2024 Horoscope

Astropatri is pleased to present Annual Forecast for 2024. You can also refer to this as 2024 Horoscope or Predictions for 2024.

Each year brings its share of hopes, promises, fears and anxieties. Human existence centres around all of these. Let’s explore the  themes and the messages, the Universe will be whispering to us in 2024 and manifest all that we set out to achieve.

2024 Horoscope will see unique but significant alignments and energy shifts of key planets for all Ascendants or Rashis. This annual forecast is also based on the transits of Major planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu through the year.

The fundamental areas of human life like Career, Finances, Health, Family happiness etc  – all will see one impact or the other many a times in the coming year.  Astropatri brings predictions in all the above areas for your sign (ascendant or moon sign). Our astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak has tried to put simple and unpretentious 2024 predictions for all of you.

We pray that this forecast helps you to navigate the coming year with poise, resilience, grace and get help you get a deeper connect to the Cosmos.

Lets seek a better understanding of all the insights of 2024 and embrace all the opportunities, the new year is bringing to us. Let the Divine shower Its blessings to one and all in the new year!

2024 annual forecast for all zodiac signs

Major Astrological Highlights of 2024

2024 starts quite afresh with the major transit of Rahu in Pisces and Ketu in Virgo having taken place on 30th October 2023.

As Rahu and Ketu occupy a sign for almost 18 months, these planets will not see any change of houses in 2024 and the next transit of these planets will see the light of the day only in May 2025.

Jupiter, the ultimate benefic and a planet that everyone wants to have strong in their birth chart or the transit will move from Aries sign to Taurus sign on 1st May 2024. Jupiter will remain in Taurus sign for rest of the year and will move out on 14th May 2025. Jupiter will be in retrograde motion in Taurus sign from 9th October 2024 to 4th February 2025.

Saturn, the planet of Justice and perhaps thats why the planet of dread for many, remains in Aquarius sign throughout 2024. It will however be in retrograde motion from 30th June to 15th November 2024.

The rest of the planets will be regularly changing their houses and zodiac signs ( rashis) and a detailed information about them is provided in sections below.

There will be 4 eclipses in 2024 but none of them visible from India. The lunar eclipses will happen in month of March and September while Solar eclipses will be taking place in April and October of 2024.

Astropatri recommends that you should read this forecast as per your ascendant however if you are not sure what your ascendant is, you can read it as per your Moon sign or your Sun sign as well.

Ascendant & Its Lord Major Planets Houses in 2024
Ascendant / Moonsign Planetary Lord Jupiter before May 1 Jupiter after May 1 Saturn Rahu Ketu
Aries Mars 1st 2nd 11th 12th 6th
Taurus Venus 12th 1st 10th 11th 5th
Gemini Mercury 11th 12th 9th 10th 4th
Cancer Moon 10th 11th 8th 9th 3rd
Leo Sun 9th 10th 7th 8th 2nd
Virgo Mercury 8th 9th 6th 7th 1st
Libra Venus 7th 8th 5th 6th 12th
Scorpio Mars 6th 7th 4th 5th 11th
Sagittarius Jupiter 5th 6th 3rd 4th 10th
Capricorn Saturn 4th 5th 2nd 3rd 9th
Aquarius Saturn 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 8th
Pisces Jupiter 2nd 3rd 12th 1st 7th

2024 Horoscope – Predictions & Forecast for Aries

Astrologically speaking :

  1. – Rahu and Ketu are in 12th-6th axis. 12th House Rahu can be troublesome. 6th House Ketu should be good.
  2. – Saturn remains in your 11th house, which is very favourable.
  3. – Jupiter is in the Lagna till May 1 and shifts to 2nd house after that. Both placements are favourable.

