
Knowledgeable astrologers use a combination of the main chart ( Kundali), divisional charts ( like Navamsha, etc), Nakshatras, Dashas, and Transits to arrive at any conclusion when they are advising a client.

The Dasha system comprises Mahadasha, Antar Dasha, and Pratyantar Dasha. Mahadasha is a multi-year phenomenon and is considered one of the most important tools in making predictions regarding the native’s life.

Mahadasa Results of Nine Planets

Mahadasa of Nine Planets has been described briefly below in the light of Astrological classic “Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra”. There are various factors to consider while trying to understand the impact of a Dasha. The placement of Dasha Lord, the sign that it is occupying, what are the significators of the house that it is posited in, its strength or weakness like being exalted, own house or in enemies house or debilitated and so on..

Duration of Dasha for Each Planet

The duration of Dasha of each planet is given below :

Planet Sun  Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
Dasha Period 6 Years 10 Years  7 Years 17 Years 16 Years
Planet Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
Dasha Period 20 Years 19 Years 18 Years  7 Years

Mahadasa Results of Sun

Auspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Sun:

If in the horoscope, Sun is considered strong if

  • -placed in exalted
  • -is Mooltrikona and
  • -is in own sign and
  • -is placed well be angles (Kendra) and Trines (Trikonas) or
  • -is in the eleventh house and conjunct with the lords of the 9th or 10th house
  • -and also powerful in their own Vargas (Divisions).

During the Dasa of Sun, the native acquires lots of comfort and happiness.

This dasa is also favorable for the gain of wealth and profit-earning activities.

This ushers the time during which high status (position) is conferred by the king (Government/authorities/employer), acquisition of conveyance, etc.

If the Sun is conjunct with the lord of the fifth house, the birth of a son, with the eleventh lord, comforts of costly vehicles, with the fourth lord, a gain of three vehicles, wealth, the position of minister, and blessings of the king (authorities), etc. are attained.

In the dasa of the strong Sun, the native acquires power (authority), conveyance, etc. 

Inauspicious Results of Sun’s Mahadasa:

If the Sun is weak because of :

  • -its position in the sixth, the eighth, or the twelfth house,
  • -is placed in the sign of debilitation,
  • -is conjunct with the malefics, Rahu or Ketu or
  • -is with the lord of the sixth, the eighth, or the twelfth house.

During the operation of the dasa. The native can have intense miseries and loss of wealth and fame.

He might be living in a foreign land, may face punishment by the Sovereign (Government/authorities), feel a money crunch, have pains of illness, get defamed, or confrontation with brothers and friends.

There may be fear of the father’s death, and other kind of unfavorable results can also be felt.

During this duration, the mental agony of the parents is often seen and the native also encounters the unjustified wrath of the public.

If the weak Sun has aspect or company of the benefic planets, native at times, gets happy events but if there is only malefic influence there can be unfavorable results.

Mahadasa Results of Moon

Auspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Moon:

Moon is considered strong if the Moon is :

  • -in the sign of exaltation,
  • -own sign,
  • -in Kendras (Angles) or Trikona (Trines) and conjoined with the benefic planets,
  • -full moon,
  • -powerful and accompanied by the lord of the tenth, the ninth, or the fourth house.

During the Dasha of Moon, from the beginning till the end, happiness, enjoyment, and auspiciousness would prevail.

The gain in wealth and agriculture produce, many auspicious ceremonies at home, comforts of conveyance, meeting with the king, success at works, blessing of Goddess Lakshmi, enhancement of fortune through royalty and friends, and a state of extreme enjoyment are achieved.

Acquisition of conveyance or white apparels, the happiness of having a son, Since cows were a very important part of our households earlier, the addition of cows in the house, etc were seen as an auspicious result of Moon Mahadasha. These and other benefits natives would reap during this period.

If the Moon is posited in the eleventh house and is also in her own sign or in the sign or in the sign of exaltation, gain of wealth in its assorted forms, accretion in fortune, happiness, and education, and also royal recommendation are likely to be bestowed during the period.

Inauspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Moon:

If the Moon is in the sign of debilitation and is powerless being in Krishna Paksha, in the dasa of such Moon, there is likely to be a loss in wealth.

However, in case, the Debilitated Moon is in the third house then fluctuating effects at times, like comforts and at times, gain in wealth can be felt.

Being conjunct with the malefic planets, the weak Moon can set in a sluggish feeling, mental derangement, trouble in service, loss of wealth, and intense trouble (death-like) from the maternal relations.

