Taurus – Yearly Predictions for 2024

The new year brings much betterment for you!

2024 forecast for Taurus is based on the transits of Major planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu and their impact on Taurus sign.

The year 2024 promises to be an eventful year for Taurus natives as Jupiter the ultimate benefic comes to occupy your sign in May 2024 and remain there for rest of the year. Even as Jupiter as a planet is a functional malefic for your sign, the basic nature of this magnanimous planet is to provide & protect. The Lagna, thus remains blessed with the grace of Jupiter for major part of the year.

With Rahu in your 11th house and Saturn in your 10th house, the professional scene can be pure awesome for many of you.

Taurus is an Earthy sign and Taurean natives are known to be amongst the most grounded, loyal, steadfast and  patient of all the zodiac signs. If they adhere to the key basics of life like doing good to others, remaining kind to everyone, respecting elders, helping the needy, feeding the hungry and praying to the Power above, they can really conquer the world!

Jupiter Predictions for Taurus in 2024

Significance of Jupiter for Taurus Sign

Jupiter happens to be the lord of the Eighth house and the Eleventh house. The eighth house is the house of Obstacles as well as Longevity and the eleventh house is the house of Financial Gains.

The Mooltrikona for Jupiter falls in the eighth house. Hence, Jupiter is a functional malefic planet for this ascendant.

Jupiter Transit before May 1, 2024 Predictions

Jupiter will be transiting from the Twelfth house in the Aries sign when the year 2024 starts. It will be aspecting your 4th, 6th and 8th houses.

1. This transit is likely to cause strain concerning finances.

2. Financial matters should be handled with prudence and great care.

3. Risky investment decisions should be avoided.

4. Jupiter will be aspecting the fourth house in the horoscope while transiting in the twelfth which can either mean a change in residence or it can also mean buying or investing in new property.

Jupiter Transit after May 1, 2024 Predictions

Jupiter will transit into the lagna from 1st May 2024. It  will aspect the 5th, 7th and 9th house.

1. This transit is good for windfall financial gains for the natives. The transit will bring in good news on Financial front.

2. The Eighth lordship of Jupiter can, however cause obstacles and delays.

3. The native should also be careful about his Health.

4. The eleventh lordship of Jupiter can give unexpected Financial avenues to the natives.

5. The native can also have gains from Inheritance.

Jupiter gets Retrograde from 10th October and remains retrograde for rest of the year!

This retrogression is likely to increase uncertainty concerning career and health.

Saturn Predictions for Taurus in 2024

Significance of Saturn for Taurus Sign

Saturn is the benefic yogakaraka planet for the Taurus sign as it is the ruler of the Ninth house of Fortune and Tenth house of Karma or Career. Hence, Saturn is a Raj yoga karaka for Taurus natives.

However, a bit curiously though, but Saturn is also considered a Badhak planet for Taurus ascendant. Saturn, therefore while bringing forth new and better career and financial opportunities, also increases obstacles and  chances of last moment failings.

Saturn aspects the twelfth house of foreign and fourth house or residence as well as the seventh house of spouse and career.

This Yog karaka planet for Taurus will be transiting from the Tenth house from its own sign Aquarius.

Predictions based on Saturn position in 2024

  1. 1.This transit is good for the Professional prospects of the native.
  2. 2.Things will move ahead in the right direction when the year starts.
  3.  3.The native may get new projects and may have a fruitful work life.

Saturn gets retrograde on 30th June and gets direct on 16th November 2024

The Retrogression of Saturn from 30th June 2024 can cause Career-related uncertainty. There may be career reversals at the last moment.

Things will startt improving when Saturn becomes direct from 16th November 2024.

Rahu & Ketu Predictions for Taurus in 2024

Rahu will be transiting from the benefic eleventh house during the entire year 2024. Ketu will be in 5th.


