
All About Aquarius

This sign is symbolized as the water carrier. It is also ruled by Saturn. As per western astrology the ruler of this sign is Uranus. This is an air sign. In Hindi, the zodiac is known as Kumbh.

This set of predictions is based on the Ascendant also known as Lagna in Hindi. Unfortunately, most of the people will not be aware of what their ascendant or Lagna is. In Today’s world, most of us are well aware of their Sun-sign by their date and month of birth. If your Sun sign is Aquarius orKumbh, you can still read this and even if your Moon sign (Rashi in Hindi) is  Aquarius or Kumbh, then also the description will be relevant to you.

Aquarius, 11th sign of Zodiac

Personality traits: 

Aquarius natives are generally intelligent, energetic and they are often full of brilliant ideas. 

Generally, Aquarius native seem to be emotionally detached from others. However, once we get to know them on a deeper level, we will be able to find that they can be true friends. 

Aquarius natives love to cheer people up when they are feeling sad. They have good comic timing to bring smiles to the faces of others. 

Although they enjoy deep, meaningful relationships with others, Aquarians are overly independent. They thrive on their freedom, if they feel that their freedom is in any way getting compromised, they may flee the relationship. 

Aquarius can also be quite stubborn that can lead to failures with respect to career and relationships. However, the positive thing with Aquarius is that they are one of the friendliest of all the twelve signs. They can make friends anywhere they go, and are often revered by colleagues for their networking capabilities. 

Their weakness is that they may lack connection with the world they live in. They may seem distant, lost and detached from everyone in their life. If they are not given enough time to be alone, they can become depressed and even resentful of those who have not allowed them their space. 

Hobbies and extracurricular activities can help them get grounded. Their time in solitude should be given priority. Because, that is the only way they can get connected to their roots.


The imaginative power and speed of execution of work makes Aquarius natives have an edge over others in work. Not everyone can manage and work as efficiently as them. 

Creative ideas will make all assignments seem like a game for them which they are able to tackle easily. However, if they are stuck at a job that gives them no satisfaction, or is below their mental needs, this can turn into a torture for both them as well as their employers. 

They need constant motivation and changes, as well as new technologies and equipment to help them shine in their work. They are mostly unpredictable and this makes them a misfit into their team at work. However, their social and eloquent nature will generally resolve problems quickly. 

Their intelligence and efficiency are real assets which no team or company would like to lose easily.


Love excites Aquarians a lot but also makes them feel tied up. They will start a relationship quickly, on a whim, and will also end it in the same fashion. Aquarius need constant excitement and change, or their lives will fall into a boring routine which may be difficult for them to handle. 

Aquarians generally do not eye long term relationships to start with. However, if they build an intimate and intellectually stimulating relationship with another human being, they will remain committed in that relationship. However, it takes time for Aquarius to reach that conclusion. 

Aquarius parents : They can bring stress in the lives of their children. As teachers, healers and friends Aquarius natives will have trouble understanding a strongly emotional approach when needed, for their rational mind does not allow them to make decisions solely based on their hearts. 

Aquarius children are brilliant, creative and innovative. However, they are often misunderstood in their family. However, if they are given the right space and freedom they grow up as liberators, modern thinkers and incredible people with endless possibilities.


Aquarius natives have a strong chance of suddenly falling ill. They may have issues relating to ankles, throat, lungs, heart and nervous system. 

Aquarius natives may also suffer from rheumatism or blood disorders. They should take precautions against infectious diseases. Many Aquarians suffer from anemia, low blood pressure, hardening of the arteries and circulatory problems. They are prone to infections in bladder, breast and veins. They may also be troubled by leg cramps. 

People of this sign should reduce salt intake in their food. They should eat protein rich food and should reduce the consumption of fats. They should avoid coffee and chocolates. They should also drink plenty of water throughout the day.


Aquarius does not get mad after money. Yet they are able to earn good money. 

Aquarians are intelligent and also have strong intuition. If they just follow their intuition, making money won’t be tough. 

They have good value in the organization they work for. It is likely that they will end up getting fat cheques. Their ability to gaze at the future makes them aware when they will need money and how much. Hence, most Aquarians are financially well-planned. They have their plans needed both for present as well as for long-term. 

As an investor, Aquarians are sensible investors. They know when to invest and when to stay away from investment. Their portfolio will have a mix of investments which can ensure their security as well as growth. Aquarians are able to preempt what is going to happen in the market most often. Hence, their investment strategies often work well for them.

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak
About Author

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak

A devout Shirdi Sai Baba devotee, Anand is an expert astrologer with deep compassion,empathy and love for mankind. Anand is a Jyotish Acharya from Bharti Vidya Bhawan, Delhi. He has an experience of 25+ years in practising Astrology and spiritual counselling.

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