All About Taurus Ascendant!
Taurus is the second house of the Zodiac. It is symbolized by a bull. In Hindi, it is known as Vrishabh.
It is ruled by planet Venus. It is an earthy sign. Normally Taurus people are duly grounded people.
This set of predictions is based on the Ascendant also known as Lagna in Hindi. Unfortunately, most of the people will not be aware of what their ascendant or Lagna is. In Today’s world, most of us are well aware of their Sun-sign by their date and month of birth. If your Sun sign is Taurus, you can still read this and even if your Moon sign (Rashi in Hindi) is Vrishabh, then also the description will be relevant to you.
Taurus are reliable, practical, devoted, stable and responsible. They generally are known for their patience.
Taurus are generally methodical and peaceful. Their actions are deliberate while relaxed, and they enjoy everything sensual. Like food, sex, luxury and drink.
They love luxurious lifestyles and they will toil hard to achieve it. Generally, Taurus natives enjoy music, cooking and gardening. Taurus people love to dress well and like wearing expensive or high-quality clothes. Being a sign of stability, Taurus natives resist and desist all changes.
Taurus people are financially stable, well-balanced and also of conservative nature. They are generally good citizens and abide by rules of law. They like to live in peace.
Because they love luxury, they are uncomfortable in taking on serious debts. This sign is also very keen-witted, and often more practical than intelligent. Once they form an opinion,it will be hard for them to make any changes in them.
They may be stubborn and unwilling to change the ideas they’ve adopted.
In social situations they have leadership qualities they love to be held in high esteem. If they are not duly appreciated for their efforts, they may find out reasons or ways to put an end to such work.
One good thing about Taurus is that they complete the work that they start. It is rare to find them not completing their work on time.
Taurus natives are reliable workers and dependable people. They like to have stable careers. Therefore, they don’t love to change their jobs that frequently. They generally remain loyal to their employers longer than any other person would do.
Taurus makes an excellent employee as they can endure even hard times of the employer and will always stand by them.
Taurus natives are rational and practical people. They can be relied upon with respect to finances and profits. However, Taurus needs motivations to stick around like good appraisals, financial raises and bonuses.
Taurus does well in the field of economics, construction, banking as well as in agriculture. Some Taurians may be extremely talented and they make their name in the areas of performing arts.
Taureans love to build an intimate relationship which can last long. They do not like to change their partners and friends too often. Hence, they can be considered trustworthy and loyal.
They find themselves dedicated to those they feel close to, they take time into entering into new relationships. They would prefer to wait and watch rather than committing themselves to any new relationship. They are not open for relationships with those who are very aggressive as they find them outside their comfort level..
Taurus natives are attentive and caring, but often start controlling and may get overly possessive. However, their compassionate and sensitive nature will help them understand their partner’s needs.
As a parent Taurus native can be too conservative and inflexible, they can also tend to emotionally blackmail their children.
As a parent they need to give more space to their children. They should also respect the boundaries of their children this may help them to become sensible and matured parents.
As a child, most Taureans may have been lazy or slow. Their love for sweets and other worldly pleasures were always there. A Taurus child should be groomed by helping them follow a healthy routine and help them build compassion for others.
Taurus native are characterized by long necks. They may also put on lots of weight, but in many cases are still very sturdy. They love to eat well and especially foods rich in protein and fat.
A Taurus native can have heart or blood pressure-related problems. They may also suffer from diabetes, cough and cold and can also be prone to throat-related infections. They can have problems in the neck region.
It is common for them to suffer from swollen eyes, cheek and jaws, fat can be visible on their face.
To stay healthy Taurus natives should stick to low starch, fat and sugar in their food. Taurus should stick to vegetarian diet only. They should increase their consumption of green vegetables, salads and citrus fruits.
The Taurus native likes stability with respect to finance. They are also wise spenders. Their financial planning is based on their long-term understanding of their financial needs. They will generally stay away from investments which may appear to them as risky.
They are more comfortable putting their savings in banks in fixed deposits and in government securities. If at all they plan investments in stock they should stick to long-term investment planning only.
Taurus natives are lucky with respect to property. They may also make money by buying and selling property.