An Astrologer par excellence, Rajiv has more than 30 years of Astrology exposure to multiple countries and cultures.
Rajiv Sethi is a Vedic Astrologer with Jyotish Visharad/MA in astrology from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences, Delhi chapter.
He also holds a bachelor’s degree in physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics from Hindu College University of Delhi & taught astrology to diploma level students in the U.S from 2001 to 2008. Initially, He used to teach at the Astrological Institute in Scottsdale, AZ, and later at the Southwest Institute Of Healing Arts in Tempe, AZ.
He also worked with that provided the astrology input for the Microsoft website.
Apart from it, Rajiv was a panel astrologer for the Astrospeak channel of Times of India group from 2001 to 2007. He has written weekly and yearly predictions for Times Jobs. He was also a panel astrologer for Satyam Infocom and has answered hundreds of questions on these platforms.
Rajiv specializes in providing precise answers to complex questions and suggesting remedial measures to reduce the range and scope of the problem being faced by the client.
Astropatri Founder Alok’s views on Rajiv
I met Rajiv way back in 2000 when we connected to get him as an astrologer on the ecommerce channel of Indiatimes Astrospeak. He was based out of the USA but still was very prompt in handling customer queries. From then, the friendship has continued till date.
Rajiv is very straight forward. Sometimes, to the extent of being blunt. But having a blunt guide and advisor helps in matters like Health and Astrology.
Currently Rajiv stays in the NCR region and helps people from across the globe in guiding them to have a better present and future.
What sets Rajiv apart is that he combines his in-depth knowledge of Astrology with an equally strong communication skill – both written and verbal. This perhaps explains 3 million plus views to his posts on Quora.
“I am happy to share with you that I have always received exuberant praise for my readings. My visitor’s book is full of very satisfied and appreciative clients.”