1. Windfall Gains
This transit will be good for having windfall gains for the natives.

2. Usage of New Technology/foreign connection
The native can gain by use of new technology or even from foreign sources.

3. Relationship with Elder Siblings
This transit can however cause issues with elder siblings.

4. Mother’s Health
This transit is also from the eighth house to the fourth house which can have an adverse impact towards the health of the mother.

5. Health or otherwise some concerns on Children front:
Ketu transit from the fifth house can cause health concerns for children.

6. Speculative Gains
However, this transit of Ketu is also likely to give speculative gains.

How will 2024 be for Taurus

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Career Horoscope 2024 for Taurus

The following are the key insights for 2024 regarding Taurus Career:

1. Increased Travelling
When the year 2024 starts ,12th house Jupiter transit is likely to increase travelling, especially Career related.

2. Professional gains amidst Adverse circumstances.
Jupiter being the eighth lord its transition from the twelfth house can give professional gains amidst adverse circumstances.

3.Jupiter in Taurus post May 1 for Career will give mixed results
Jupiter’s transit into the lagna from 1st May 2024 should be overall good concerning career. Some obstacles or career-related change are likely though.

4. Promotion chances are high
Rahu will be transiting well throughout the year in the eleventh house. This transit is likely to give unexpected gains or a chance of having a promotion in a job.

5. Saturn helps the Career
Strong and own sign Saturn will be transiting from the tenth house. This transit is good for the career prospects of the native.

6. Saturn also helps with Promotion
There may likely be promotion or career betterment because of this transit.

7. Recognition of Hard Work
There will be recognition of hard work because of this transit of Saturn.

8. Influential people might help
There may be gains or help recieved from influential people.

9. Obstacles post Saturn Retrogression
Saturn would be retrograde from 30th June 2024. This transit is likely to cause obstacles to the native’s career.

Things will ease out when Saturn becomes direct from 16th November 2024.

10. Jupiter Retrogression also unhelpful
Jupiter will be retrograde from 10th October 2024. This transit can throw various challenges to the native.

Finances Horoscope 2024 for Taurus

The following are the key insights for 2024 regarding Taurus Finances:

1.Jupiter in 12th house till May 1 increases expenses

The transit of Jupiter will be from the twelfth house when the year 2024 starts. This transit indicates an increase in expenditure and lesser savings.

2. Post May 1, Jupiter shifting to Lagna helps on Financial front

Jupiter will transit into the lagna from 1st May 2024 this transit is good for the financial prospects of the native.

There can be unexpected financial gains.

3. Saturn in 10th – Hard work but with rewards
Saturn’s transit from the tenth house throughout the year indicates that the native can earn as a result of one’s relentless efforts.

4. Rahu in 11th – Super for Finances
Rahu will be transiting well from the eleventh house throughout the year 2024. This transit is likely to give unexpected or huge financial gains for the natives.

5. Retrograde Jupiter & Saturn will give hassles
The retrogression of Saturn from 30th June 2024 :
1. Can cause obstacles in getting the work done.

2. This may indirectly influence the earnings adversely.

3. Things may ease out significantly concerning financial matters when Saturn becomes direct from 16th November 2024.

4. The retrogression of Jupiter in the lagna from 10th October 2024 is likely to increase the financial uncertainty of the native.

Health Horoscope 2024 for Taurus

The following are the key insights for 2024 regarding Taurus Health:

1. Jupiter Transit throughout the year not Easy on Taurus Health

  1. 1. The transit of the eighth lord Jupiter from the twelfth house when the year 2024 starts is likely to cause health-related concerns.
  2. 2. Health may be a cause of concern even after Jupiter transits into the Taurus sign in the lagna from 1st May 2024. Jupiter is normally not considered to be a good lord for Taurus lagna. Therefore, the native should take especial care of his health.
  3. 3. Jupiter will be retrograde from 10th October 2024. One needs to be extra cautious concerning health.

