Saturn’s Difficult Transits

One of the most discussed, dreaded and perhaps demonised phenomenon in Astrology has to be the Transit of  Saturn in 4th, 8th and 12th houses. These transits are often portrayed by many astrologers as the root cause of any suffering or harshness any native is facing.

While it is true that the transit of Saturn through challenging houses adds complexity to one’s life, we must not forget that the lessons brought by this mighty planet of Karma and Justice become our guiding lamp posts for future endeavors.

This article by our learned astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak will talk about the possible impact of Saturn’s transit through 4th, 8th and 12th houses of one’s chart. The 4th, 8th and 12th houses are calculated either by Moon sign or the Ascendant ( lagna). Our ancient astrological texts do mention the primacy of Moon sign as the reference or the benchmark for understanding transits but it has been seen in many recent cases that the predictions when done from Lagna are nearly or perhaps more accurate. We will devote a section to this debate in the ensuing content.

Astropatri will detail Sadhe Saati Predictions in a separate section. At present, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces Moon sign people are facing Sadhe Saati.

Reading Transits from Lagna or Moon sign?

This is a debate that is still to settle in favour of either ( Lagna or Moon sign). The following should be kept in mind:

  • 1. Astrology has evolved over perhaps millions of years, across epochs ( Yugs). There are multiple schools of thought on many points and each having some merit.
  • 2. Astrologers across the world use either Ascendant or Sun Sign or Moon Sign as the reference / starting point of the horoscope. Some use combination of above 2 or 3.
  • 3. There is one school of thought that says that the stronger of the two/three should be used as the reference. For example if the Lagna is Taurus, Moon sign is Leo and Sun is sitting with Lagna Lord Venus in Taurus ( that means Sun sign is also Taurus), one should read the transit results from Taurus first and then correlate with Leo.
  • 4. It is said that Lagna represents Physical aspect, Sun represents Soul and Moon represents Mind or the Thought pattern. It is also said that Astrology does not have a direct Cause and effect system. It actually influences our thought patterns in a way that our efforts start getting directed towards the outcome that is being indicated by the planets. In that sense, one must always read the Moon sign based transit predictions and see if the Mind is getting influenced negatively by a particular transit and take corrective measures if required.
  • 5. There is also this school of thought that a particular planet’s transit should be seen in context of placement of that particular planet in the birth chart. For example, Saturn is in Virgo in birth chart and it is now transiting through Aquarius. This means that the Transit Saturn is passing through 6th house of its natal house. Many astrologers look at this astrological event also to finetune their predictions.
  • 6. There is also this concept of position of Mahadasha Lord being taken as the Reference point for making Transit based predictions. For example, a native is running Mahadasha of Rahu which is sitting in his 10th house in his birth chart. Since Saturn is passing through Aquarius now, Saturn is transiting from 2nd house of the Mahadasha Lord Rahu. This will lead to another set of predictions.
  • 7. For a common man, who does not want to get into nitty-gritties, he or she should observe transits of major planets like, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu- Ketu from both his Ascendant as well as the Moon sign and see if there is a pattern that emerges.
    For example, he/she observes that the predictions that are based on his/her lagna are proving more accurate than his/her Moon sign or vice versa., then he/she should then start reading Transit based predictions according to Lagna. Similiarly for the Moon sign.

Importance of 4th, 8th and 12th Houses

As per Vedic Astrology the Fourth house, the Eighth house and the Twelfth house form the Moksha Trikona.

Everyone wants Moksha but does not understand what it means. Moksha means when one is voluntarily able to forgo things. Saturn is the planet that detaches the house from where it transits and one can expect some detachment to occur in connection to that house.

Saturn also is the Karaka for Longevity, Old age, Sorrow, Discipline, Dirty state, Diseased mind, Iron, Black color , Masses, Lower classes/strata of people, Class 4 employees, Wickedness, Eunuchs, Lameness of leg, Severe, fierce—indignation, Cousins, Tamasic traits, Oil, Wood, Thefts, Hard-earned things and Sinful living.

The 4th House is known as Sukhasthaan and it represents our mind, mother, home, property, conveyances, early upbringing, formal schooling, lungs etc.

The fourth house transit of Saturn is known as Kantak Shani or as Dhaiyya.

