Online Kundali – All about it!

Kundali or Patri is the base document for all astrological interpretations and predictions.

While, from the outside, the Kundali or Patri might look like a simple document, in actual it is not. A Kundali is made using pretty complex calculations using divergent algorithms and making use of principles of Astronomy and Astrophysics.

The Kundali makes use of 12 houses, 12 zodiac signs also called Rashis, 9 planets ( 12 in Western Astrology). It is either represented in rectangular form or in a circular form. In India, we have three major systems or styles of chart or Kundali making – Northern India, Southern India and Eastern India.

The Kundali is made primarily at the time of birth however it is also made when one is asking a specific question and is named Prashna Kundali, when made for that reason. It is also made whenever any auspicious work is being undertaken like starting a job or a new business. In some cultures, Kundali is also made when a girl child gets her first periods and in some, it is even made when one turns 60years in age and a ceremony called Shastiapoorthi takes place.

The Kundalis of Boy and Girl are often matched for the purpose of ascertaining the quality and longevity of the marriage and even for the purpose of birth and health prospects of future offsprings.

Astropatri allows for a very detailed Online Kundali generation. It also allows for Online Match Making or Guna Milan. Needless to say, these are free services and a large chunk of interpretations of the online Kundali and online Match making are free. Astropatri charges only when a specific or a far more detailed interpretation is sought from the empanelled astrologers.

What is a Kundali?

A Kundali (Birth Chart) is a map of the sky at the time of birth or of any other time, when the Kundali is being made.

The Kundali is a diagrammatic represenation of the celestial bodies like Sun, Moon and other planets with respect to their placement at various points and various times vis a vis Earth’s orbital position.

The Kundali reveals insights into various aspects of life, such as personality, career, relationships, and destiny of any individual.

The Kundali is a proof of the timeless human intelligence. It is really intriguing to imagine how human beings thoudands or perhaps millions of years ago had clear knowledge of planets invisible to eye and their minute movements like speed, direct or retrograde or even being static.

Historical background & Origins of Kundali

All ancient Astrology books like Brihar Parashara Hora Shastra, Jataka Parijata, Siddhant Shiromani etc have clear mentions of Kundali making, how to make, how to read etc.

Kundali also finds a mention in our Vedas like Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharv Veda.

While  a school of thought credits the Greek civilization to bring forth the Horoscope or the Kundali in its current form, a more credible school of thought says that the word Horoscope itself has origins in the word Hora used by Indian astrologers from time immemorial. You can read about our thoughts about origination of Astrology in detail by clicking here.

Vedic Astrology & the logic behind Kundali making

Vedic astrology follows the principle that celestial bodies influence human lives. While there is a contrary view point that they do not but all of us know for sure that Sun and Moon do.

If Sun and Moon can have such a strong influence on our lives infact they  are even the base of our very existence, there is no reason that other celestial bodies can not have any bearing. The fact that the limitation may rather be in the human thought capabilities rather than the algorithms of the Universe is quite reasonable.

In Astrology and specifically in the Kundali, there are houses, planets, Rashis ( Zodiacs) and Nakshatras.

Then there is Dasha, Transit, strengths of planets, the state of the planet ( strong or weak) , the aspects of planets on each other and so many other permutations and combinations. Each calculation and each premise adds to the promise or the lack thereof the horoscope.

The Kundali is like the base record or the base document that serves as the founding note for all the further calculations required to interpret the planetary messages.

Basic Components of a Kundali

The Kundali has the following primary components :

1. Houses or Bhavas
The Kundali has 12 houses. Every house represents a specific area of human life. For example First house represents Self, Personality, Vitality, Character etc. The 2nd house depicts famly, wealth, speech, right eye and so on. A detailed information on what all each house presents can be accessed here.

2. Planets or Grah
Vedic Astrology considers 9 major planets. Namely Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and RahuKetu.

Western Astrology takes into cognizance – Pluto, Uranus and Neptune as well.

Every planet moves from house 1 to house in anti clock wise manner except Rahu and Ketu which move in clockwise manner.

3. Rashis or Zodiacs
The Earth moves around the Sun in an elleptical orbit, comprising 360 degrees. The orbit is divided in 12 parts and each part is called a Rashi or a Zodiac.

The 12 zodiacs or rashis are as follows :
1.  Aries
2. Taurus
3. Gemini
4. Cancer
5. Leo
6. Virgo
7. Libra
8. Scorpio
9. Sagittarius
10. Capricorn
11. Aquarius
12. Pisces

So the 9 planets can be in any of the twelve houses and any of the twelve rashis. One house or one rashi can house 1 or many infact as many as 8 planets in it ( since Rahu and Ketu remain diagonally opposite, therefore one of them will not be part of the 8).

4. Nakshatras
Vedic or Indian Astrology system has been more Nakshatra specific than Rashi specific. A Rashi is of 30 degrees but a Nakshatra is of 13 degrees 20 minutes. Like a rashi, a nakshatra also has a planetary lord.

The Nakshatra of Moon at the time of birth specifies the Dasha one is born into and the Dasha system that person will have in hsi or her life.

Astropatri has a very detailed Nakshatra section where you can read about each Nakshatra. Click here to read about them.

How accurate is Online Kundali making?

Online Kundali is created by the software which has been programmed by technical people in consultation with astrologers.

The accuracy of the software depends upon the acumen of both the technical guy as well as the person providing astrological logics.

