Exalted Mars 2024 – Transit Predictions

Mars, the planet that represents Valour, Grit, Determination and Courage has got exalted in Capricorn sign on 5th February 2024. It will remain in exalted state till 15th Match 2024.

When we use the word Exalted, it means that the planet in question is in it’s most powerful state to give the results that are associated with it. The results will vary depending upon one’s Ascendant or Moon sign.

This period of exaltation of Mars in Capricorn for coming 50 days will be good for a few signs and will give average results for the rest. Mars, being the owner of Aries and Scorpio sign, the natives of both these signs will find astral help coming their way during the exaltation period. In additon, Mars is also the Yogakarak for Cancer & Leo signs. Cancer & Leo natives will thus, also have a better time when Mars is exalted.

In this forecast, our learned astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak predicts the broad impact of this transit on your sign ( whether you read it as per your Lagna or Ascendant or you read it as per your Rashi or Moonsign). However, one must keep in mind that Transits are only a broad marker of the things to come. Exact predictions are possible only when the Transits are correlated with Birth Chart and running Maha Dasha and Antar Dasha.

The planet Mars

Exalted Mars  2024 – Predictions for Aries

Exalted Mars 2024 Transit Predictions for Aries

Mars is the lord of the Lagna and the lord of the Eighth house for Aries natives. Mars will transit from the Tenth house from 5th February 2024 to 15th March 2024. Mars will not only be exalted in Capricorn, the Tenth house it will also enjoy directional strength.

Hence, this transit is good for the career prospects of the native. The native may likely be considered for promotion. Seniors may be supportive at work. The aspect of Mars on the lagna may result in an elevation of status.

The time is favourable for investing in properties.

The native can also study and specialize in new subjects or pursue a new career line if the native is planning for a job change.

Exalted Mars 2024 – Predictions for Taurus

Exalted Mars 2024 Transit Predictions for Taurus

Mars is the lord of the Twelfth house and the lord of the Seventh house. Mars will be transiting from Capricorn, the Ninth house from its sign of exaltation from 5th February 2024 to 15th March 2024.

Mars being the twelfth lord in the horoscope its transit can give travel opportunities. The fortune of the natives may improve because of increased interaction with foreigners.

This transit is good for gains from spouses and partners. The native may get support from one’s life partner.

There can also be gains from siblings. However, there can be misunderstandings in the relationship with siblings.

Exalted Mars 2024 – Predictions for Gemini

Exalted Mars 2024 Transit Predictions for Gemini

Mars is the lord of the Sixth house and Eleventh house in the horoscope. Mars will be transiting from Capricorn, the Eighth house from 5th February 2024 to 15th March 2024.

This transit can cause challenges for the natives. The native may have to face challenges in jobs.

The transit can also make the native prone to injuries.

Misunderstanding in marriage cannot be ruled out.

However, this transit can give unexpected financial gains as well.

This transit is excellent for those students who are involved in research. The transit is also good for research in science and technology.

Exalted Mars 2024 – Predictions for Cancer

Exalted Mars 2024 Transit Predictions for Cancer

Mars is the lord of the Fifth house and the lord of the Tenth house in the horoscope. Mars is the ruler of both a Trikona and a Kendra house. Hence, Mars is a yogakaraka and the most important planet for Cancer natives.

Mars will be exalted in Capricorn, the Seventh house from 5th February 2024 to 15th March 2024.

The transit can be considered good for the career and financial prospects of the native. Some natives may also get good job opportunities because of this transit.

However, marital life may deteriorate because of this transition.

The transit will be good for the purchase of property especially land.

Exalted Mars 2024 – Predictions for Leo

Exalted Mars 2024 Transit Predictions for Leo

Mars is a Yogakaraka planet even for Leo natives as Mars happens to be the lord of the Fourth house and the lord of the Ninth house of the horoscope. Mars will be transiting from Capricorn, the Sixth house from 5th February 2024 to 15th March 2024.

This transit will be good for the natives. There can be all-around growth and prosperity for the natives.

This transit can however lead to disputes related to property.

The native should also be cautious while driving.

The native may travel far and wide and there can also be gains from traveling.

The native should be cautious as far as health and personal safety is concerned.