In Vedic astrology, the fourth house is the house of happiness, the mother, vehicles, education, good name, faith, land, properties, character, steady intellect and paternal property. When Saturn transits from the fourth house the native may have to face issues in these areas of life.

The 8th House is known as Mrityusthaan and it represents Longevity, Death, Occult, Inheritances, Wills, Chronic illnesses, Research, Taxes and Accountancy, Secret Affairs, Sexual organs etc.

Saturn Transit in 8th house is known as Ashtam Shani. It is considered one of the most challenging transits for one and all.

In Vedic astrology, the eighth house is longevity, disgrace, secrecy, lying, diplomacy, insurance money, inheritance, unearned wealth, sorrows, sins and punishments.

Saturn’s transit from the eighth house can cause transformation in life. Health wise generally it cannot be considered to be a good transit. There can be an increase in obstacles on the career front.

If Saturn transits from the eighth house, the native may suffer from skin problems, fistula in the anus or pudendum, if dasa is also bad this transit can also have longevity-related concerns.

The 12th house is known as Vyaya Sthaan and it represents foreign associations, seclusion, expenses, hospitalization, secret enemies, imprisonment, feet etc.

12th House transit of Saturn is the first or starting phase of Sadhe Saati.

In Vedic astrology, the twelfth house is seen for expenses, moksha, death, jail, foreign travel, bed pleasures, sleep, loss of power, imbalance, miseries, harm, breakdown of marriage, anger, hatred of the public.

Saturn’s transit from the Twelfth house can take the native to a foreign land. For spiritual people, this transit can also cause complete detachment from the world. However, if Saturn is afflicted in the horoscope chance of staying confined in a house or even a jail is also a likelihood. However, the transit of Saturn from fire signs from the twelfth house can also help in resolving pending family and property disputes.

If Saturn transits from the twelfth house, the native can feel distressed, fall in the moral sense, may have eye ailments, may act in an unkind or shameless manner, will spend much and can get insulted.

Most pertinent to note points, before reading further!

The predictions that follow are likely to contain more negatives than positives and thats why these Transits of Saturn are known as Difficult Transits. However, the following must be kept in mind, before allowing it to get hassled :

  1. 1. Saturn is Yogakarak for Taurus and Libra Lagna. It is likely to give beneficial results for these Lagnas or Rashis.
  2. 2. Saturn owns Capricorn and Aquarius signs and is likely to give more Positive results than negative ones for people of these signs.
  3. 3. If Saturn is well placed in your Birth Chart, it is likely to give good results.
  4. 4. If Saturn is well placed in Transit also, say for example for Pisces sign people, 8th house Saturn will be exalted in Libra, positive results can be expected.
  5.  5. If Saturn is carrying good Ashtakvarga Points whether in Birth Chart or in the Transit sign, more benefical results than negative ones. 4 points or more are considered good.
  6. 6. Transits only indicate a very broad level of planetary impact. The Dashas operating are far more potent of giving results. The impact of Transits should always be seen in context and conjunction with operating Dashas.
  7. 7. Some very simple remedies can be helpful in ameliorating the negative impact of Saturn. A detailed section of some common sensical things to do to improve Saturn’s results is given at the last.

