February 15, 2024 Author: Alok Bhatnagar
Guna or Qualities matching is extremely important within the Hindu religion at the time of fixing a marriage.
As per Hindu scriptures marriage is holy and which two individuals will be marriedtogether is predetermined – prior to the birth of the persons. Being married and having a happylife with a loving and supportive spouse is a dream many harbor, and hence it is essential to findthe right match.
A poor marriage / bad spouse can wreak havoc in a person’s life and upset allother aspects of one’s life. Guna Milaap / matching qualities in the horoscope of each of thepersons deciding to tie the knot is undertaken so as to nullify the evil effects, if any, such that the marriage is happy.
An astrologer can provide remedies and solutions for any faults or doshas identified in the kundlis or horoscopes.
Kundli matching is the analysis of Vedic compatibility of the soon to be married couple – the element of uncertainty is removed through this matching /guna milaap. This matching is also known as Kundali Milan, lagna melapak, horoscope matching and compatibility.
The major factors taken into consideration when matching kundlis are:
– Guna Milan
– Navamsa Chart (9 th Division of a Sign) Strength
– Manglik Dosha (faults due to placement of Mars or Mangal )
Several Benefits of doing Guna Milaap before getting into Marriage
– Ensuring Compatibility and Complementary Qualities
Understanding which qualities match within the horoscopes and whether, the to be couple,complements each other is essential to ensure a happy marriage and prevent potentially hazardous qualities from creating problems.
– Provides Insights for the Prospective Spouse
We have expectations and hopes from a spouse, and through Guna milaap one is able to identify whether the prospective spouse possesses most (if not all) the desired qualities. Matching qualities helps to pave the way for a smooth marriage and loving journey until death separates the couple. Guna milaap is a process that will ensure that planets work in your favor such that you do not marry the wrong person, and even minor doshas or faults are corrected before the
marriage takes place.
– Practical and Easy to Follow Remedies possible
By ascertaining any faults or possible issues, a knowledgable astrologer would be able to provide simple remedies to negate the effects of malefic events / planets. These solutions would guide you and the soon to be spouse to elevate the positive and nullify the negative.