Current Transits

Transits for October 2023

Astrological Transits happening in the month of October 2023 are going to be interesting for all.

While we have so far covered the long transits of  Saturn, Jupiter, and Rahu – Ketu, the rest of the planets are also continuously on the move. The movements of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Venus are also very important from an astrological point of view and they are said to impact our lives in multiple ways.

There is direct movement of planets and then there is retrograde movement of planets. The large planets like Jupiter and Saturn turn retrograde pretty often and so do other planets like Venus, Mars, and Mercury. Retrogression means the seemly feeling of planets traveling backward. In actuality, however, the planet is always in direct motion except Rahu and Ketu.

Like any other phenomenon created by the Creator, The celestial sky is never a dull thing. In this article, we will discuss the celestial happenings in October 2023.

The skies of October are even more eventful and interesting as we see one Solar and one Lunar eclipse in this month.

Parashar Rishi

What does being Retrograde mean?

There are times when we are sitting in a stationary train or a car. We suddenly feel that our train or the car has started moving backwards. However, the actual happening is that a train or a car on our side has started moving forward. The same is the concept of having a planet in the Retrograde motion.

All planets orbit the sun in the same direction in reality. However, there is this illusion of retrograde motion due to the relative differences in speed between Earth and the planet that is being seen in retrograde motion.

Retrograde motion is nothing but a deceptive consequence of the particular planet’s proximity to Earth. When planets are at their closest approach to Earth, the illusion of retrograde motion becomes most noticeable.

Sun and Moon are never retrograde. Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde. Other planets like Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn  get retrograde and then get direct again.

Transit Duration of All Planets

All planets take a unique time to pass through various Zodiac signs. This means that they stay for a particular period in each sign.


Approx Time period of their stay in 1 sign


1 month


2.25 Days


45 Days


14-30 Days


12 to 13 months


23-25 Days


30 months


18-19 months


18-19 months

The October Sky

October will see changes in movement of Venus, Mars, Mercury and Sun along with the regular movements of Moon.

October will also see the major transit of Rahu and Ketu. on 30th October 2023. Rahu is moving from Aries to Pisces and Ketu is moving from Libra to Virgo.  These two major planets will keep the company of Pisces and Virgo for next 18 months and will create a substantive impact on all major signs.

Click here to read a detailed forecast of impact of Rahu Ketu Transit of 2023 on your Ascendant (Lagna) or Moon sign (Rashi)

Mercury has entered Virgo sign on 1st October. Mercury is in stage of exaltation till the time it shifts to Libra on 19th October. Exalted planets in general are a good news for Astrology believers.

Venus has entered Leo on 2nd October and will be staying in this majestic sign of Sun for the entire month.

Sun, the karaka of all life will move Libra on 18th October 2023 and will stay there for a month. Sun is debilitated in the sign of Libra.

The Sun and Venus are therefore in signs of each other. People born in this period will carry a Parivartan Yoga in their natal horoscope.

Mars will also be in Libra from 3rd October onwards. It will remain here the entire month.

The Solar eclipse is happening on 14th October 2023 and is likely to be not visible in India.

Lunar eclipse is happening on 29th October and it will be visible in India.

hindu astrology
About Author

Alok Bhatnagar

Alok Bhatnagar, founder of Astropatri got initiated in the field of Astrology in 1998. He was working with the Internet department of The Times of India Group at that time. Alok founded the Astrology portal for Times Group – Astrospeak.

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