2. Rahu will help on Health Front

  1. 1. Rahu will be transiting from the eleventh house during the year. This can be considered as a good transit concerning health as well as recovery from health issues.
  2. 2. Rahu symbolises the modern medical system as well as medicine. The best recovery would be by the use of allopathy.

3. Saturn provides Resilience

  1. 1. Saturn will be placed in its own sign in the Kendra. Saturn is a functional benefic planet for the Taurus ascendant. Hence, the native will show strong resilience as far as health is concerned.
  2. 2. However, one needs to be extra cautious when Saturn gets retrograde from 30th June 2024. Old diseases may resurface.
  3. 3. Things may improve significantly when Saturn becomes direct from 16th November 2024.

Family matters Horoscope 2024 for Taurus

The following are the key insights for 2024 regarding Taurus Family matters:

Uncontrolled expenditure brings stress at start of the year
The transit of Jupiter from the twelfth house when the year starts can cause stress because of uncontrolled expenditures in the family.

Good time for Get-togethers & Travelling
However, the time is good for distant travelling. Family get together and religious trips with family is also possible.

Elder Siblings relationships under a cloud
The transit of Rahu from the eleventh house can mar the relationship with the elder sibling.

Health of Mother not good
The health of the Mother can also be adversely affected because of this Rahu transit.

Jupiter’s Lagna move from May 1 good for family
Jupiter will transit from the lagna from 1st May 2024. Jupiter will cast benefic aspects on the fifth, seventh and ninth house. Hence, this transit will bring happiness to children, spouse and father. There can also be some kind of celebration in the family.

Retrograde Jupiter will be unpredictable
Jupiter will be retrograde from 10th October 2024. This transit can cause unnecessary misunderstandings in the family.

Saturn brings gain from Father but its retrogression will create issues
Saturn which happens to be the yogakaraka and the ninth lord in the horoscope will be transiting from the tenth house as the year starts.

This transit ensures gains from father. However, some differences are likely to creep up when Saturn becomes retrograde from 30th June 2024.

Things may normalize when Saturn becomes direct from 16th November 2024.

Key Dates for your planetary Lord Venus in 2024

Venus is the Lagna lord for Taurus. It’s ability to protect and give beneficial results is the highest when it is in either its own house or exalted. It is considered weak when it is debilitated.


Start Date End Date Transit Rashi Transit House # Remark
25th Dec 2023 18th Jan 2024 Scorpio 7th
18th Jan 12th Feb Sagittarius 8th
12th Feb 7th March Capricorn 9th
7th March 31st March Aquarius 10th
31st March 24th April Pisces 11th Exalted
24th April 19th May Aries 12th
19th May 12th June Taurus 1st Own House
12th June 7th July Gemini 2nd
7th July 31st July Cancer 3rd
31st July 25th August Leo 4th
25th August 18th September Virgo 5th Debiltated
18th September 13th October Libra 6th Own House
13th October 7th November Scorpio 7th
7th November 2nd December Sagittarius 8th
2nd December 28th December Capricorn 9th

Simple but Effective Remedies for Taurus in 2024

  1. 1. The most challenging planet for the year is Jupiter both because of its lordship as well as transits. The best remedy for Jupiter would be to offer prasad in Lord Vishnu or and temple of any Sadguru. The native shall gain by the recitation of Vishnu Sahastranama.


  1. 2. Saturn will be more or less well-placed during the year. As many new activities are going to start during the year the natives shall gain by worship of Lord Hanuman. Recitation of Hanuman Chalisa or reading of Sunder-Kand can be extremely helpful.


  1. 3. Rahu transit will be most beneficial throughout the year. The natives should worship Goddess Kali. This will enhance fortune. Worship of Lord Ganesha will reduce obstacles on the career front.
Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak
About Author

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak

A devout Shirdi Sai Baba devotee, Anand is an expert astrologer with deep compassion,empathy and love for mankind. Anand is a Jyotish Acharya from Bharti Vidya Bhawan, Delhi. He has an experience of 25+ years in practising Astrology and spiritual counselling.

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