Exalted Mars 2024 – Predictions for Virgo

Exalted Mars 2024 Transit Predictions for Virgo

Mars is the lord of the Third house and the Eighth house in the horoscope. Mars will be transiting from Capricorn, the Fifth house from 5th February 2024 to 15th March 2024.

This transit is good for financial gains.

There may be rifts in relationships because of over-expectations.

This transit is good for in-depth research and spiritual learning.

The native may be concerned about the welfare of children because of this transit.

The native can make money from investments. Windfall gains in also possible. However, the native shouldn’t over-indulge in speculation if he doesn’t want to burn his finger.

Exalted Mars 2024 – Predictions for Libra

Exalted Mars 2024 Transit Predictions for Libra

Mars is the lord of the Second house and the lord of the Seventh house in the horoscope. Mars will be exalted in Capricorn, the Fourth house from 5th February 2024 to 15th March 2024.

This transit is excellent for the acquisition of property.

The transit is also good for the career prospects of the native.

Finances may also improve.

The native may be supported by near and dear ones.

The health of the mother can be a cause of concern. The native should also be careful towards his own health and personal safety especially the safety of one’s home.

Exalted Mars 2024 – Predictions for Scorpio

Exalted Mars 2024 Transit Predictions for Scorpio

Mars is the lord of the Lagna and the lord of the Sixth house in the horoscope. Mars will be transiting from Capricorn, the Third house from its sign of exaltation from 5th February 2024 to 15th March 2024.

This transit can be considered to be a very good transit.

The native may do well in career. The native can also do well in his business or enterprise.

The aspect of Mars on the ninth house may also bring luck to the natives as far as finances are concerned.

The native may gain by being a bold decision-maker. The native can gain from speculative means as well.

Exalted Mars 2024 – Predictions for Sagittarius

Exalted Mars 2024 Transit Predictions for Sagittarius

Mars is the lord of the Fifth house and the lord of the Twelfth house in the horoscope. Mars will be transiting from Capricorn, the Second house from 5th February 2024 to 15th March 2024.

This transit can prove to be fortunate as far as finance is concerned.

There can be gains from children.

The native can also travel a lot and there can also be gains from traveling and foreign because of this transit.

The native should be careful towards his health. The aspect of Mars on the eighth house can cause obstacles in work. There can be career changes for some natives.

Exalted Mars 2024 – Predictions for Capricorn

Exalted Mars 2024 Transit Predictions for Capricorn

Mars is the lord of the Fourth house and the lord of the Eleventh house in the horoscope. Mars will be transiting from Capricorn, the Lagna in the sign of exaltation from 5th February 2024 to 15th March 2024.

Financially, this transit of Mars from the lagna can be fortunate. There can be windfall gains for the native.

The transit is good for those natives who are inspired to buy a new property. There is a strong possibility of acquiring property or new conveyance cause of this transit.

There can be an increase in travelling for some natives.

Healthwise this transit is likely to cause challenges.

Exalted Mars 2024 – Predictions for Aquarius

Exalted Mars 2024 Transit Predictions for Aquarius

Mars happens to be the lord of the Third house and the lord of the Tenth house in the horoscope. Mars will be transiting fromCapricorn, the Twelfth house from 5th February 2024 to 15th March 2024.

This transit can be challenging for finances as expenses may shoot up.

The native should also be careful while investing money. The chance of financial loss is there. Hence, all kinds of speculative investments should be avoided.

However, the native may gain from travelling and foreign sources because of this transit.

Few people can get troubled by authorities in foreign lands.

Exalted Mars 2024 – Predictions for Pisces

Exalted Mars 2024 Transit Predictions for Pisces

Mars happens to be the lord of the Second house and the lord of the Ninth house in the horoscope. Mars will transit from Capricorn, the Eleventh house from 5th February 2024 to 15th March 2024.

This transit is good for financial gains.

The native can gain from inheritance.

The transit can give gains both from the father and from elder siblings.

This transit may however be challenging for the health prospects of the mother.

There is a possibility of lots of travelling during this transit. There can be gains from travelling for the native.

The native may also gain from speculative business. Career Prospects may improve gradually with increased efforts.

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak
About Author

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak

A devout Shirdi Sai Baba devotee, Anand is an expert astrologer with deep compassion,empathy and love for mankind. Anand is a Jyotish Acharya from Bharti Vidya Bhawan, Delhi. He has an experience of 25+ years in practising Astrology and spiritual counselling.

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