Rahu Ketu Transit For Libra (तुला)

How Libra sign people will get impacted by 2023 Transit of Rahu & Ketu?

On 30th October 2023, Rahu has moved to Pisces, the 6th house and Ketu has moved to Virgo, the 12th house for Librans. They will stay there for 18 months till 29th May 2025. This 18-month stay is referred to as Rahu Ketu Transit or Rahu Ketu Gochar. The transit of Rahu in your 6th house is a very welcome phenomenon.

Rahu was in the 7th house for Libra natives and Ketu was in the First house before the transit of 30th October.

The 2023 transit of Rahu Ketu will have a distinct impact on the Libra sign in general and also on important aspects like Career, Finances, Health, and Family.

Rahu moves to Revati Nakshatra on 30th October 2023 and later to Uttara Bhadrapad in 2024. In 2025, it transits to Purva Bhadrapad.

Ketu is currently in Chitra Nakshatra and it continues there till March 2024. Then it moves to Hasta Nakshatra. Ketu moves to Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra in November 2024.

The learned readers may read the forecast presented here either by their Ascendant ( Lagna) or Moon sign ( Rashi).

Our astrologers can also help with a personalized reading in case you wish to seek one.

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Rahu Ketu Transit 2023 for Libra!

Rahu Ketu Transit 2023 – General Outlook

The general forecast for Transit of Rahu Ketu for Libra natives is given below.  Exact or unique predictions are possible only on seeing individual charts.

Till October 30, 2023

Rahu  transiting from the seventh house must have overall been tough with respect to career and family life. Things may also have not been good in marital life.

However, this transit might have given some career-related gains. This transit of Rahu is also capable of causing changes with respect to career or residence. 

Libra, 7th House of the Zodiac

After October 30, 2023

The transit of Rahu from the sixth house from 30th October 2023 is likely to be good with respect to career and finance. The native may do well with hard work.

The natives will have chances of foreign travel.

The native should remain careful with respect to health after the transit of Rahu in the Pisces sign even as a malefic like Rahu in 6th house transit tends to give more positive results than negative ones.

Ketu will be transiting from the twelfth house on 30th October 2023. This transit can increase the expenses of the native.

The native may also have to incur losses in investments.

This transit is however good for change in residence as well as for foreign settlement.

Ketu in the twelfth house also indicates that the native may also have to face problems from enemies. The native may also have to face difficulties in foreign land. The native should exercise caution while travelling.


Till October 30, 2023

Rahu’s transit in the seventh house might have caused issues in the job. However, new job-related opportunities might also have emerged because of the current transit.

It is also likely that you might have got help from unexpected people with respect to career growth.

Post October 30, 2023

The transit of Rahu in the sixth house from 30th October 2023 is good for success in competition. The native should also do well with respect to their career.

The 6th house transit would ensure that you would have an upper hand whether related to your competitors, office peers, enemies and even legal opponents.

The transit of Ketu from the twelfth house from 30th October 2023 can cause obstacles on the career front.

However, this transit can also bring good news concerning foreign travel. The native may also have  job or residence-related changes.

People desist change forgetting that many times changes are necessary to push the career to the next league. Welcome change, as it often leads to positive outcomes.


Till October 30, 2023

The  transit of Rahu from the seventh house must have been good for earning from foreign sources. However, finances overall might have been a bit uncertain.

The transit should have given you several good opportunities but at the same time, one needs hard work and perseverance in plenty to really rise during the current transit.

Post October 30, 2023

Opportunities to earn money will increase when Rahu transits into Pisces sign from 30th October 2023. However, your expenses may also rise.

If you are running loans etc, then there is all the probability that you might be able to foreclose them.

You need to however avoid risky financial investments.

The transit of Ketu from Virgo from 30th October 2023 is not good for finances as your expenses are likely to soar. You should also be careful in handling finances.

The twelfth house is the house of loss transit of Ketu from the twelfth house can cause financial loss.

This transit will help by increasing foreign earnings and also help those natives who are looking for earning opportunities from abroad.


Till October 30, 2023

The transit of Rahu from the seventh house might have caused some issues with respect to health as the seventh house is a Kendra house.  Whenever Major planets transit through 7th house, the native should take care of health and also should take care of safety and security.

Post October 30, 2023

The transit of Rahu into Pisces sign, your 6th house, from 30th October 2023 is good for coming out of health problems.

Though you will be prone to illness, this transit is very good for recovery. 

The transit of Ketu from Virgo from 30th October 2023 is not very good concerning health. The native should take care of his health. However, this transit also ensures that timely treatment of ailment will lead to fast recovery.

You may have disturbed sleep because of this transit. It will be good if you can pray before you go the bed.

Family Front

Till October 30, 2023

The  transit of Rahu from the seventh house may have proved fairly average or not good for family prospects.

In 7th house transits of major planets, the native should take care of the health of the spouse. The native may also get into adjustment issues with the spouse.

Post October 30, 2023

The transit of Rahu from 30th October 2023 is overall good with respect to the relationship. However, relationships with maternal relatives may suffer.

The transit of Ketu from the Virgo sign from 30th October 2023 can also cause issues in family life.

You may have to undergo frustrations in relationships. Misunderstandings may also creep up in relationships.

The native shall gain from maternal relatives. This means offsetting some kind of adverse impact of Rahu on maternal side relationships. The native can also gain from siblings.

