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Of all the Astrological Transits that greatly impact our lives, the ones of Jupiter and Saturn are most important. The transits of Rahu & Ketu are also considered fairly significant. All these transits involve significantly longer time periods like 13 months for Jupiter, 18 months for Rahu and Ketu and 27 months for Saturn.
2025 happens to be a unique year as we are seeing 5 major planetary transits. Two of Jupiter ( into Gemini in May and to Cancer in October), Saturn’s transit to Pisces on 29th March 2025, Rahu moving to Aquarius in May 2025 and at the same time Ketu’s moving to Leo.
Our esteemed astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak takes a comprehensive look at Jupiter’s transit to Gemini on 15th May 2025 and comes up with his understanding of how this transit will impact all the major signs.
Jupiter’s movement in Gemini is considered “atichari”. Atichari means very fast. Generally Jupiter stays in one sign for 12-13 months. Since it is Atichari or very fast in movement, it will stay in Gemini sign for only 5 months or so before moving to Cancer in October 2025. This kind of fast movement is not considered auspicious or beneficial. At the same time, Jupiter’s sign Pisces is being occupied by Saturn. Many astrologers are quite anxious about 2025 in general because of this reason and a few other reasons as well.
Enters Gemini Sign – 15th May 2025 ( late night of 14th May)
Becomes Combust* – 9th June 2025
Rises from Combustion* – 9th July 2025
Enters Cancer Sign : 19th October 2025
Turns Retrograde* – 11th November 2025
Re-enters Gemini – 4th December 2025
*Combust – Being too close to Sun and Rising from Combustion means that it is no longer closer to Sun.In Vedic astrology, Jupiter is considered combust (or “burnt”) when it’s in 7 degrees of Sun.
*Retrograde motion means that either the planet has got into a backward motion instead of the normal forward motion.
Knowledgable astrologers feel that both states i.e of Combustion or retrogression limit the benefic abilities of Jupiter, a planet that has been described as the biggest natural benefic planet.
As mentioned before, Jupiter travels at a faster than its usual rate of movement and travels throuhg Gemini sign in 6 months, instead of its usual 12-13 monthy cycle in one sign. This is known as Atichari ( Ati means Fast and Chari means speed of movement). It is not considered a favourable astrological development.
The Hindi names for planet Jupiter are Guru and Brihaspati, both of them mean the Great Master.
Our ancient books tell us the Brihaspati Dev was the Guru of Devas. Shukracharya ( depicting Venus) was Guru of Daityas.
Like the other planets in our astrological planetary system, the planet Jupiter represents multiple areas and spheres of human life.
In Relationships, Jupiter denotes Progeny, sons and grandsons, grand father. In Female horoscopes, Jupiter also signifies the husband.
In Career and professional life, it denotes expansion, big thinking, generosity, wealth and abundance.
It represents Legal profession, Finance, Banks, Political leaders, large projects etc.
In Social set-ups , it represents institutions of learning, Ministers, Government officials etc.
Jupiter also represents Temples and places of worship. It also is an indicator of Spirituality.
In Body parts it represents Liver and in diseases – it represents diseases like Jaundice and Tumours or carbuncles or flatulence.
Over all, Jupiter is seen as a great benefic planet and is known for its nobility and blessings. It represents Fortune as well.
In Horoscope, Jupiter owns Sagittarius and Pisces. It is known to command over 9th and 12th Houses of Kaal Purush kundali in Vedic Astrology.
In colors, Jupiter signifies yellow color and in Days, it represents Thursday.
Jupiter is also significator of 2nd House ( wealth), 5th House (education and children), 9th House ( Spirituality and wisdom and gain from Gurus), 10th House (career) and 11th House ( over all gains)
Jupiter enters your 3rd house when it enters Gemini in May 2025. 3rd house is considered as the house of siblings, courage, valour and strength. Jupiter is considered a planet of enhancement and expansion and therefore we can expect improvements in these areas of life.
The 3rd house is known as an upchaya house. It means that hassle and hustle lead to growth.
Jupiter will aspect 3 major houses here. 7th, 9th and 11th. The aspect is likely to be beneficial.
Jupiter is considered a Benefic planet for your sign as it is the lord of 9th and 12th house. 9th house is the house of support from destiny and Dharma, wisdom and higher learnings. 12th house is house of expenses, hospitalization, seclusion etc but since Jupiter is the owner of 12th house for Aries ( Pisces), even that is not considered bad.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
For Taurus sign, Jupiter is considered a functional malefic as it rules your 8th and 11th house.
8th House indicates obstacles, accidents, hidden matters, sudden transformations etc. It is considered a difficult house of the horoscope.
