Saturn Retrograde Transit

Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius – From June 17 to November 4, 2023

Saturn is currently in Aquarius sign and will stay there till April 2025. Aquarius is Saturn’s own sign.

Saturn was retrograde in Aquarius sign till 4th November 2023. The planet of Justice has become direct now.

The effect of transit shall vary depending on whether the transit is taking place from the sign of exaltation, mooltrikona sign or own sign or friendly sign. In such transit as mentioned above transit generally gives good results. The transit result may not be good if transit is taking place from the sign of debilitation or from an enemy’s sign or if transit is taking place from adverse houses as mentioned below.

The transit of Saturn is a very important astrological event and it is observed with great intent and interest by astrologers and astrology believers alike. It is the longest transit amongst the transits of all planets and has the highest ability to impact a native’s life positively or negatively.

Planet Saturn

Saturn Transit through various houses

Transits are mostly judged from the Moon. However, in practice, transits are also seen from the lagna and the sun sign and also from the running dasa lord to give a finer picture.

Broadly speaking Saturn’s transit is considered good only when it is happening in 3rd/6th or 11th house from the Moon or Lagna. The rest all transits carry a rather gloomy story. However, there is a catch and that catch is known as Ashtakvarga points. It is very important to see the Ashtakvarga points of the Saturn in the house of transit from one’s birth chart.


If the Ashtakvarga points are 4 or upwards, the transit will give more of positive results than negative results.


The transit of Saturn through the various houses reckoned from the Moon or Lagna will produce the following effects in general :

1st house: Diseases and performance of funeral rites.

2nd house: Loss of wealth and children.

3rd house: Gain of position or employment and acquisition of wealth and servants.

4th house: Loss of wife, relations and wealth.

5th house: Diminishing wealth, loss of children and confusion of mind.

6th house: Happiness all around.

7th house: Sufferings to wife and danger during journeys.

8th house: Loss in the area of children, cattle, friends and wealth, and suffering from diseases.

9th house: Loss of wealth, obstacles to the performance of good deeds, death of an elderly relative equal to father and perpetual sorrow.+

10th house: Indulgence in sinful actions, loss of honour and suffering from diseases.

11th house: All kinds of happiness, the gain of wealth and receipt of unique honour.

12th house: Engagement in a business bringing no gains, loss of wealth through enemies, and sickness to wife and son.

Saturn Transit Predictions for Aries

Saturn Transit for Aries

Saturn was retrograde till November 4, 2023 in the Eleventh House which could have caused financial uncertainty. The native could have had disputes concerning parental properties or concerning inheritance.

Such transits require that the native need to take care of the health of parents, especially the mother.

You also ought to have been careful concerning investments and avoid risky or speculative investments.

The native could also have had differences or disputes with elder siblings. 

Saturn has become direct from 4th November 2023. This transit will help in resolving differences in the family.

Financially, Saturn getting direct can be helpful. Stuck finances may get released. The native can also make windfall gains from unexpected quarters.

Click here to read detailed predictions for Saturn’s Transit for Aries

Saturn Transit Predictions for Taurus

Saturn Transit for Taurus Natives

Saturn was retrograde in the Tenth House. This retrogression is likely to have caused concerns concerning career.

Things may not have progressed at all in your career. There could also have been setbacks and unnecessary obstacles. The ghost of the past could have kept on haunting you.

Even after due effort, it is likely that you may not have been able to make substantial progress in life. The transit could also have caused a job change as well as a residence. 

Things should start improving concerning my career when Saturn becomes direct on 4th November 2023.

This transit can also be helpful for those who want to buy conveyance or property.

The transit is also good concerning getting an elevation in status or getting a promotion in a job. 

Click here to read detailed predictions for Saturn’s Transit for Taurus

Saturn Transit Predictions for Gemini

Saturn Transit for Gemini

Saturn was retrograde in your Ninth House. This could  have caused fortune to dwindle. Things may have had been tough concerning luck. 

The relationship or health of the father may have been a cause for concern.

However, this transit might have given you opportunities to travel.The native may have gained from travelling and from foreign associations.

It was not the correct period to have gone for major investment decisions. Property-related decisions should also have been avoided.

Saturn gets direct from 4th November 2023. This transit will bring in lots of respite on financial matters. Relationship issues with the father may also start getting resolved.

The native may gain from foreigners. 

Click here to read detailed Saturn’s Transit predictions for Gemini

Saturn Transit Predictions for Cancer

Saturn Transit for Cancer

Saturn was retrograde in the Eighth House. This transit could also have been challenging concerning health.

The native may also have had to face issues concerning career matters. Career-related changes were also possible.

Things may be sluggish concerning new ideas and projects.

There may have had been issues or problems concerning property or inheritances with relatives.

Saturn has become direct on 4th November 2023. There may be challenges concerning health. However, things may start resolving concerning family inheritances. There can be significant progress also on account of career. 

Click here to read Saturn’s Transit detailed predictions for Cancer

Saturn Transit Predictions for Leo

Saturn Transit Leo


Saturn was retrograde in the Seventh House recently. This transit might not have been too good concerning family life.

Things might have become challenging especially if you were having issues in your marital life.

Things might also have got challenging concerning career. The job changes that you made might not be have given you satisfaction.

Things might have been tough concerning relationships. The main issue could have been that of trust.

If you were in business, it might have been a tough transit as your associates may have had a different stance than you.