Rahu Ketu Transit 2023 at a glance:

This is the summary of Rahu Ketu Transit effects for your sign as compared to the previous transit ( the one that has ended on 30th October 2023)

Ascendant or Moonsign Previous Houses Current Houses Planet Career Finances Health Family Overall
Libra 7th-1st 6th-12th Rahu Better Worse Worse Worse Worse
Ketu Better Better Worse Worse Better


Here is a pictorial summary of the expected results of Rahu & Ketu Transit 2023 on Libra natives:
Summary of results of Rahu Ketu Transit 2023 on Libra

Understanding the Houses of Transit

Rahu has moved to 6th House.

The 6th House in the horoscope signifies the following :
– Diseases and potential to resist  them
– Daily routine
– Competition and ability to defeat them
– Debts
– Struggles and Obstacles
– Attention to Detail in work

Ketu has moved to 12th House of the chart.

The twelth house signifies the following :
– Losses
– Sleep
– Solitude
– Intoxication
– Foreign Travels
– Higher consciousness
– Imprisonment
– Hospitalizations
– Liberation

A detailed article on what the 12 houses in the chart signify is available on this link for addition read.

Rahu and Ketu occupying 6th and 12th House respectively for next 18 months will bring the focus on the significations of the houses mentioned above.

Rahu Ketu Relationship with Planetary Lord of Libra

The lord of Libra sign is Venus or शुक्र.

Rahu is considered as a Friendly planet of Venus. In compound or Panchdha ( more nuanced way of reading the relationship between planets) relationships, Rahu is considered as a Neutral to Venus.

Ketu is also considered as a Friendly planet to Venus. In compound relationships, It is seen as Great Friend of Venus.

This is a good to know information for understanding the Rahu Ketu Transit of 2023 for Libra sign.

Even amongst Libra natives, who will be impacted most?

This Rahu Ketu Transit 2023 will impact those Libra natives the most who are running Rahu or Ketu Mahadasha or Antardasha.

Those Libra natives who are facing other difficult astrological events like adverse Dashas or transits like Saturn’s Saadhe Saati may also experience some increase in over all difficulties.

Incase, this Transit of Rahu and Ketu happens to be over natal Rahu & Ketu or on harsh results producing planets like Saturn or Mars, those Libra natives might feel added hassles.

Remedies for Libra natives for Rahu Ketu transit 2023

Remedies for Rahu:

  1. a) Love people who are close to you.
  2. b) The native should clean his house regularly.
  3. c) The native should remove non-functional clocks, damaged electronic items, and false or damaged coins.

Mantra for Rahu: “Om Raahve Namah”

Beej Mantra for Rahu: “Om Bhraam Bhreem Bhraum Sah Raahve Namah”.

Remedies for Ketu:

  1. a) The native should feed sweets to handicapped people on Thursdays.
  2. b) The native should apply Kesar Tilak on his forehead.

Mantra for Ketu: “Om Ketve Namah”

Beej Mantra for Ketu: “Om Straam Streem Straum Sah Ketve Namah”.

Will all 18 months of the Rahu Ketu 2023 transit be equally good or bad?

Predictions for long transits like the Rahu Ketu transit happening on 30th October are meant to give a general purport of the results. It does not mean that all the 18 months will be uniformly good or bad or give similiar results throughout.

There is a school of thought that says that whenever Rahu and Ketu are plus or minus 3 degrees of the Ascendant degree or the degree of the Moon, the results will be more pronounced. It corresponds to a time period of about 1 & 1/2 months.

The degree of the Ascendant or the degree of the Moon can be easily found on seeing the horoscope or Kundali. Most online horoscopes show them upfront.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I read this forecast as per Libra Lagna or if my Moon sign is Libra?

Our astrologers at Astropatri recommend that there is no harm in reading the transits from both Moon sign as well as the Ascendant.

A large percentage of astrologers use Moon Sign as the primary marker for reading the impact of the transit. However, predictions done as per the Ascendant too have found to be uncannily accurate at times.

We should use the positives mentioned in both the forecasts for feel good and working doubly hard to utilise them in gaining our desired goals.

Similiarly Negatives should invite due caution especially if both the forecasts i.e. from your Moonsign and the Ascendant are brining up a common negative.


What is Rahu's movement in my chart in 2023?

Rahu was in your 7 h house and it has moved to your 6th House . Rahu in 6th house is a good placement for Rahu.

Rahu will stay in your 6th house for 18months i.e. from 30th October 2023 to 29th May 2025.

How is Ketu moving in 2023 in my chart?

Ketu has moved from your Lagna  to your 12th house. This can be slightly better than it has so far been for last 18 months.

Ketu will stay in your 12th house for 18 months from 30th October 2023 to May end 2025.

All the significations of 12th house that are mentioned above in the article will get highlighted by this transit.

What are the Nakshatras, Rahu and Ketu are transiting from during this transit?

Rahu Revati Nakshatra Uttara Bhadrapad Purva Bhadrapad
October 30, 2023 July 08, 2024 March 16, 2025
Ketu Chitra Nakshatra Hasta Nakshatra Uttara Phalguni
Currently here March 4, 2024 November 10, 2024

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak
About Author

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak

A devout Shirdi Sai Baba devotee, Anand is an expert astrologer with deep compassion,empathy and love for mankind. Anand is a Jyotish Acharya from Bharti Vidya Bhawan, Delhi. He has an experience of 25+ years in practising Astrology and spiritual counselling.

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