(Detailed New Year 2024 predictions for Aries are here)

2024 Aries Predictions in a nutshell:

Major  2024 Planetary Transits & their Impact on Aries
Planet Jupiter in Aries Jupiter in Taurus Jupiter Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius Saturn Retrograde Rahu in Pisces Ketu in Virgo
Before May 1
After May 1
10th October Onwards
Full Year except when retrograde
30th June – 16th November
Entire Year
Career Good Better Challenging Helpful Challenging Difficult Good
Finances Good Better Challenging Good Challenging Difficult Good
Health Good Challenging Difficult Good Challenging Difficult Good
Family matters Good Good Challenging Helpful Challenging Challenging Challenging
Over All Good Good Challenging Good Challenging Difficult Good


2024 Horoscope – Predictions & Forecast for Taurus

Astrologically speaking :

Rahu’s movement from 12th House to 11th House will give major relief. Saturn in 10th is good for profession and Jupiter in Lagna after May 1 will also be better than Jupiter in 12th before May 1. Ketu in 5th house brings focus on children in one form or another.

(Detailed New Year 2024 predictions for Taurus are here)

2024 Taurus Predictions in a nutshell:

Major  2024 Planetary Transits & their Impact on Taurus
Planet Jupiter in Aries Jupiter in Taurus Jupiter Retrograde Saturn Saturn Retrograde Rahu Ketu
Before May 1
After May 1
10th October Onwards
Full Year except when retrograde
30th June – 16th November
Entire Year
Career Challenging Better Good Good Helpful Good Challenging
Finances Difficult Good Challenging Good Challenging Good Difficult
Health Difficult Good Challenging Good Challenging Good Challenging
Family matters Challenging Better Good Better Challenging Good Challenging
Over All Challenging Better Good Good Challenging Good Challenging

2024 Horoscope – Predictions & Forecast for Gemini

Astrologically speaking :

Before May 1, Jupiter remains in your 11th house, one of the best placements. After May 1, it shifts to 12th house, a house not as good as 11th. Saturn remains in your 9th house which is the house of fortune or sprituality. Rahu in 10th is good for profession but Ketu in 4th is not a very strong placement.

(Detailed New Year 2024 predictions for Gemini are here)

2024 Gemini Predictions in a nutshell:

Major 2024 Planetary Transits & their Impact on Gemini
Planet Jupiter in Aries Jupiter in Taurus Jupiter Retrograde Saturn Saturn Retrograde Rahu Ketu
Before May 1
After May 1
10th October Onwards
Full Year except when retrograde
30th June – 16th November
Entire Year
Career Good Challenging Difficult Better Good Challenging Difficult
Finances Better Difficult Challenging Good Challenging Good Challenging
Health Good Challenging Challenging Good Challenging Good Challenging
Family matters Good Good Challenging Challenging Difficult Challenging Difficult
Over All Good Challenging Challenging Good Challenging Good Challenging

2024 Horoscope – Predictions & Forecast for Cancer

Astrologically speaking :

It is possible that many Cancer natives are experiencing hardships because of 8th House Transit of Saturn which is also known as Ashtam Shani. Jupiter will shower its blessings when it shifts to your 11th house from May 1.  Ketu in 3rd house will give extraordinary courage.

(Detailed New Year 2024 predictions for Cancer are here)

2024 Cancer Predictions in a nutshell:

Major Planetary Transits 2024 & their Impact on Cancer
Planet Jupiter in Aries Jupiter in Taurus Jupiter Retrograde Saturn Saturn Retrograde Rahu Ketu
Before May 1
After May 1
10th October Onwards
Full Year except when retrograde
30th June – 16th November
Entire Year
Career Good Better Challenging Difficult Challenging Challenging Good
Finances Good Better Good Challenging Difficult Good Better
Health Better Good Good Challenging Difficult Good Challenging
Family matters Good Better Challenging Challenging Difficult Challenging Challenging
Over All Good Better Good Challenging Difficult Good Challenging

2024 Horoscope – Predictions & Forecast for Leo

Astrologically speaking :

Leo natives will have to endure 8th house transit of Rahu for the entire 2024. Ketu in 2nd brings focus on Finances. Jupiter gets into your 10th house from May 1. You will get an uplift in your Career. Saturn in 7th for the entire 2024 might bring challenges on partnerships front.
(Detailed New Year 2024 predictions for Leo are here)