If the Moon is posited in the sixth house, eighth house, or twelfth house, (Trik Houses), blame from the authorities (king), mental tension, loss of wealth and health, conflict with mother, inertness, mental depression, etc. can also be there during the dasa.

If the Moon is placed in the Trik houses (sixth, eighth, or twelfth) but is powerful, mixed results or gain in wealth, happiness or body pains, etc., will be felt intermittently.

Mahadasa Results of Mars

Auspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Mars:

If Mars is placed in :

  • -deep exaltation,
  • -exalted sign,
  • -Mooltrikona sign,
  • -own sign,
  • -Angle or Trine houses,
  • -the eleventh or the second house
  • -and also with full strength,
  • -in conjunction with and aspected by the benefic planets and
  • -posited in benefic Navamsa.

The Dasha will result in :

  • -Gain in wealth and agriculture produce,
  • -Benefit from the sovereign (government or the employer etc.)
  • Felicitation from the sovereign
  • Acquisition of conveyance, apparels, jewelry etc.,
  • Dwelling in the foreign land,
  • Warmth and compassion from brothers (co-born) is also attained.

Strong Mars placed in the third house or the angle houses (Kendra), gives wealth earned through sustained struggle and victory over enemies etc.

In the beginning of the dasha comforts from wife, son, status and royal felicitation is felt. However, some difficult time towards the end of the dasa may also be expected.

Inauspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Mars:

Mars, if in –

  • -the sign of debilitation,
  • -located in the inauspicious houses,
  • -powerless,
  • -conjunct or aspected by the malefic planets,

Then the dasha of Mars may give bad and unfavorable results. 

It means that if Mars is malefic, it sets in -diseases, troubles, some times theft, fire, imprisonment, injury, weak eyesight, displeasure from king (government) etc.

During the dasha of afflicted Mars, the native may suffer from bile, blood infection, painful fever. he may keep company of unchaste women and have conflict with wife. He might show  disrespect to preceptor/teachers , friends and have lack of attention for son. The native may consume bad food. 

Mahadasa Results of Mercury

Auspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Mercury:

If Mercury is :

  • -Exalted,
  • -Posited in own sign,
  • -Is in angles (Kendra), Trines,
  • -Or in friendly sign

Then it ushers the following :

  • -Happiness,
  • -Acquisition of wealth and  prosperity,
  • -Popularity,
  • -Property,
  • -Attainment of higher education and refined qualities
  • -Gratification of the rulers,
  • -Keen interest in pious works,
  • -Warmth in realtionship with wife and children,
  • -Pleasure of sound health,
  • -High degree of contentment,
  • -Decent food (prepared in milk), and
  • -Business gains.

Mercury if aspected by or conjunct with benefic planets and lord of tenth house or having Bhava Bala, then its dasa will give full effects.

Inauspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Mercury:

Mercury if aspected by or conjunct with the malefic planets, the native can get the following adverse effects:

  • -Face the wrath of the Ruler (Government),
  • -Get mentally upset,
  • -Confrontation from co-borns and relatives,
  • -Might becomes dependent,
  • -Acquire urinary diseases and
  • -Feel grave fear.

If Mercury is placed located in the sixth house, eighth house, or the twelfth house, income, passion and wealth can get decimated and diseases like jaundice and rheumatism are also indicated .

Fright of the Government (King), theft, fire etc., destruction of agriculture produces, cattle, property (land) are also possible impacts.

The beginning of the dasha brings about, wealth and agriculture produce, abundant comforts, warmth of sons, felicity, acquisition of property, gains in wealth.

Middle part of the dasa, brings recognition from the king (Government).

Last portion of the dasha, sets in miseries, obstacles etc. 

Mahadasa Results of Jupiter

Auspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Jupiter:

Jupiter will be considered as strong when it :

  • -Is posited in the exaltation sign,
  • -Own sign,
  • -Angles (Kendras) or Trines,
  • -11th house,
  • -Mooltrikona sign,
  • -Own or Exalted Navamsa,

It will then give –

  • -Benefit from the Sovereign,
  • -Felicitation from king (Government, authorities etc.),
  • -Aesthetic happiness,
  • -Comforts of elephants and horses ( akin to having rulership in old times),
  • -Worship of God and Learned,
  • -Affection from wife and son,
  • -Vehicles and clothes be attained,
  • -Success in yagna and
  • -Success inventures,
  • -Listening of sermons on Vedanta,
  • -Accomplishments with king’s blessings,
  • -Ushering of happiness,
  • -Acquisition of vehicle,
  • -Overall prosperity,
  • -Pleasure of wife (marriage) and children especially sons,
  • -Gift of chosen food and fruits etc.

Inauspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Jupiter:

Jupiter  will be considered weak, if in case it  is :

  • -In the sign of debilitation,
  • -Conjunct with the malefic planets,
  • -Posited in the eighth or the twelfth house,

The adverse results may be :

  • -Change of house (residence),
  • -Mental tension,
  • -Grief from son,
  • -Lurking fears,
  • -Loss of wealth and animals,
  • -Loss during pilgrimage etc.
  • -Distress and then gain of animals,

In the beginning of the dasha – attainment of comforts and Royal commendations, magnificence etc. are caused towards the middle and the last portions of the dasa.

Mahadasa Results of Venus 

Auspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Venus:

If Venus is in deep exaltation, own sign, or in Angles (Kendras), the native may have :

  • -Coronations (kingship),
  • -Gains of vehicles,
  • -Good clothes and ornaments,
  • -Comfort of elephants, horses (conveyance), and other animals;
  • -Eats good food with sweets every day,
  • -Gets recognition from the sovereign,
  • -Sounding of a drum (percussions) loudly and
  • -Gets a wealthy and prosperous house (with the grace of goddess Laxmi).

Venus if occupies the Trines (Trikona) then the following good results are possible:

  • -Bestowal of the kingdom (synonymity with the high government positions etc.),
  • -Wealth,
  • -House, festivity at home,
  • -Welfare of children,
  • -Commandership of the army and
  • -Welcome visits of dear relatives,
  • -Accumulation of cattle ( goods in current times) is also predicted.

Venus when it is the lord of the ninth or the tenth house and posited in the Ascendant or the fourth house, then the dasa of Venus will set in tremendous happiness and the native becomes administrator of the state of the village (town).

His religious instinct will get stirred up and he will construct temples, and tanks and will take pleasure in giving donations of food, etc.,

He will get to eat sumptuous foods with sweets and will remain enthusiastic towards his work and will have all the comforts of status, wealth, assets, wife/spouse, children, etc.

Inauspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Venus:

Venus in case it is posited in the sixth, the eighth, or the twelfth house, in the sign of debilitation or in the sign of the twelfth lord, the dasa of Venus will produce :

  • -Enmity with the relatives,
  • -Distress from the women folks,
  • -Loss in business, cattle, etc.,
  • -Agony to wife ( spouse)  and children,
  • -Annoyance of near and dear ones etc.

Apropos results are in the dasa of Venus and similar kind of results may also be expected in Venus’s antardasa of the Mahadasa of other planets.

Should Venus be the lord of the second or the seventh house, there might be a physical danger.

To mitigate this effect, obeisance of Lord Shiva through Vedic mantras or recitation of Mrityunjaya mantra may be performed.

Donation of cow or buffalo also brings sound health.

Mahadasa Results of Saturn 

Auspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Saturn:

If Saturn is :

  • -In the sign of Exaltation,
  • -Own sign,
  • -Friendly sign,
  • -Mooltrikona,
  • -Ninth house,
  • -Navamsa of the exaltation or own signs,
  • -Third house, 
  • -Eleventh house

Then in Saturn’s Dasha, the native is bestowed with –

  • -Recognition from the king (Government),
  • -Accretion of wealth,
  • -Pleasure of literary discussions,
  • -Elephant ride at the behest of the king, ( Recognition by State)
  • -Jewellery
  • -High status,
  • -Commander of the army ( lead a large number of people),
  • -Monetary gains,
  • -Splendid happiness.
  • -The native gains through authorities (Government),
  • -Prosperity at home,
  • -Marriage (wife), birth of child etc.

Inauspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Saturn:

If Saturn is :

  • -Posited in the Sixth, the Eighth or the Twelfth house,
  • -Debilitated,
  • -Combus 

The following adverse results can be there :

  • -Danger of poison and weapons,
  • -Destruction of place,
  • -Change of place,
  • -Intense fear,
  • -Agony of parents,
  • -Grief of wife and children,
  • -Anti-government activities
  • -Misfortune,
  • -Imprisonment and distress situations etc.

Saturn when conjoined with benefic and Yogakaraka planets, posited in Angles, Trine houses, the eleventh house or in Pisces or Sagittarius sign, one can expect gain from authorities (Government), high enthusiasm, comfort of clothes, elephant, horses (conveyance) etc.

Mahadasa Results of Rahu

The exaltation sign of Rahu is Scorpio.

Moola Trikona signs is Sagittarius.

Own sign of Rahu is Aquarius Though some have reckoned Pisces also. 

Auspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Rahu:

If Rahu is exalted in the nativity, its Dasa will be extremely favourable and wealth, prosperity etc., will be attained.