Difficult Transits of Saturn – a Summary

4th House Transit 8th House Transit 12th House Transit
Moon Sign / Ascendant Sign  Number Transit sign Dates Transit sign Dates Transit sign Dates
Aries 1 Cancer 13th July 2034 to 27th August 2036 Scorpio 11th December 2043 to 8th December 2046 Pisces 29th March 2025 to 3rd June 2027
Taurus 2 Leo 27th August 2036 to 22nd October 2038 Sagittarius 8th December 2046 to 6th March 2049 Aries  3rd June 2027 to 8th Aug 2029
Gemini 3 Virgo 22nd October 2038 to 28th January 2041 Capricorn 6th March 2049 to 25th Feb 2052 Taurus 8th Aug 2029 to 31st May 2032
Cancer 4 Libra 28th January 2041 to 11th December 2043 Aquarius Till 29th March 2025 Gemini 31st May 2032 to 13th July 2034
Leo 5 Scorpio 11th December 2043 to 8th December 2046 Pisces 29th March 2025 to 3rd June 2027 Cancer 13th July 2034 to 27th August 2036
Virgo 6 Sagittarius 8th December 2046 to 6th March 2049 Aries 3rd June 2027 to 8th Aug 2029 Leo 27th August 2036 to 22nd October 2038
Libra 7 Capricorn 6th March 2049 to 25th Feb 2052 Taurus 8th Aug 2029 to 31st May 2032 Virgo 22nd October 2038 to 28th January 2041
Scorpio 8 Aquarius Till 29th March 2025 Gemini  31st May 2032 to 13th July 2034 Libra 28th January 2041 to 11th December 2043
Sagittarius 9 Pisces 29th March 2025 to 3rd June 2027 Cancer 13th July 2034 to 27th August 2036 Scorpio 11th December 2043 to 8th December 2046
Capricorn 10 Aries 3rd June 2027 to 8th Aug 2029 Leo 27th August 2036 to 22nd October 2038 Sagittarius 8th December 2046 to 6th March 2049
Aquarius 11 Taurus 8th Aug 2029 to 31st May 2032 Virgo 22nd October 2038 to 28th January 2041 Capricorn  6th March 2049 to 25th Feb 2052
Pisces 12 Gemini  31st May 2032 to 13th July 2034 Libra 28th January 2041 to 11th December 2043 Aquarius Till 29th March 2025

Saturn’s Transit from 4th, 8th and 12th house for Aries

Saturn transit from fourth house for Aries will be in Cancer sign.

The transit of Saturn from the Cancer sign in the fourth house can give professional and career gains.

Things may be challenging on the domestic front. The health of the mother may be a cause of concern.

There can be property gains as well as gains from travel because of this transit.

Saturn transit from the eighth house for Aries will be through Scorpio sign.

The transit of Saturn from the eighth house from the Scorpio sign can cause obstacles concerning jobs or careers. This transit can even trigger job loss for some natives.

However, financially there can be luck arising from long-term investments.

There can be misunderstandings with elder siblings.

Saturn transit from the twelfth house for Aries will be in Pisces sign.

Saturn will enter Pisces sign in March 2025. Aries natives will enter their Sadhe Saati phase of 7 and 1/2 years.

The transit of Saturn in the Twelfth house from the Pisces sign can cause job loss.

Things may also be challenging as far as finances are concerned. The native should avoid investing money recklessly.

The native should also put a curb on expenses as it may become hard to manage finances properly.

The native should also be careful Healthwise. There can be an increase in medical expenses because of this transit.

Saturn’s Transit from 4th, 8th and 12th house for Taurus

Saturn when it transits from Leo, will be 4th house transit of Saturn for Taurean natives.

Kantak Shani for Saturn natives that is -the transit of Saturn from the Leo sign in the fourth house will be good for the financial prospects of the natives. There is a possibility of a change of residence/job. New career opportunities and promotions in jobs are also possible. There can be financial as well as property gains from the father.

Saturn transit from Sagittarius sign will be the Eighth house transit for Taurus people.

The transit of Saturn from the Eighth house, known as Ashtam Shani can cause problems for the father. There can be concerns regarding the health of the father. This transit is however good for financial gains or inheritance gains from the father. Professionally there can be setbacks. The native should work diligently and avoid confrontation with the management if they want to save their jobs.

Saturn transit from Aries sign will be the Twelfth house transit for Taurus natives.

This will mark the start of Sadhe Saati period for Taurus natives. It will take place in 2028.

The transit of Saturn from the twelfth house in the Aries sign can be challenging concerning finances. The native should be careful while investing money. Risky financial decisions should be avoided. The native should also be careful while investing in properties. The natives may get constantly troubled by enemies and can also face problems in foreign lands.

Saturn’s Transit from 4th, 8th and 12th house for Gemini

Saturn transit from Virgo sign in the Fourth house will form Kantak Shani for Gemini natives.

The transit of Saturn from the Virgo sign can give unexpected gains arising from family inheritance. However, this transit can also give rise to property disputes in the family. Health can also be bad because of this transit. The native should be cautious while driving. The mother’s health can be a cause of concern for the native.

Saturn transit from Capricorn sign in the Eighth house will represent Ashtam Shani for Gemini people. Since Saturn will be in its own sign Capricorn, it is likely to be more positive than negative. Gemini people experienced their Ashtam Shani period from January 2020 to January 2023.