Generally, it has been seen that most sites do correctly cast the horoscope or the Kundali. Most of the charts, Dashas etc are correctly determined and presented. However, it is also often seen that when Doshas or Yogas are mentioned or identified in Kundalis created by these sites, the element of finetuning is often absent.

A case in example is – detecting if Mangalik dosha is present in a horoscope. Astrology says that if Mars is present in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of the horoscope or the Kundali from Lagna, Moon or Venus – The Mangalik dosha will be considered as present. This would effectively mean that hardly anyone will be there without the Mangalik Dosha.

However, if there are say X combinations of being a Mangalik, there are roughly 3X cancellation logics also. So, the actual chances of any one being really a Mangalik are very low.

Astropatri differs from most of the sites in this regard. We look at the possibilities of occurrence as well as cancellation for all such planetary themes. We pride ourselves as being truly accurate in calculating and depicting fine astrological events and occurrences.

Which all occassions, Kundali can or shall be made?

Making of a Kundali or casting of horoscope is as much a cultural thing as it is a religious thing.

In most parts of the country or for households believing in Astrology, getting a Janam Patri made at time of birth of a baby is a given thing.

However, at the same time, there is a commonly held belief that horoscopes or Kundalis of children should not be shown to astrologers except in case of any emergency.

In many South Indian households, a chart is also cast at the onset of menstruation in a young girl. This beautiful tradition recognizes the importance of femininity in the continuation of the universe.

Many astrologers use the concept of Prashna Kundali which is casting the horoscope of the time of asking a question. Prashna Kundali is a well recognised part of Vedic Jyotish and it has got excellent reputation of being accurate in giving answers.

The tradition or practice of casting a horoscope at time of start of any new significant activity be it job, business, building homes or official buildings, starting a new treatment etc is also widely prevalent.

One of the most common usage of the Kundali is in Kundali Milan at time of judging suitability of a partner for marriage purpose. It is also now being seen that young boys and girls also do match their horoscopes while dating each other, sometimes as fun activity and sometimes with a sense of purpose.

Types of Kundali charts prevalent in India

In India, we have 3 basic systems of making the Birth Charts or Kundalis.

Based upon their acceptance and usage in various parts of the country, the main 3 systems are :

– North Indian Style
– South Indian Style
– Eastern Style


Kundali Milan – Importance & Logic

Kundali matching is a crucial aspect of Indian marriages, based on Guna Milan and Ashtakoot compatibility. Key factors include:

  • Matching 36 Gunas – Determines harmony between partners.
  • Mangal Dosha Analysis – Identifies possible challenges and remedies.
  • Modern Perspective – Is Kundali matching necessary for love marriages?

Myths and Misconceptions about Kundali

Many misconceptions surround Kundali making. Let’s debunk some of them:

  • Do twins have the same destiny? No, due to environmental and karmic factors.
  • Why do two people born at the same time have different lives? Birthplace and personal choices affect outcomes.
  • Can a Kundali change over time? The Birth Chart or the Janam Kundali remains the same through out one’s life but the promise of the horoscope may change due to  personal efforts and the grace of the God.

Why chose Astropatri for Free Online Kundali?

Astropatri provides the most accurate and free online Kundali with:

  • Instant and precise birth chart calculations.
  • A non-superstitious, reason-led approach to astrology.
  • Free Kundali matching for marriage compatibility.
  • Expert astrologer consultation for deeper insights.

How Astrology Makes Use of Astrophysics & Astronomy

1. Planetary Motions and Positions

Astrophysics studies the movement of celestial bodies using Kepler’s laws of planetary motion and Newtonian mechanics. Astrology relies on precise planetary positions to generate a Kundali (birth chart), which requires accurate astronomical calculations. These positions are derived from ephemeris data, which is an outcome of astrophysical studies.

2. Precession of the Equinoxes and Sidereal vs. Tropical Zodiac

  • Astrophysics explains how Earth’s axial tilt causes the precession of equinoxes (a slow drift of constellations over time).
  • Vedic astrology accounts for this by using the Sidereal Zodiac, which aligns with fixed stars, while Western astrology uses the Tropical Zodiac, which follows seasonal changes.

3. Gravitational Effects of Planets

While astrology attributes influences to planetary positions, astrophysics explains that celestial bodies do exert gravitational forces on Earth. For example:

  • The Moon’s gravitational pull influences ocean tides, which indirectly affects biological rhythms and behavior.
  • The Sun’s activity (solar flares and electromagnetic storms) can impact Earth’s magnetic field, possibly influencing mood and human activity.

4. Cosmic Rays and Electromagnetic Influence

Astrophysics studies how solar radiation, cosmic rays, and electromagnetic fields interact with Earth. Some astrologers theorize that these celestial energy emissions might influence biological and psychological states, though this remains speculative from a scientific standpoint.

5. Planetary Alignments and Their Effects

Astrology emphasizes planetary conjunctions, retrogrades, and transits, which are astrophysical phenomena.

  • Retrograde motion, an apparent backward movement of planets from Earth’s perspective, is due to differences in orbital speeds—an astrophysical concept that astrology interprets symbolically.
  • Eclipses, which are scientifically explained by celestial alignments, have always been considered significant in astrology for their transformative influence.
hindu astrology
About Author

Alok Bhatnagar

Alok Bhatnagar, founder of Astropatri got initiated in the field of Astrology in 1998. He was working with the Internet department of The Times of India Group at that time. Alok helped set up the Astrology portal for Times Group – Astrospeak.

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