2024 Leo Predictions in a nutshell:

Major Planetary Transits 2024 & their Impact on Leo
Planet Jupiter in Aries Jupiter in Taurus Jupiter Retrograde Saturn Saturn Retrograde Rahu Ketu
Before May 1
After May 1
10th October Onwards
Full Year except when retrograde
30th June – 16th November
Entire Year
Career Good Better Challenging Challenging Difficult Difficult Good
Finances Better Good Good Challenging Challenging Challenging Good
Health Good Better Good Challenging Difficult Difficult Challenging
Family matters Good Better Good Difficult Challenging Challenging Difficult
Over All Good Better Good Challenging Challenging Difficult Challenging

2024 Horoscope – Predictions & Forecast for Virgo

Astrologically speaking :

Virgo natives will see major relief as two major planets which are Rahu and Jupiter will be out of their 8th house in 2024. Jupiter moving from 8th to 9th house will bring focus on matters like sprituality and parents. Saturn in 6th is pretty much exceptional in many senses (mostly good).

Click here to read detailed New Year 2024 predictions for Virgo

2024 Virgo Predictions in a nutshell:

Major Planetary Transits 2024 & their Impact on Virgo
Planet Jupiter in Aries Jupiter in Taurus Jupiter Retrograde Saturn Saturn Retrograde Rahu Ketu
Before May 1
After May 1
10th October Onwards
Full Year except when retrograde
30th June – 16th November
Entire Year
Career Difficult Good Challenging Good Challenging Challenging Difficult
Finances Challenging Good Good Better Good Challenging Good
Health Challenging Better Good Good Challenging Challenging Challenging
Family matters Challenging Good Good Challenging Difficult Difficult Challenging
Over All Challenging Good Good Good Challenging Challenging Difficult

2024 Horoscope – Predictions & Forecast for Libra

Astrologically speaking :

The 6th house placement of Rahu during 2024 augurs very well for Libra natives. Ketu in 12th will also be good. The continued transit of Yogakaraka Saturn in 5th house will also be largely favourable. Jupiter will shift to your 8th house from may 1 and that will bring some challenges to the otherwise smooth flowing.
Click here to read detailed New Year 2024 predictions for Libra

2024 Libra Predictions in a nutshell:

Major Planetary Transits 2024 & their Impact on Libra
Planet Jupiter in Aries Jupiter in Taurus Jupiter Retrograde Saturn Saturn Retrograde Rahu Ketu
Before May 1
After May 1
10th October Onwards
Full Year except when retrograde
30th June – 16th November
Entire Year
Career Good Challenging Difficult Good Challenging Good Difficult
Finances Good Good Challenging Good Challenging Good Difficult
Health Good Difficult Challenging Good Difficult Good Challenging
Family matters Good Difficult Challenging Good Challenging Difficult Difficult
Over All Good Difficult Challenging Good Challenging Good Challenging

2024 Horoscope – Predictions & Forecast for Scorpio

Astrologically speaking :

Jupiter moving out of your 6th house from May 1 will bring you relief. The continued transit of Saturn in 4th house also known as Kantak Shani will continue to bring challenges on many fronts. Rahu in 5th causes issues related to love and relationships but Ketu in 11th will get you economic gains.
Click here to read detailed New Year 2024 predictions for Scorpio

2024 Scorpio Predictions in a nutshell:

Major Planetary Transits 2024 & their Impact on Scorpio
Planet Jupiter in Aries Jupiter in Taurus Jupiter Retrograde Saturn Saturn Retrograde Rahu Ketu
Before May 1
After May 1
10th October Onwards
Full Year except when retrograde
30th June – 16th November
Entire Year
Career Difficult Good Challenging Challenging Difficult Challenging Good
Finances Challenging Good Challenging Better Challenging Challenging Good
Health Difficult Good Good Challenging Difficult Challenging Good
Family matters Challenging Good Challenging Challenging Difficult Difficult Good
Over All Challenging Good Challenging Challenging Difficult Challenging Good

