
Astrological Remedies for Ketu

Ketu, just like Rahu is an unusual planet and gives a strange, mysterious and out of the ordinary energy to the area of life it is influencing in the chart. It gives a high degree of intuition and clairvoyance. Both Rahu and Ketu can give suddenness of results.

Ketu has the ability to give a high degree of intuition and clairvoyance. On the negative side, it can give doubts, anxieties and apprehensive nature.

The house position of Ketu shows the talents, behavorial patterns and tendencies that we carry from our previous lives.

Ketu is said to be in its own signs Scorpio and Pisces. It is exalted in Sagittarius. It is weak or debilitated in Gemini.

Ketu and Rahu can boost the effects of any planet they are in association with. They are said to function like the planets ruling the signs they are placed in.

Planet Ketu

Remedies for Mild affliction of Ketu:

  1. a) The native should donate Black and White Blankets to temples.
  2. b) The native should either keep the dog as a pet or should take care of dogs outside his home.
  3. c) The native should feed as many dogs as possible.
  4. d) The native should feed sweets to handicapped people on Thursdays.
  5. e) The native should apply Kesar Tilak on his forehead.
  6. f) The native should take care of and do service to the cow.
  7. g) The native should sprinkle Gomutra at home.
  8. h) The native should keep a forgiving nature and should keep a larger heart.
  9. i) The native can pierce his right ear and put a gold ring there.
  10. j) The native should do the Shraddha Karma of his ancestors every year.
  11. k) The native should worship Goddess Durga.

Astrology is perhaps as old a phenomenon as Human existence itself. Our ancient texts talk about Lord Ram’s horoscope.

Remedies for Major afflictions of Ketu:

The idol of the Ketu should be made using brass. Ketu is described in several forms in different scriptures. It is of smoky colour with a pair of arms, one holding a club and another in a blessing posture and showing riding on a donkey having a steady speed.

Ketu should be worshipped with the flowers and clothes of the colours of the idol and with fragrance, sticks, Deepa, giving oblations, Dhupa, Guggul, etc. The metal of the idol of the planet and the food dear to him as signified by the planet are donated in charity with full devoutness for the alleviation of the affliction.

Maharishi Parashara said that the Mantra of Ketu should be recited seventeen thousand times.

The type of wood to be used for Havan of Ketu is Kusha. The Havana Samagri duly mixed with honey, ghee, curd, or milk is offered as oblations into the sacred fire and amidst chanting of the Mantras 108 or 28 times, the Havana should be performed.

After that Brahmins should be fed. Rice cooked with pulses (khichri) is prescribed for Ketu Shanti. After the worship Dakshina should be given as per shraddha of yajmana (person performing the Havan) and satisfaction of Brahmins.

Mantra Jaap

Normally the mantras given below are chanted for reducing the affliction of Ketu. Beej Mantra is preferred because of being a potent mantra.

Mantra for Ketu: “Om Ketve Namah”

Beej Mantra for Ketu: “Om Straam Streem Straum Sah Ketve Namah”.


Remedies as per Gemstone:

Cat’s eye is the gemstone of Ketu.

  1. a) The metal to be used for making the ring is gold.
  2. b) It should be worn first on Wednesday, preferably during the period of Sukla Paksha (Waxing Moon).
  3. c) It can be worn at any time of the day.
  4. d) Cat’s eye should be worn on the ring finger.

Mantra for Ketu: “Om Ketve Namah”

Beej Mantra for Ketu: “Om Straam Streem Straum Sah Ketve Namah”.

Either of these mantras should be recited at least 108 times before wearing the gemstone.


Astrology may be one of the insights that our ancient Rishi-Munis might have got as part of their self-seeking or Tapasya. We should be thankful to all the people who translated that insight for understanding the common man. We should use Astrology as a tool to improve our lives and also to make the world a better and kinder place to live in.

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak
About Author

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak

A devout Shirdi Sai Baba devotee, Anand is an expert astrologer with deep compassion,empathy and love for mankind. Anand is a Jyotish Acharya from Bharti Vidya Bhawan, Delhi. He has an experience of 25+ years in practising Astrology and spiritual counselling.

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