The transit of Saturn from the Capricorn sign from the eighth house can be considered good for financial gains. Stuck money can get released. There can also be unexpected financial gains arising from gifts or inheritances. The native may suffer from some health issues because of this transit. There can be gains from the father though the relationship with the father may soar.

Saturn transit from Taurus sign in the Twelfth house, means the start of Sadhe Saati for Gemini natives. This will be in around 2030..

The transit of Saturn from the twelfth house can make the natives travel a lot. There is a strong possibility of transfer or change in residence or job because of this transit. However, this transit can also bring in good opportunities for the natives. The native should be careful while investing. Investment based on hearsay should be avoided.

Saturn’s Transit from 4th, 8th and 12th house for Cancer

Saturn transit from Libra sign in the fourth house, represents Kantak Shani for Cancerians.

The transit of Saturn from the Libra sign can trigger job-related changes. The native may also have to face some delays in getting new projects. The transit is good for property matters and for windfall financial gains. Things may get challenging in family life, especially marital life. There may be a lack of understanding with partners

Saturn transit from Aquarius sign in the eighth house, marks Ashtam Shani for Cancer natives. Since Saturn is Aquarius currently, Cancer people are undergoing Ashtam Shani till March 2025. Aquarius is Saturn’s own sign and that should be a relief for Cancer natives. However, if we consider that Saturn being the lord of 7th and 8th House will be seen as Markesh, Cancer natives will need to be careful about their health and road safety especially if they are running either Mahadasha or Antar Dasha of Saturn.

The transit of Saturn from the Aquarius sign from the eighth house can be challenging on account of the health prospects of the spouse. There can also be a major disagreement with the spouse because of this transit. Financially, this transit can increase the fortune of the native as unexpected financial gains are possible. However, career-wise things may remain challenging.

Saturn transit from Gemini sign in the twelfth house, will mean start of Sadhe Saati for Cancer natives.

The transit of Saturn from the twelfth house can be challenging on account of marital life. There can be problems because of the health concerns of the spouse. The native may also have to incur financial outgo because of an increase in medical expenses. The native should be careful in making new friends. The native may likely get duped by someone.

Saturn’s Transit from 4th, 8th and 12th house for Leo

Saturn transit from Scorpio sign in the fourth house will mark onset of Kantak Shani for Leo natives.

The transit of Saturn from the Scorpio sign from the fourth house can help in getting married for some. However, this transit of Saturn can be detrimental to family life. This transit may even trigger property disputes. The native may have health problems linked to the lungs or heart because of this transit. There can also be danger arising from vehicles.

Saturn transit from Pisces sign in the eighth house will start Ashtam Shani for Leo natives. This will be happening next year, March 29, 2025.

The transit of Saturn from the Pisces sign can be considered to be a challenging transit, especially for marriage. This transit can cause rifts with the spouse. It can also cause health issues for the spouse. This transit is detrimental to the health prospects of the natives. The native may have a chronic ailment because of this transit.

Saturn transit from Cancer sign in the twelfth house will mark the beginning of Sadhe Saati for Leo people. This is pretty far off, July 2034 to be precise.

The transit of Saturn from the twelfth house from the Cancer sign can be challenging. This transit can cause challenges concerning family and relationships. The native may have to face tough opposition in marriage. This transit can also be challenging for health. The chances of hospitalization are quite high. Financially, the transition can be stressful.

Saturn’s Transit from 4th, 8th and 12th house for Virgo

Saturn transit from Sagittarius sign in the Fourth house, marks Kantak Shani for Virgo natives.

The transit of Saturn from the Sagittarius sign from the fourth house can be challenging concerning family matters as well as property matters. However, this transit may also give the native the opportunity to join a new job. The native should take care of his health and personal safety. There can be unexpected financial gains for some because of this transit.

Saturn transit from Aries sign in the Eighth house will mean Ashtam Shani for Virgo sign people. Saturn will enter Aries in June 2027. So it still some time away.

The transit of Saturn from the eighth house in the sign of debilitation can be challenging for many aspects of life. This transit can cause health issues for the natives. The native may have to undergo difficulties in marital life. The health of the spouse may also be a cause of concern. There may be difficulties in getting money from family inheritances.