2024 Horoscope – Predictions & Forecast for Sagittarius

Astrologically speaking :

Your Lagna lord Jupiter’s transit from your 5th house till May 1 is favourable on many counts. However post May 1, its movement into 6th house will bring challenges on Health and Career front. Saturn’s continued transit from your 3rd house will remain very favorable and get you high level of courage and grit. Rahu in 4th is not too good. Ketu in 10th brings focus on Profession and foreign connections.
Click here to read detailed New Year 2024 predictions for Sagittarius

2024 Sagittarius Predictions in a nutshell:

Major Planetary Transits 2024 & their Impact on Sagittarius
Planet Jupiter in Aries Jupiter in Taurus Jupiter Retrograde Saturn Saturn Retrograde Rahu Ketu
Before May 1
After May 1
10th October Onwards
Full Year except when retrograde
30th June – 16th November
Entire Year
Career Good Challenging Difficult Good Challenging Challenging Good
Finances Good Difficult Challenging Good Good Challenging Good
Health Good Challenging Difficult Good Challenging Challenging Good
Family matters Good Difficult Challenging Challenging Challenging Difficult Challenging
Over All Good Challenging Difficult Good Challenging Challenging Good

2024 Horoscope – Predictions & Forecast for Capricorn

Astrologically speaking :

The Benefic Lagna lord Saturn remains in your 2nd house throughout 2024 and it will help you a lot in your financial aspects. Jupiter will move to your 5th house from May 1 and that will be helpful too. Rahu in 3rd house gives extraordinary courage to fight any adverse situations. Ketu in 9th will bring focus on spirituality and foreign travels.
Click here to read detailed New Year 2024 predictions for Capricorn

2024 Capricorn Predictions in a nutshell:

Major Planetary Transits 2024 & their Impact on Capricorn
Planet Jupiter in Aries Jupiter in Taurus Jupiter Retrograde Saturn Saturn Retrograde Rahu Ketu
Before May 1
After May 1
10th October Onwards
Full Year except when retrograde
30th June – 16th November
Entire Year
Career Better Good Challenging Challenging Challenging Better Good
Finances Good Better Good Challenging Difficult Good Good
Health Good Good Challenging Difficult Challenging Good Challenging
Family matters Better Good Good Challenging Difficult Challenging Challenging
Over All Better Good Good Challenging Difficult Good Challenging

2024 Horoscope – Predictions & Forecast for Aquarius

Astrologically speaking :

Aquarius natives have their Lagna lord Saturn in their Lagna throughout the year. The transit will remain largely favorable although the period of retrogression from end June to Mid November will bring complexity. Jupiter in your 4th house from May 1 will bring favorable results. Rahu and Ketu in 2nd-8th house axis bring difficulties in Finances and taxation areas of your life.
Click here to read detailed New Year 2024 predictions for Aquarius

2024 Aquarius Predictions in a nutshell:

Major Planetary Transits 2024 & their Impact on Aquarius
Planet Jupiter in Aries Jupiter in Taurus Jupiter Retrograde Saturn Saturn Retrograde Rahu Ketu
Before May 1
After May 1
10th October Onwards
Full Year except when retrograde
30th June – 16th November
Entire Year
Career Good Better Good Good Challenging Challenging Difficult
Finances Better Good Challenging Challenging Difficult Good Challenging
Health Good Better Good Challenging Difficult Challenging Difficult
Family matters Good Better Good Challenging Challenging Difficult Challenging
Over All Good Better Good Challenging Difficult Challenging Difficult

2024 Horoscope – Predictions & Forecast for Pisces

Astrologically speaking :

Rahu in your Lagna and Ketu in 7th bring difficulties on many fronts. Saturn in 12th is not helpful either. Jupiter in 2nd house till May 1 and in your 3rd house after May 1 will offer some respite. The Pisces natives are unlikely to have an easy going 2024 especially if there are other astrological complexities associated in their chart.
Click here to read detailed New Year 2024 predictions for Pisces

