February 16, 2024 Author: Anand Sagar Pathak
Raj yogas are benefic yogas which helps the native achieve exalted positions in their life and career. Astrological tests gave tremendous importance to Raj or rajya yogas. Even though kings do not exist nowadays still a promised rajya yoga can give dignified status in business, profession or government services. It can also grant ranks of ministers to the native. The native can achieve great professional and social status if there are good rajya yogas in his horoscope.
Here, I have explained rajya yoga using the classical astrological texts named Phala Deepika. Ancient representations of elephants, horses etc. can be understood as luxurious conveyances.
1. The native becomes a widely renowned king if at birth he has three or more planets in their own signs posited in a kendra. Even one born in an ordinary family becomes a ruler of the earth possessing bands of elephant and horses, if five or more planets be posited in a kendra in their signs of exaltation or in their own signs.
2. A person born in royal family becomes a king if he is not born under the Duryoga nor any planets at the time of his birth are eclipsed by the Sun’s rays. A person born in a royal family becomes a king if in his nativity three or more planets posited in a kendra are in their sign of exaltation or in their own signs but if such a yoga exists in the nativity of a person born in an ordinary family, he becomes influential and prosperous like a king. He can also become a king.
3. Even a single planet, even if he be in debilitation, is capable of making a person equal to a king. If not being posited in evil houses (sixth house, eighth house or twelfth house) or combust and be possessed of brilliant rays and be in retrograde motion. If three or more such planets are so disposed, the native becomes a king. If there are many planets posited in auspicious houses and Navamsa, the native will become a king endowed with the insignias of royalty such as crown, umbrella and waving chowries.
4. The native belonging to royal family becomes victorious everywhere if at his birth two or more planets are endowed with Digbala.
Note: The Sun and Mars have full Digbala in the Bhava Madhya of the tenth house. The Moon and Venus have full Digbala in the Bhava Madhya of the fourth house. Mercury and Jupiter have full Digbala in the Bhava Madhya of the first house. Saturn has full Digbala in the Bhava Madhya of the seventh house.
Should there be five such planets (excepting Saturn) or at least four planets possessing Digbala, even the person born in an ordinary family, becomes a king.
5. When the Lagna and the Moon both are in Vargottama Navamsa and when the Lagna be aspected by four planets other than the Moon, the person belonging even to a low family becomes a king.
6. Should at birth the lord of the Lagna being Vargottam be posited in a Kendra or Trikona and the lord being Vargottam be posited in the Kendra or the ninth house in his own sign or his sign of exaltation, the native will become a king who will occupy a beautiful golden vehicle on the back of an elephant, with chowries adorning the two sides.
7. When at birth the Moon is brilliant with white luster and is aspected by planet disposed in his own sign or his sign of exaltation, even the person whose legitimacy is questionable, will become a king. When the full Moon is placed in Kendra other the Lagna the native will become a king owning elephants and houses.
8. When at birth Venus being placed in Ashwini Nakshatra occupies the Lagna and is aspected by three planets, the person concerned becomes a powerful king capable of overcoming his enemies.
When the lord of Lagna is powerful and occupies the second house with Venus in a sign which is not his sign of debilitation nor an enemy’s sign, the person concerned with become a king.
9. Should Mars be in Aries or Sagittarius identical with the lagna and be aspected by a friendly planet, the person concerned becomes a king.
Should the lord of the ninth house be in the tenth house and vice versa, the person born becomes a king who is extolled by all. This is a very powerful rajya yoga.
10. Should the Sun in conjunction with the Moon be posited in the middle of Sagittarius. If Saturn occupies the Lagna and a very powerful Mars be in his sign of exaltation, the native will become an extremely valorous king who will be offered salutations out of fear by his enemies from a distance.
11. If the Moon brilliant with disc resembling nectar and lotus stalk in color (i.e., the full Moon) occupies a Navamsa owned by the Sun and benefics unassociated with malefics occupy kendra, the person born will become a king owning many elephants.
12. Should the Moon be brilliant and as white as milk or conch (i.e., full) and three other planets not being in depression sign or vargas, be in their own Navamsa and be receiving the aspect of benefics, the person born becomes lord of the Earth (king) and Vanquishes his enemies.
13. Should the Moon having attained Vargottam be aspected by a strong planet and no malefic be posited in the Lagna the person will becomes as emperor and possess a well-formed body.
14. When Jupiter, Mercury and Venus or the Moon are posited in ninth house with brilliant rays uneclipsed and are also aspected by or associated with friendly planets, the person born will become a great king and will be worshipped by his subjects like a deity.
15. Should Jupiter and Venus be in Meena, Saturn be exalted, the full Moon be aspected by Mars and the Sun be in Aries identical with the Lagna, the native concerned will become a king owning a vast army by whose marching so much dust in raised that Sun becomes invisible and as a consequence the lotus flowers begin to contract under the impression that the Sun has set.
