selective about who we work with. Our astrologers are deeply spiritual people who use astrology as a science of piety.

Astropatri's Core

A little bit for ourselves and everything for others!
स्वस्मै स्वल्पं समाजाय सर्वस्वं।
(From Ancient wisdom)

About the Founder

Alok Bhatnagar

Alok Bhatnagar, founder of Astropatri got initiated in the field of Astrology in 1998. Internet had just come about in India and the world.  Alok founded the Astrology portal for Times Group – Astrospeak.

To his own surprise, Alok saw Astrospeak becoming the 16th highest traffic site on Alexa worldwide in 1 year of its launch. (Thanks to the direct supervision of the then MD of Times Group, Shri Vineet Jain and contribution of the entire team who all used to work like there is no tomorrow). The interest of Indians across the globe in Astrology was proved beyond any doubt.

The stint also allowed Alok to interact with renowned and expert astrologers and get some kind of on-the-job training from them. As a part of the QA process, Alok had to randomly check the Astrologers’ answers with the Customers’ queries, and it was not possible without having substantial knowledge of the domain. So, the learning continued over the days, months and years encompassing study of perhaps thousands of horoscopes.

Back home, Alok faced a sad situation as someone very close, unfortunately got into a long and debilitating illness. It looked like that the relief will come only from delivery from the diseased body. An astrologer predicted the exact month of end of this life’s journey almost 2 years before. So, the mettle of the science became also very clear. 

Alok’s association with Astrospeak however ended in 2005 as part of his normal career progression.

Over the next few years, while Alok continued his Career journey launching multiple startups in Education and Insurance space, his love for Astrology remained undiminished and he continued to see and analyse horoscopes of near and dear ones. Alok constantly nursed the dream of launching an Astrology website with focus on serious advice and Astropatri is the culmination of that dream.

Our Certifications
