
All about Sagittarius

This fire sign is ruled by Jupiter.  In Hindi, the zodiac is known as Dhanur.

Sagittarius is symbolized by half horse and half man shown with a bow, it follows wherever the arrow goes. 

This set of predictions is based on the Ascendant also known as Lagna in Hindi. Unfortunately, most of the people will not be aware of what their ascendant or Lagna is. In Today’s world, most of us are well aware of their Sun-sign by their date and month of birth. If your Sun sign is Sagittarius, you can still read this and even if your Moon sign (Rashi in Hindi) is Sagittarius or Dhanur, then also the description will be relevant to you.

Sagittarius is 9th sign of the zodiac

Personality traits 

Sagittarians  are happy, creative and adventurous. People born in this sign love to travel, discover and learn new things and meet new people. They are generous, have great sense of humor and are idealistic. 

Sagittarians become unhappy when they are forced to follow a mundane or normal routine. They always want to have different choices in front of themselves. Sagittarius have a great number of friends. Sagittarius native have too many questions to ask and will expect their friends to be the same as them. 

They normally do not follow established social norms. They always want to logically question each norm. 

If Sagittarius natives are confined, they may become uncooperative and rude. 

They make many plans but normally never follow them themselves. Because, even following plans may confine them to plans. They hate all kinds of confinement be it mental as well as physical. 

Sagittarians are intelligent people; they also enjoy being around like-minded and equally intelligent people. 

They are very creative and are spiritually inclined. Though, their understanding of spirituality will be different from social understanding. They may have differences from the world’s view. They will seek their spiritual answers by the right quest. They may travel to the Himalayas in search of spiritual masters. They are true seekers of enlightenment.  


When a Sagittarius native understands his true direction in his life, they will make the right efforts to achieve the greatest things on the professional front. 

However, if they are not able to choose their career path correctly their lack of satisfaction may soak their energies and they may be frustrated and tensed most often. If such a situation arises for Sagittarius it will be prudent to reassess the situation, leave everything back and have a restart. 

Sagittarius people are not very comfortable if they get stuck to a job which appears boring to them. They will also start getting frustrated when he is forced to stay at one place for long unless there is possibility to discover and learn. 

However, as a team member Sagittarians are the most useful asset to any company as they would easily give everything, they have to help others. However, a late understanding can dawn that they have been used by others for their personal growth.


Sagittarius natives can at times be incredibly positive and bring happiness and positivity to people whom they associate with. They will also passionately fight for their shared beliefs. 

However, Sagittarius natives speak their minds often without much consideration. They may lack tact, tenderness, and maturity. 

When involved in a romantic relationship, this is not a sign that can give promise of a long-lasting bond. They need a partner who will fill their lives with adventure, or at least follow them in theirs, and there is nothing that can kill their spirit as much as a static routine which most relationships demand. Therefore, Sagittarius native hovers over many relationships and is not the kind of person who would stick around unnecessarily. 

As a parent they are usually perfectly connected with their children. They will enjoy playing with them. Because, the child in them doesn’t want to be a grownup themselves. However, Sagittarius may put lots of expectations around their children which may make them suffocate. This may make the children either mentally distant from them or they may turn their children into robots who only want to fulfill their parent’s expectations. 

A Sagittarius child is loveable. They are always curious and have pleasant smiles. They are always prepared to learn, grow and laugh on almost all occasions. 


Sagittarians are overall blessed with good health. However, there may be issues related to the nervous system. There can also be issues concerning hips, thighs and muscular system in general. They may suffer from minor injuries and sprain. They normally gain too much weight, as they enter old age. 

A well-balanced diet is very essential for the Sagittarian. Because of their increased physical activity they need to have high protein diets and plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. 

Drinking lots of water is very necessary for Sagittarians. They should also avoid high-fat meals, sauces, butter, cream and chocolates. 

They should avoid liquor as it can damage their liver immensely. Daily walks can help them immensely.


Sagittarius is a zodiac sign which will not run after wealth blindly. However, their desire to explore and travel may require them to earn well to fulfill their desires. Sagittarius natives are intelligent as well as bold in taking right financial decisions. Therefore, money normally is not a problem for them. They will always have plenty at their disposal. 

However, their expenses may also be on the higher side. To tackle this, they need to learn to manage and handle their finances more wisely.

As an investor Sagittarius native is very bold and will not shy away from taking risky financial decisions. However, most often such decisions backfire and they have to face adverse consequences as well. Therefore, it is prudent for Sagittarius native to plan their investments properly. 

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak
About Author

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak

A devout Shirdi Sai Baba devotee, Anand is an expert astrologer with deep compassion,empathy and love for mankind. Anand is a Jyotish Acharya from Bharti Vidya Bhawan, Delhi. He has an experience of 25+ years in practising Astrology and spiritual counselling.

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