Saturn getting direct from 4th November 2023 may ease out problems and also can help in resolving misunderstandings. Career-related obstacles may start resolving. 

Click here to read Saturn’s Transit detailed predictions for Leo

Saturn Transit Predictions for Virgo

Saturn Transit Virgo

Saturn was retrograde in the Sixth House. The transit of Saturn in the sixth house is generally good.

Things are likely to have  improved concerning career. You should have been  able to do well on the job.

However, the retrogression of Saturn in the sixth house could have caused health-related issues. It also could have resulted in increasing of issues with enemies. Your expenses might also have shot up.

Things will improve when Saturn gets direct from 4th November 2023. There may be a chance of foreign travel. Your income will increase along with your expenses. The native will be successful in competition.

Click here to read Saturn’s  Transit detailed predictions for Virgo

Saturn Transit Predictions for Libra

Saturn Aquarius Transit for Libra

Saturn was retrograde in your Fifth House.

This transit could have been challenging concerning career. Career-related issues would have persisted as long as Saturn remained retrograde.

You may have to take care of your children during the current transit.

You should stay away from speculative investments till the time Saturn is retrograde.

Things may start improving when Saturn becomes direct from 4th November 2023. Things may start improving concerning finances as well. There can be gains from investments.

If you are planning for a career change Saturn getting direct from 4th November 2023 onwards will be quite helpful.

Click here to read Saturn’s Transit detailed predictions for Libra

Saturn Transit Predictions for Scorpio

Saturn Transit for Scorpio

Saturn was retrograde in your Fourth House.

There might have been likely concerns concerning the mother.

The native may also have  had to face issues in travel or foreign land. VISA-related issues might also have arisen for some natives.

The native could also have had changes in residence or job-related changes.

The native should have taken care of his health. Some natives might also have been prone to respiratory illness.

Saturn will become direct from 4th November 2023. This transit is good for health, career and travel.

Things may start resolving in your personal life. The health of the mother may also start improving after this transit.

Click here to read detailed predictions of Saturn’s transit for Scorpio

Saturn Transit Predictions for Sagittarius

Saturn's Aquarius Transit for Sagittarius

Saturn was retrograde in your Third House. While 3rd house transit for Saturn is a good enough astrological occurence, the Retrogression might have proven a bit challenging especially with respect to relationships with siblings.

You may also have had a misunderstanding with your friends.

The native may have had hindrances in travelling.

The native may have had obstacles at work. If you were looking for foreign assignments you would have had to wait.

Lack of clear focus in life is likely to have caused frustrations and add ed to the confusion.

Saturn will be direct from 4th November 2023 onwards.

Things will start resolving in your relationship with friends and siblings thereafter.

You may start getting better career opportunities.

You may likely travel a lot after Saturn gets direct. 

Click here to read Saturn’s Transit detailed predictions for Sagittarius

Saturn Transit Predictions for Capricorn

Saturn Aquarius Transit for Capricorn

Saturn was retrograde in your Second House till November 4, 2023.This transit could have been challenging especially concerning Finances.

There might have been issues in family life. You may have found it difficult to adjust to some things related to the family.

The need to exercise control of your tongue is maximum when Saturn transits retrograde in 2nd house.

The retrogression of Saturn in the second house could also have caused financial uncertainty.

Things will start improving when Saturn becomes direct from 4th November 2023 onwards.

Your financial uncertainties will start resolving fast.

Problems or fights in the family may also start resolving. But yes, you should stop uttering hurtful words.

Click here to read Saturn’s Transit detailed predictions for Capricorn


Saturn Transit Predictions for Aquarius

Saturn Aquarius Transit impact for Aquarius natives


Saturn was transiting from your Lagna or First House in retrogression till November 4, 2023. Things may have been challenging especially concerning health.

This transit could also have triggered changes concerning your job as well as residence.

Marital life might also have suffered as a result of this transit.

Work wise things might have been moving ahead but the results might be below expectations.

Saturn will be direct from 4th November 2023 onwards. Your career-related issues may likely get sorted out thereafter.

The issues in marriage may also start getting resolved.

Your expenses are likely to shoot up. However, if you were working for a job change, things will start moving ahead after Saturn gets direct.

Click here to read Saturn’s Transit detailed predictions for Aquarius

Saturn Transit Predictions for Pisces

Saturn's transit in Aquarius for Pisces natives

Saturn was retrograde in the Twelfth House. This transit could have been quite challenging overall but also specifically relating to expenses and hospitalization possibilities.

Your expenses might have likely to shot up because of this transit.

You might have been troubled a lot by secret enemies. You may also have had unpleasing experiences while travelling.

You definitely needed to take care of your health during this transit.

12th house Retrograde Saturn might ake you suffer from insomnia which can also trigger depression in the long run.

Saturn will be direct from 4th November 2023 onwards. Things may start improving concerning the health of the native.

Your expenses may remain high as well as wasteful even after Saturn gets direct. You need to take control of your life to control your finances.

Click here to read detailed Saturn’s Transit predictions for Pisces

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak
About Author

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak

A devout Shirdi Sai Baba devotee, Anand is an expert astrologer with deep compassion,empathy and love for mankind. Anand is a Jyotish Acharya from Bharti Vidya Bhawan, Delhi. He has an experience of 25+ years in practising Astrology and spiritual counselling.

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