Saturn transit from Leo sign in the Twelfth house will be the start of Sadhe Saati for Virgo people. This is too far as we speak, August 2036.

The transit of Saturn from the twelfth house from the Leo sign can be challenging concerning health. There can be place change or travelling for the native. The transit can also make the native travel a lot for furtherance of education. The native may be troubled by enemies and may also have unpleasant experiences in a foreign land.

Saturn’s Transit from 4th, 8th and 12th house for Libra

Saturn transit from Capricorn sign in the Fourth house marks Kantak Shani for Libra natives. Since Saturn is a Yogakarak for Libra natives and Capricorn is Saturn’s own sign, the results will be largely favourable.

The transit of Saturn from the Capricorn sign can be considered good for property matters as well as financial matters. There can be unexpected speculative gains. This transit favours buying new properties. The transit of Saturn from this house can cause some frustrations in the job. People may likely be jealous of your achievements at your workplace.

Saturn transit from Taurus sign in the Eighth house makes for Ashtam Shani transit for Libra natives. Saturn sits favourably in Taurus and since it is a Yogakarak planet for Libra natives, the ill effects of the Ashtam Shani should get far less intense than otherwise. Saturn will enter Taurus in August 2029. So no need to worry now.

The transit of Saturn from the eighth house can cause obstacles in pursuing education. The native can also lose money because of wrong investment decisions. The native should be careful while signing property-related documents. However, this transit can also give unexpected gains or windfall gains, especially coming out of inheritance.

Saturn transit from Virgo sign in the Twelfth house marks the start of Sadhe Saati for Librans. This means October 2038.

The transit of Saturn from the twelfth house from the Virgo sign can cause a change in residence for the native. The natives may also get opportunities for foreign jobs. The transit is good for pursuance of foreign education. However, this transit can also cause anxiety and mental stress. The native should be careful towards his health and personal safety.

Saturn’s Transit from 4th, 8th and 12th house for Scorpio

Saturn’s current transit from Aquarius sign in the Fourth house marks the Kantak Shani transit for Scorpions. Since Aquarius is own sign of Saturn, we should expect less intense negative results from this transit for Scorpio sign. This transit ends in March 2025.

The transit of Saturn from the Aquarius sign can cause place change or residence change for the native. This transit is also good for long-distance or foreign travel. The native may gain from siblings. Health issues for the mother are possible. Careerwise the transit is likely to create fresh opportunities. The native may get contractual assignments because of this transit.

Saturn transit from Gemini sign in the Eighth house will be known as Ashtam Shani Transit for Scorpio natives. This will be happening in 2032 only.

The transit of Saturn from the eighth house from the Gemini sign can cause obstacles in education. However, natives who are pursuing research or in-depth studies may gain because of this transit. The transit is suitable for research. The native may be prone to chronic ailment as a result of this transit. Hence, the native should remain careful. Career-wise things may improve with effort.

Saturn transit from Libra sign in the Twelfth house will be the start of Sadhe Saati period for Scorpio sign natives. This starts in 2041! 

The transit of Saturn from the twelfth house from the Libra sign can be a challenging transit concerning career. However, new and better opportunities may also come from unexpected sources. There can be gains from travelling and from foreign sources because of this transit. The native may however suffer from insomnia.

Saturn’s Transit from 4th, 8th and 12th house for Sagittarius

Saturn transit from Pisces sign in the Fourth house will be the Kantak Shani transit for Sagittarians. This will start next year, 29th March 2025 to be precise.

The transit of Saturn from the Pisces sign can be challenging as the native may have to face changes on the career front. This transit can also trigger place change or transfer. The health of parents may be a cause of stress. However, the native can make money through property sales during this transit of Saturn.

Saturn transit from Cancer sign in the Eighth house will mark the Ashtam Shani period for Sagittarius natives. This will however happen in 2034 only.

The transit of Saturn from the eighth house can mar happiness from family life. This transit is also not very good for business. The native may have to face issues concerning financial liquidity. However, some financial gains arising from the sale of property are also possible. The native may have to undergo some opposition from the family.

Saturn transit from Scorpio sign in the Twelfth house will be the beginning of Sadhe saati period for Sagittarius natives. It is too far off. Happening in 2043!