Ambitions are accomplished through friends and king (government), possibility of conveyance and son, construction of new residence, religious feelings, festivity, royal recognition in the foreign land, decorative items, Jewellery etc., are also achieved.

If Rahu is also aspected by and in conjunction with the benefic planets, posited in Angles, Trines the eleventh or the third house and with auspicious sign then property, land etc. and happiness is achieved with the blessings of the king. Also, recognition from the head of the family and welfare of the house become possible.

The dasa result of Rahu is generally considered to be similar to the dasa of Saturn. Rahu is a Chhaya Grah it gives results based on its association and the influences which it has. Generally, if Rahu is placed in the third house, the sixth house and the eleventh house then the result of Rahu dasa would be very good. However, Rahu in the sixth house can at times give health-related issues.

If Rahu is placed with the lord of the trine or quadrant (Kendra) in trine or Kendra this can form rajya yoga in such a case Rahu can give extremely good results.

If Rahu gets involved with houses of wealth it can give good wealth as Rahu is also akin to God’s Maya.

Inauspicious Results during the Mahadasa of  Rahu:

If, however Rahu is placed in adverse houses especially sixth house, eighth house and the twelfth house it can give adverse results.

In the sixth house it can trigger complicated health-issues.

In the eighth house Rahu can cause obstacles in life and also career, health issues as well as longevity-related concerns.

If Rahu is placed in the twelfth house it can trigger financial losses or may even cause problems in foreign land. The placement of Rahu in the twelfth house can also cause problems or difficulties with respect to relationships. The native may also face difficulties in traveling especially in foreign land. The native may also face physical danger or health-related hazards.

Therefore, Rahu dasa is very important in the horoscope of the native. If Rahu is well placed and is under benefic associations it can lift a person from rags to riches and if Rahu is under affliction it may also cause tremendous fall.

Rahu is a karmic planet. It signifies the karma which one is carrying from the past life. The enmity one had and things that were brushed under the carpet all can open up in the Rahu dasa.

However, if the native is devout and follows the path of righteousness Rahu dasa need not be feared. However, if the native has broken the laws of nature and lived a life of hate, arrogance and ill will, Rahu can trigger punishment. 

Rahu is also a part of our Navagraha. It is worthy of being worshiped but one should stay away from the temptations which Rahu dasa is capable of giving. If one falls to the temptations and starts following an unholy path the same Rahu will trigger punishment for the native. It also causes the spiritual fall of the native. 

Rahu is inimical with the Sun and Moon in particular. If the Sun and Moon are afflicted by Rahu it can cause various kinds of problems. It is inimical to Mars as well. Rahu is neutral to Jupiter and is friendly to Mercury, Venus and Saturn. Therefore, the dasa result of Rahu would differ accordingly. The friendly signs of Rahu are Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces. Cancer and Leo are its inimical signs. We should keep in mind all these parameters before judging the Mahadasa result of Rahu.  

Mahadasa Results of Ketu

The exaltation signs for Ketu is Taurus and the Moola Trikona sign is Gemini. Own sign of Ketu is Scorpio. Some have reckoned Virgo also.

Auspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Ketu:

If Ketu is posited in the Angles (Kendras) the eleventh house, Trines, (Trikonas), in benefic signs duly aspected by benefic Vargas (divisions), the following results may be there

  • -Seeking of kings’ affection, administrator of the country or village
  • -Possibility of the pleasure of conveyance and children,
  • -Happiness from the travelling of the country and foreign land be indicative.
  • -The native will have the pleasure of his wife and children and
  • -Gains of cattle ( say Goods or assets)

Ketu being in the third, the sixth, the eleventh house will give happiness in its dasa and the native gains from the king, affection of friends and pleasure of owning elephant, horses etc. (conveyance).

Insuspicious Results during the Mahadasa of Ketu:

Ketu conjunct with or aspected by the malefic planets while posited in the second, the eighth or the twelfth house brings about :

  • -Severance of relationship with co-born, relatives, etc.,
  • -Destruction of the property (land),
  • -Anguish,
  • -Company of inferiors,
  • -Eruption of diseases etc. 

Beginning of the dasa brings kingship, in the middle of the dasa, feeling of intense fear and towards the end of the dasa, traveling to far-flung countries and fear of ailments is felt.

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak
About Author

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak

A devout Shirdi Sai Baba devotee, Anand is an expert astrologer with deep compassion,empathy and love for mankind. Anand is a Jyotish Acharya from Bharti Vidya Bhawan, Delhi. He has an experience of 25+ years in practising Astrology and spiritual counselling.

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