2024 Pisces Predictions in a nutshell:

Major Planetary Transits 2024 & their Impact on Pisces
Planet Jupiter in Aries Jupiter in Taurus Jupiter Retrograde Saturn Saturn Retrograde Rahu Ketu
Before May 1
After May 1
10th October Onwards
Full Year except when retrograde
30th June – 16th November
Entire Year
Career Better Good Challenging Difficult Challenging Challenging Challenging
Finances Good Good Challenging Difficult Challenging Difficult Challenging
Health Good Good Challenging Difficult Difficult Difficult Challenging
Family matters Good Good Challenging Difficult Difficult Difficult Difficult
Over All Good Good Challenging Difficult Difficult Difficult Challenging

Dates of Transit of Sun in 2024Sun - The Karaka of all life

Movement date Sign (Rashi) Exaltation dates Debilitation dates
15th January Capricorn
13th February Aquarius
14th March Pisces
13th April Aries 13th April to 14th May
14th May Taurus
15th June Gemini
16th July Cancer
16th August Leo
16th September Virgo transit
17th October Libra 17th October to 16th November
16th November Scorpio
15th December Sagittarius

The dates mentioned above are the starting dates of the Transit for example 15th January Capricorn means that Sun will enter Capricorn sign or Rashi on 15th Jaury 2024.

Dates of Transit of Mars in 2024

The planet Mars

Start Date End Date Transit Rashi Transit House # Remarks
28th December 2023 5th February 2024 Sagittarius 9th
5th February 2024 15th March Capricorn 10th Exalted
15th March 23rd April Aquarius 11th
23rd April 1st June Pisces 12th
1st June 12th July Aries 1st Own House
12th July 26th August Taurus 2nd
26th August 20th October Gemini 3rd
20th October 7th December* Cancer 4th Debilitated
7th December Retrograde till Year end Cancer 4th Debilitated and Retrograde

Dates of Transit of Venus in 2024

The planet Venus

Start Date End Date Transit Rashi Transit House # Remark
25th Dec 2023 18th Jan 2024 Scorpio 7th
18th Jan 12th Feb Sagittarius 8th
12th Feb 7th March Capricorn 9th
7th March 31st March Aquarius 10th
31st March 24th April Pisces 11th Exalted
24th April 19th May Aries 12th
19th May 12th June Taurus 1st Own House
12th June 7th July Gemini 2nd
7th July 31st July Cancer 3rd
31st July 25th August Leo 4th
25th August 18th September Virgo 5th Debiltated
18th September 13th October Libra 6th Own House
13th October 7th November Scorpio 7th
7th November 2nd December Sagittarius 8th
2nd December 28th December Capricorn 9th

Dates of Transit of Mercury in 2024

The Planet Mercury

Start Date End Date Transit Rashi Type of Motion Transit House # Remarks
Direct or Retrograde
2nd January 7th January Scorpio Direct 6th
7th January 1st February Sagittarius Direct 7th
1st February 20th February Capricorn Direct 8th
20th February 7th March Aquarius Direct 9th
7th March 26th March Pisces Direct 10th Debilitated
26th March 2nd April Aries Direct 11th
2nd April 9th April Aries Retrograde 11th
9th April 25th April Pisces Retrograde 10th Debilitated & Retrograde
25th April 10th May Pisces Direct 10th Debilitated
10th May 31st May Aries Direct 11th
31st May 14th June Taurus Direct 12th
14th June 29th June Gemini Direct 1st Own House
29th June 19th July Cancer Direct 2nd
19th July 5th August Leo Direct 3rd
5th August 22nd August Leo Retrograde 3rd
22nd August 29th August Cancer Retrograde 2nd
29th August 4th September Cancer Direct 2nd
4th September 23rd September Leo Direct 3rd
23rd September 10th October Virgo Direct 4th Exalted
10th October 29th October Libra Direct 5th
29th October 26th November Scorpio Direct 6th
26th November 16th December Scorpio Retrograde 6th
16th December 4th January 2025 Scorpio Direct 6th