16. (a) The birth be at night (b) the Moon be in Cancer identical with tenth house, (c) benefics being in debilitation or inimical signs be posited in the third, sixth and eleventh houses or be in deep exaltation or be all posited in kendras uneclipsed. When the native has such a disposition of planets at birth, be becomes, a great king ruling the three worlds under one umbrella.
17. If the full Moon be in Vargottam Navamsa, the person born becomes a powerful King of the Earth and is highly renowned. He will possess an army with horses, the dust raised by whose hoofs overshadows the light of the Sun and it resembles that of the Moon in the morning.
18. Should Jupiter and the Moon be in Kendra aspected by Venus with no planet in his sign of debilitation, the person born becomes king with unequalled fame.
19. If at birth the Moon be in a watery sign and Navamsa identical with Lagna and also be in his own or benefic Varga, with no malefics in Kendra, the native becomes a King owning many elephants.
20. Five Rajya Yogas are described below: –
(a) If Venus is aspected by Jupiter a person born in a royal family becomes a King.
(b) If Jupiter occupies a sign other than Capricorn identical with Lagna, the native becomes a King with many elephants under his charges.
(c) A King will be born if in a nativity the lord of the Lagna vested with full strength occupies a Kendra.
(d) If at birth Mercury with full strength is posited in Kendra and is aspected by Jupiter, the native becomes so influential that the Kings act according to his advice.
21. Two Rajya Yogas are described below: –
(a) Even one planet posited in his sign of exaltation aspected by a friendly planet enables the native to become a king. If such a planet be also associated with a friendly planet, the native will become extremely rich and prosperous.
(b) If the Sun be in his own Navamsa and the Moon be in his own sign, the native becomes a King possessing many horses and elephants.
22. There are again two Rajya Yogas as described below: –
(a) Should the Moon with full rays be in Pisces aspected by a friendly planet, the native will become a king with pre-eminent position and delighting the world.
(b) Should the Moon be full and be in his sign of exaltation the native will become a very generous, charitable and praiseworthy King.
23. Should the Moon be in the Navamsa of an Adhimitra aspected fully by Venus. The native will become a very wealthy King.
24. The following are four Rajya yogas declared by those versed in the science of Astrology: –
(a) Malefics posited in the third house, sixth house and the eleventh house counted from the house occupied by the lord of lagna, Moon or from the Lagna.
(b) The Sun and Venus located together in the fourth house.
(c) Mars, Saturn and Jupiter be placed respectively in the tenth house, eleventh house and the lagna.
25. Should one out of the lord of the eleventh house, the ninth house and the second house occupies a Kendra with reference to the Moon and should Jupiter own the second, the fifth or the eleventh house, the Yoga so formed enables the person born to become the lord of a full-fledged empire.
26. A planet in debilitation is considered adverse in effect. But there arise circumstances when the debilitation of such a planet is cancelled giving rise to Neech Bhanga Rajya yoga. These circumstances are explained below: –
If at birth a planet is posited in sign of debilitation and the lord of the sign of debilitation be in Kendra from the Moon or Lagna of the planet that is exalted in the sign be in Kendra to the Moon or the Lagna, the debilitation of the planet concerned gets cancelled and a Rajya Yoga is formed enabling the native to become a very powerful King.
27. Should at birth a planet be posited in his sign of debilitation, and the lord of that debilitation sign and the lord of the planet’s exaltation sign are in Kendra positions mutually, the debilitation gets cancelled. The Neech Bhanga rajya yoga so formed produces a powerful King of Kings.
28. If a planet is in his sign of debilitation, and is aspected by the lord of that sign, the debilitation gets cancelled and by the Neech Bhanga rajya yoga so formed the native becomes a ruler of the earth and will become famous. If in the above yoga if the planet be placed in an auspicious case still better effects may be expected.
29. When the planet is posited in his sign of debilitation, if the lord of the sign so occupied or the lord of the planet’s exaltation sign be in a Kendra position with reference to the Lagna or the Moon, the person so born will become very wealthy emperor. He will perform virtuous actions and will be very powerful, famous and affluent.
30. If a planet is in his sign of debilitation be in a Kendra position with reference to the Moon or the lagna, the debilitation gets cancelled and the Neech Bhanga Rajya yoga so formed will produce an emperor revered by other Kings.
Based on the discussions above there can be five different types of Neech Bhanga rajya yoga a described below: –
(a) The lord of the debilitation sign or the planet that is exalted in the sign, or in a Kendra position from the lagna or the Moon.
(b) The lord of the sign of debilitation and the lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitation planet are mutually placed in Kendra positions.
(c) The planet in the sign of debilitation is aspected by the lord of that sign.
(d) The lord of the sign of debilitation or the lord of the exaltation sign of the planet in debilitation, in in Kendra from the Lagna of the Moon.
(e) The planet in his sign of debilitation is in Kendra with reference to the lagna or the Moon.