11th house, even though known as house of gains is still considered a Badhak( Obstructive) house for fixed signs like Taurus. So over all Jupiter is seen as an unfriendly planet for your sign.
Jupiter is in your sign since last May and is now transiting to your 2nd house Gemini on May 15, 2025. 2nd house is the house of finances, family, speech etc. Even as Jupiter is considered a negative planet for you broadly, the sheer benefic nature of this naturally divine planet means that you should expect focus, enhancements and expansion of the above areas of your life.
Jupiter in your 2nd house will aspect your 6th house, 8th house and 10th house. 6th house denotes health, 8th house denotes sudden transformational events and 10th house is Career and profession. You must also note that 8th house is also getting aspect from Saturn once it moves to Pisces sign on 29th March 2025. A broad direction of caution is advised for most of you.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
Jupiter & Mercury, the lord of Gemini sign are considered enemy planets. Jupiter is considered a functional malefic planet for your sign.
Jupiter is lord of 7th and 10th house for Gemini natives. It rules two kendra houses. 7th house denotes spouse and partnerships and 10th house denotes Career, profession, fame etc.
When Jupiter moves into Gemini sign on 15th May 2025, Gemini natives will have Jupiter in their own sign whether Ascendant or Moonsign. The first house denotes Self, personality, health, confidence and direction of life. We should see betterment in these aspects or areas of life.
Jupiter will aspect 5th , 7th & 9th houses. 5th house is of children and intelligence. 7th house is spouse, partnerships and 9th is fortune, Dharma, higher wisdom etc. These areas of life will also get a boost.
Jupiter’s Gemini transit 2025 will bring expansion on both personal as well as professional fronts of life. However, one does need to remain conscious and careful about over-indulgence and over-confidence.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
Jupiter is considered a highly benefic planet for Cancer sign.
Jupiter gets exalted in Cancer sign only. It owns 6th house which represents health, litigations, enemies, debts etc and 9th house which denotes Dharma, support from destiny, Purva Janma Punyas, long distance travels etc.
When Jupiter transits Gemini sign in May 2025, it will occupy the 12th house. 12th house is house of foreign connections, hospitalizations, expenses, seclusion etc. Since Jupiter as a planet represents expansion, Cancer natives might see strong and beneficial developments in these areas of life.
Jupiter, while sitting in your 12th house, will see your 4th house, 6th house and 8th house. You must note that your 6th house is getting the 7th aspect of Jupiter and the 10th aspect of Saturn. This denotes that Health will be prime area of focus for you in one way or another.
Jupiter in 12th house may make you more spiritual, more charitable but still prone to higher expenses. It might also mean that you start spending more on charitable causes.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
Jupiter and Leo Lord Sun are great friends. Jupiter is seen as a highly beneficial planet for Leo natives.
Jupiter is the lord of 5th house which indicates Children , education, intelligence and creativity. It is also the lord of 8th house – which is largely seen as a negative but yet a transformative house. 8th house denotes sudden events, occult, research, longevity etc. So, Jupiter represents these areas of life in your birth chart.
Jupiter will move to the highly favourable 11th house when it transits Gemini sign post 15th may 2025. It is bound to shore up your gains, your social networking skills, health of and relationship with elder siblings etc. Jupiter here will be aspecting your Lagna, your 3rd house and your 5th house, improving and expanding the areas and aspects that these houses represent.
A point to be noted here is that your 5th house will be getting the double aspect of Jupiter as well as Saturn. So, areas highlighted by the 5th house like Children, education or even flings will be in the highlighted zone.
Jupiter’s Gemini transit is likely to bring good results in terms of sudden gains, speculative matters etc. You can expect salary hikes, profits from Business and over all monetary gains. A little bit of delay should however be considered normal because of Dual nature of Gemini sign inherently.
Leo sign will also be hosting Ketu for next 18 months after May 2025. This brings another set of complexities that we will discuss in Rahu Ketu Transit of 2025.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
Jupiter is a neutral to slightly benefic planet for Virgo sign. It lords over two Kendra houses -4th and 7th and therefore is an extremely important planet for your sign.
The 4th house represents Mother, Home comforts, Vehicles, peace of mind, health of lungs etc.
The 7th house is that of spouse, partnerships, business relationships etc.
Jupiter is the planet that governs your above areas of life.
When Jupiter enters Gemini in May 2025, it will be entering your 10th house. 10th house is the house of career, professional achievements, relationship with superiors, public reputation etc. Jupiter being an expansive planet, will help you achieve better outcomes in these areas of life.
Jupiter will be aspecting your 2nd, 4th and 6th house. Your 4th house will be getting the double aspect of Saturn and Jupiter. The areas of 4th house like Mother ( her health or relationship with her), matters related to residence or properties, vehicles etc will be in focus.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
Libra sign is ruled by Venus which is considered an enemy planet for Jupiter.