Dates of Transit of Jupiter in 2024


Planet Jupiter

Date Event
1st May 2024 Jupiter enters Taurus
9th October 2024 Jupiter turns retrograde in Taurus

Position of Rahu, Ketu and Saturn during 2024


Planet Saturn

Date Event
30th June 2024 Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius
15th November 2024 Saturn turns Direct in Aquarius

Rahu & Ketu

Planet RahuPlanet Ketu

Rahu in Pisces sign for entire 2024
Ketu in Virgo sign for entire 2024

Dates of Exaltation and Debilitation of major planets in 2024

Planet Exaltation Dates Deblitation Dates Own House Dates
Sun 13th April – 14th May 17th October -16th November 16th August – 16th September
Mars 5th February – 15th March 20th October – 21st Jan(2025) 1st June – 12th July
Mercury 23rd September – 10th October 7th March -26th March 14th June – 29th June
9th April – 10th May
Venus 31st March-24th April 25th August – 18th September 19th May – 12th June
18th September – 13th October

Since Moon gets exalted, debilitated and in its own house, every month or so, we have compiled a list of its important dates separately. One can read about them here.

Jupiter remains in Aries sign till May 1, 2024 and then in Taurus sign afterwards. It gets niether exalted or debilitated in 2024.

Saturn is in its own house Aquarius for the entire year.

Similiarly Rahu and Ketu remain in Pisces and Virgo sign for the entire year in retrograde motion.

Key Dates of Retrograde and Direct Movement in 2024

Planet Retrogression Turning Direct
Mars 7th December 2024 24th Feb 2025
Mercury 2nd April 25th April
5th August 29th August
26th November 16th April
Jupiter 9th October 4th Feb 2025
Saturn 30th June 15th November

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this 2024 Forecast as per my Ascendant or my Moon Sign?

This forecast should be read first as per Ascendant and then as per Moon sign. For example if your Ascendant is Taurus and your Moonsign is Leo. You should read this forecast for Taurus Ascendant. However you should also go through the predictions for Leo and check if there is a positive or a negative prediction occuring in both forecasts.

One must exercise extra precautions of negatives that are finding place in both forecasts.

There are 8 billion people who are divided into 12 signs? How can one forecast be applicable for so many millions belonging to one zodiac sign?

Zodiac signs based forecasts ( whether Ascendant or Moon-sign or Sun-sign) are general forecasts which are only indicative in nature. One must read them to only get the Macro picture of signals from the Universe.

Personalised predictions are based on your birth chart which is a unique phenomenon. The sign based forecasts like this 2024 Forecast of Astropatri are derived from the transits of major planets and their impact on one’s ascendant or Moon sign. These forecasts do not give specific predictions but only major trends. Essentially telling you which planetary transits would be helpful and which ones will be adverse.

For getting accurate and more relevant predictions, the birth chart, the strength of various planets in your chart, your current Dasha & Antar Dasha, the various aspects of the planets in your chart and many other factors need to be taken in consideration. It is advised to consult an experienced astrologer if one is looking for absolutely personalised predictions.

How do I use the predictions that are written in this 2024 forecast in best possible manner?

Astrology is one of the many gifts provided by the Almighty God to help humans improve their lives.

A positive outcome promised by the planets should spur you to get into action with full vigour and intent.

A negative that is indicated by the planetary cast should be used to put your thoughts and energies into creating a strategy that helps you overcome any possible negative outcomes.

Astrology does not ask you to use it as a fatalist phenomenon. There are many superlative tools, mankind has devised to constantly improve its state of being & Astrology should be seen as one more amongst them.

hindu astrology
About Author

Alok Bhatnagar

Alok Bhatnagar, founder of Astropatri got initiated in the field of Astrology in 1998. He was working with the Internet department of The Times of India Group at that time. Alok founded the Astrology portal for Times Group – Astrospeak.

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