Venus (Shukra)
Shukracharya is the son of Sage Bhrigu. He/ She is the preceptor of the demons. Shukra was the only one considered worthy of being granted the knowledge of Mrit – Sanjivani vidya by Lord Shiva. This knowledge is supposed to bring back even the dead to life.
Venus is considered as the Goddess of love, marriage, beauty and comforts. It is a form of Maha Lakshmi, the wife of lord Vishnu. Venus rules over the Yajur Veda and the Vasant Ritu (April and May). According to Western astrology, Venus is known as Lucifer and Hebrews named it as ‘Astoreth’.
The Uttara Kalamrita gives the following signification of Venus.
a) Good clothes
b) marriage
c) Income
d) Women
e) Brahmins
f) Wife
g) Happiness from sexual life
h) Flowers
I) Conveyance
j) Silver
k) Fond of southeast
l) Cough
m) Rajsik nature
n) Pearls
o) Enjoyment
p) Possessing many women
q) Speaking truth
r) Semen
s) Dances
t) Fond of worshiping Gauri and Laxmi
u) Mother for those born in the day
v) Genital organs
w) Urine or urinary tract
x) Strong in the afternoon
y) Pleasant musical instruments
z) Skilled in fine arts.
It is seen that a strong Venus gives very good results in a horoscope. However, a weak Venus can cause certain deficiencies with respect to the above-mentioned significations.
The effect of Venus’s placement in twelve houses will vary as per the lordship and planetary placement in each horoscope. However, general indications of Venus in different houses are given below.
When Venus is placed in the lagna the native will have good character.
He/ She will be endowed with financial richness.
He/ She will have excellent looks.
He/ She will be pure-natured.
He/ She will be learned.
He/ She will do every work with the application of his mind.
He/ She will always be grateful to others for their help.
This placement of Venus can assure that the native may achieve success in life through his charming and good behaviour which touches the heart of others.
When Venus is placed in the second house the native will be wealthy. He/ She will be learned.
He/ She will be loved and appreciated by all his siblings.
He/ She will be respected by kings or those placed in power.
He/ She will achieve name and fame.
He/ She will love and respect his Gurus.
He/ She will be grateful to others.
This placement of Venus also ensures that the native may have many sources of earnings and may be financially well off.
When Venus is placed in the third house the native will be richly endowed with money and finances.
He/ She will have many children and grandchildren.
He/ She may be healthy and generally free from major ailments.
He/ She will be respected by the government or powerful individuals.
He/ She will earn a good name and fame.
This placement of Venus ensures that the native has the utmost faith in God and will always pray religiously.
When Venus is placed in the fourth house the native will have a comfortable or luxurious lifestyle. He/ She may be financially well off. He/ She may be blessed with luxurious houses and conveyances.
He/ She will be learned.
Male natives will have love from women and may have many women friends.
In general such natives are blessed and are generally considered to be lucky.
This placement of Venus is also good concerning career and professional growth.
When Venus is placed in the fifth house the native will be affluent.
He/ She may have a very good and mature personality.
He/ She will be blessed with children as well as grandchildren. He/ She will be blessed with good daughters.
He/ She may be fortunate.
The placement of Venus in the fifth house can give many opportunities to earn money.
Job changes will generally be good ones. The native may be able to achieve great heights with respect to a career in finance.
When Venus is placed in the sixth house the native may travel far and wide. He/ She may even gain from travelling.
However, this placement can make the native proud. He/ She may also become boastful.
He/ She may have health-related issues.
He/ She may have a troubled relationship with the father.
He/ She may have evil companions and may always be involved in unnecessary fights.
He/ She may always be afraid of his enemies.
When Venus is placed in the seventh house the native may be rich.
He/ She may be endowed with beautiful women/men in his/her life. He/ She can have happiness in his marriage.
He/ She will remain healthy and free from major health issues.
He/ She will have a happy and comfortable life.
He/ She may be fortunate.
The placement of Venus in the seventh house is also good for professional as well as financial growth. The native may reach a good professional status.
When Venus is placed in the eighth house the native may be well off financially.
He/ She may be loved by people. His nature may also be good.
However, this placement of Venus can make the native prone to illness.
He/ She will always be ready for a fight. He/ She may always try to confront others.
The native may have a wandering nature and may lack a fixity of purpose in life.
The native may have to undergo many career-related changes.
When Venus is placed in the ninth house the native may be religious and will follow the tenets of Dharma. He/ She may also be learned and intelligent.
He/ She will be bestowed with wealth and money. He/ She will be appreciated like a king.
He/ She may still be humble and will be loved by all.
The native may also travel far and wide. The native will gain from traveling.
The native may have many sources of income.
When Venus is placed in the tenth house the native will be dedicated and passionate towards his work.
He/ She will be endowed with wealth and ornaments.
He/ She may be close to the king or people placed in power.
He/ She will have noble qualities and charitable nature.
He/ She will be loved by his wife. He/ She will be able to do well professionally. H
e/ She may also be quite dextrous or skilled in his work.
When Venus is placed in the eleventh house the native will always gain from others.
He/ She will be famous and almost celebrity-like.
He/ She will have many good qualities and skills.
He/ She may be fortunate and financially well off. He/ She will always be the doer of good and noble deeds.
He/ She will be the enjoyer of a materialistic lifestyle.
He/ She will be able to achieve great status in life and will be appreciated by all.
When Venus is placed in the twelfth house the native will always spend more than he earns. He/ She may have to undergo financial problems at times.
However, he may gain from traveling and may also have foreign travel as well as foreign settlement.
He/ She may have differences with his friends as well as his Guru.
He/ She may have issues with his siblings.
However, this placement can give many affairs.