Jupiter acts as a functional malefic for Libra sign.
Jupiter owns 3rd and 6th house for Libra natives. The 3rd house represents areas like communication, siblings, courage and valour. The 6th house is all about Health, competitions, debts, enemies, litigations, daily routine etc. So Jupiter governs these areas and aspects of your life.
Jupiter will be transiting from your 9th house after May 2025. Since 9th house represents Fortune, Father, Dharma, Higher learnings etc, expect an enhancement and improvement in these areas of life.
Jupiter will be aspecting the Lagna, 3rd house and 5th house during this transit. This will help the significations of these houses like enhancing Self confidence, improvement of personality, increase in valor and strength and will also cast a helpful eye on education prospects, intelligence and creativity.
Jupiter in 9th house shall also help the Libra natives with spiritual growth, travel and learning opportunities. It would lead to better and improved relationships with mentors, teachers and father like figures.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
Scorpio lord Mars and Jupiter are great friends. Jupiter also owns two very important houses – 2nd and 5th house for Scorpio natives.
The 2nd house represents wealth, family, speech which are all very important aspects of life. 5th house denotes education, children, intelligence, creativity, past life karma, speculation etc. Jupiter is the Karak for all the above things in your chart.
Jupiter will come to occupy the difficult 8th house when it transits to Gemini post May 15, 2025. The 8th house is challenging but yet deeply transformative.
This placement of Jupiter will be excellent for those interested in Astrology and Mysticism. People related with research work will also do well. There may be windfall gains from inheritance or insurance kind of things.
Jupiter in your 8th house will be aspecting the 12th, 2nd and 4th houses. This means that both the houses that is – of expenses (12th) and earnings (2nd) will be aspected by Jupiter. One can thus, expect an increase in both.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
Jupiter happens to be the most benefic planet for Sagittarius natives.
It is not only the Lagna (or Chandra Rashi in case of Sagittarius Moon sign people) lord but also is the lord of a very important kendra house – 4th house.
Jupiter therefore represents not only Self but also the domestic front as well. It governs extremely important areas of your life like Direction of Life, self development, persona, health and vitality, Mother, home, vehicles, peace of mind etc. Its importance for you can not be overstated.
Jupiter will enter your 7th house when it enters Gemini post May 15, 2025. The 7th house represents spouse, business partnerships and social connections. You should see significant developments in these areas of life.
Jupiter in Gemini will be aspecting your 11th house – the house of gains, your Lagna and the 3rd house – which is the house of efforts and strength. This should definitely prove to be ahelpful transit for you on most counts.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
Jupiter is deemed as Neutral to ildly malefic planet for Capricorn sign. Jupiter and Capricorn lord Saturn bring contrasting energies to the table.
Jupiter owns 3rd and 12th house for Capricorn natives. Both houses are considered to be on the negative side and broadly unfavourable.
3rd house – known as Upchaya house means growth with time and efforts. It indicates communication, siblings, grit and valor, efforts and short travels.
12th house is the house of expenses, foreign associations and connections, hospitalization events, sleep related issues, seclusion ( like imprisonment).
Jupiter, therefore represents the above areas of your life.
When it moves to Gemini sign post 15th May 2025, Jupiter will be transiting through your 6th house. The 6th house placement is also considered challenging as Jupiter here expands issues related to health, debts, litigations and enemies. You can expect some kind of a surge in these matters but Jupiter also gives an ability to come over these when it occupies the 6th house.
Jupiter will aspect the 10th house of Career and professional achievements, the 12th house of expenses and the 2nd house of wealth accumulation. It should help you on these fronts during its Gemini transit.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
Jupiter is considered neutral to mildly malefic planet for your sign.
It governs the 11th house and the 2nd house and therefore is a very important planet for your gains and financial successes.
Since 2nd house is also representative of family and speech, Jupiter also indicates your domestic happiness front.
Being the 11th lord, it is a significator of Financial growth and networking opportunities.
Jupiter will move to your 5th house when it transits through Gemini sign post May 2025. Here it will aspect the 9th house of luck and fortune, the 11th house of gains and elder siblings and the first house or the Lagna.
This can be considered a very favourable placement and it will impart positive energies and compounding growth in areas of intellectual growth, investments and positive life experiences.
You can read your detailed predictions here.
Jupiter is the owner of Pisces sign and lords over Lagna and the 10th house of career and professional achievements. It is therefore Yogakarak planet for Pisces Lagna or Moonsign.
When Jupiter transits through Gemini post May 2025, it will be transiting from your 4th house. Jupiter here will aspect on your 8th house, your 10th house and your 12th house. This can be considered as a Mixed transit on most counts.