The transit of Saturn from the twelfth house in the Scorpio sign can be stressful. Things may be tough concerning finances. Healthwise this transit can be a bit stressful. Relationships with siblings may deteriorate. The native may have to face opposition from kith and kin. The native should avoid unnecessary stress.

Saturn’s Transit from 4th, 8th and 12th house for Capricorn

Saturn transit from Aries sign in the Fourth house will mark Kantak Shani for Aries natives. It will happen in June 2027.

Saturn will be debilitated in the fourth house. There can be issues concerning the health of the mother as well as disputes regarding properties. The aspect of Saturn on the fourth house can cause career changes. Residence changes are also possible because of transit. One should avoid investments in properties because of this transit

Saturn transit from Leo sign in the Eighth house will be Ashtam Shani event for Capricorn natives.However this is happening far away in 2036.

The transit of Saturn from Leo sign arising in the eighth house is not very good concerning the health prospects of the native. The native may likely be prone to illness. There can also be financial loss because of wrong investment decisions. Hence, the native should be careful. There can also be disputes with relatives.

Saturn transit from Sagittarius sign in the Twelfth house will mark Sadhe saati onset for Capricorn people. However, this is going to happen in 2046! The Capricorn people are also going through the last phase of their Sadhe Saati currently and it will end in March 2025.

The transit of Saturn from the twelfth house from the Sagittarius sign can be stressful concerning health. The native may be prone to illness. This transit can increase wasteful expenditures for the natives making it tough to save money. There can be opportunities to work on foreign assignments because of this transit.

Saturn’s Transit from 4th, 8th and 12th house for Aquarius

Saturn transit from Taurus sign in the fourth house will be the onset of Kantak Shani period for Aquarians. This will happen in August 2029.

This transit of Saturn can impart luck for property purchase. There can be unexpected long-distance travel because of this transit. There can be a gain of property from parents. However, one may have to face property-related disputes as well. Things may be tough in the family.

Saturn transit from Virgo sign in the eighth house will be the Ashtam Shani period for Aquarius natives. This starts in 2038!

The transit of Saturn from the eighth house can be challenging concerning health. However, this transit can also give professional betterment and travel. However, expenses are likely to shoot up. Things may get challenging in marriage. The native may have to forgo some share of parental properties because of this transit.

Saturn transit from Capricorn sign in the twelfth house will be the start of Aquarius people. This has started from 2020 and continues till June 2027.

The transit of Saturn from the twelfth house can be challenging as far as health is concerned. However, this transit can also give opportunities for travel and betterment in career prospects. There can be gains from travelling. The native may do well with efforts. However, the native may remain stressed because of the magnitude of the workload.

Saturn’s Transit from 4th, 8th and 12th house for Pisces

Saturn transit from Gemini sign in the Fourth house will mark the onset of Kantak Shani for Pisceans. This will be May 2032.

The transit of Saturn from the Gemini sign in the fourth house can give both good and bad results. Professional, financial as well as property-related gains are possible because of this transit. However, health and safety concerns can also be there because of this transit. The health of the mother can be the cause of concern.

Saturn transit from Libra sign in the Eighth house will be Ashtam Shani for Pisces people. This is also very far off, 2041 to be precise.

The transit of Saturn from the eighth house from the Libra sign can give unexpected financial gains. The native may also have windfall financial gains arising from inheritance. This transit of Saturn can trigger career changes with better prospects. Arguments in marriage are likely to increase because of this transition.

Saturn transit from Aquarius (when seen from Moonsign) in the twelfth house marks the onset of Sadhe Saati for Pisceans. The Pisces Rashi people are undergoing Sadhe Saati from January 2023 to Years 2029/2030.

The transit of Saturn from the twelfth house from the Aquarius sign can be stressful as there can be displacement or a change in jobs. This transit is likely to increase the stress level of the native. There can be health issues because of too much work pressure. However, this transit can increase financial gains from foreign sources. At the same time, expenses would also soar.

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak
About Author

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak

A devout Shirdi Sai Baba devotee, Anand is an expert astrologer with deep compassion,empathy and love for mankind. Anand is a Jyotish Acharya from Bharti Vidya Bhawan, Delhi. He has an experience of 25+ years in practising Astrology and spiritual counselling.

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