Rahu Ketu Transit 2024

Two big planets, namely Rahu and Ketu changed signs late last year. Rahu has transited  to the Pisces sign and Ketu to the Virgo sign. Their stay here will be till May 2025.  This 18-month stay of Rahu in Pisces and Ketu in Virgo is going to be known as Rahu Ketu Transit . Previously Rahu was in Aries and Ketu was in Libra.

Rahu moving out of Aries has ended the Guru Chandaal Yoga and Jupiter has now become free to give better and more auspicious results.

Rahu and Ketu are considered to be the two most enigmatic planets. Their Dashas and Transits are important celestial activities that warrant careful observation.

Both Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde in motion; therefore, unlike other planets, they do not move to the forward zodiac sign but to the backward zodiac sign.

Transit is known as Gochar in Hindi (गोचर), thus the current Rahu Ketu transit is also known as Rahu Ketu Gochar. (हिन्दी मे पढ़ें)

Since this transit of Rahu Ketu is 2nd longest transit ( after Saturn), its impact on natives of different ascendants ( lagnas or rashis) is quite pronounced.

Astrologers’ opinions remain divided on whether the Transit should be seen from Moonsign or the Ascendant. Most traditional books advise Moon sign however transit predictions from the Ascendant also come out fairly accurate many times. One should take a look from both the Moon sign as well as the Ascendant ( Lagna).

Rahu Ketu Transit

Phal Deepika Says

People who believe in Astrology are often curious to know whether the transits in general and this Rahu Ketu Transit of 2023, 2024 and 2025 in particular should be seen from Moon Sign ( Rashi) or Ascendant ( Lagna).

As per Phal Deepika which is a reputed text of Vedic astrology, among all the Lagnas, the Moon’s Lagna, or the sign in which the Moon is placed, is most important for assessing the effects of transits.

It is therefore imperative to make predictions about the effects of the transits of planets through various signs from the sign occupied by the Moon.

However, in common practice, transits should also be seen from the lagna lord as well as Sun sign in the horoscope. The stronger of the Lagna, Moon, and the Sun sign should be seen to fine-tune prediction.

Apart from this, transit should also be seen from the running Mahadasha and Antardasha to be more precise and close to reality.

Astropatri recommends that one should feel happy about the positives mentioned as per both the Moon signas well as Ascndant based transit predictions and take precautions on the negatives mentioned there according to both Moon sign and Ascendant. Any negative that is appearing in both the forecasts needs to be taken special care of.

Predictions as per your Ascendant (Lagna) or Moon Sign (Rashi)

A broad summary of the transit of Rahu Ketu as per your Ascendant or Moon sign is presented below :

We would advise the readers to read the predictions for this upcoming Rahu Ketu Transit – both as per Ascendant and the Moon sign.

Ascendant or
Moon sign
Rashi Planetary Lord Rahu Transit House # Ketu  Transit House # Rahu relationship with Planetary lord Ketu relationship with Planetary lord
Aries मेष Mars 12th 6th Great Enemy Great Friend
Taurus वृषभ Venus 11th 5th Neutral Great Friend
Gemini मिथुन Mercury 10th 4th Friend Enemy
Cancer कर्क Moon 9th 3rd Great Enemy Great Enemy
Leo सिंह Sun 8th 2nd Neutral Neutral
Virgo कन्या Mercury 7th 1st Friend Enemy
Libra तुला Venus 6th 12th Neutral Great Friend
Scorpio वृश्चिक Mars 5th 11th Great Enemy Great Friend
Sagittarius धनु Jupiter 4th 10th Enemy Friend
Capricorn मकर Saturn 3rd 9th Great Friend Great Friend
Aquarius कुम्भ Saturn 2nd 8th Great Friend Great Friend
Pisces मीन Jupiter 1st 7th Enemy Friend


Aries :
The Rahu Ketu transit 2023 to 2025  for Aries is happening in 6th-12th house axis. While Ketu in 6th is not too bad, Rahu in 12th is definitely not good. Click here to read in detail.

The Rahu Ketu transit 2023 to 2025  for Taurus is happening in 5th-11th house axis. Rahu in 11th shall give much better results than it was giving so far in 12th house. Click here to read in detail.

Gemini :
The Rahu Ketu transit 2023 to 2025 for Gemini is happening in 4th-10th house axis. Ketu will be in 4th House and Rahu will be in 10th House. The transit is likely to give mixed results. Click here to read in detail.

Rahu Ketu transit 2023 to 2025 for Cancer is happening in 3th-9th house axis.Ketu will be in 3rd House and Rahu will be in 9th House. Ketu in 3rd should give better results than it was giving in 4th. Click here to read in detail.

The Rahu Ketu transit 2023 to 2025  for Leo is happening in 2nd-8th house axis. Ketu will be in 2nd House and Rahu will be in 8th House. Rahu in 8th is generally a bad news!  Click here to read in detail.

The Rahu Ketu transit 2023 to 2025 for Virgo is happening in 1st-7th house axis. Ketu will be in First House and Rahu will be in 7th House. Not a very easy transit. Click here to read in detail.

The Rahu Ketu transit 2023 to 2025 for Libra is happening in 12th-6th house axis. Ketu will be in 12th House and Rahu will be in 6th House. It should give you good results.  Click here to read in detail.

The Rahu Ketu transit 2023 to 2025 for Scorpio is happening in 11th-5th house axis. Ketu will be in 11th House and Rahu will be in 5th House. It is likely to give mixed results. Click here to read in detail.

The Rahu Ketu transit 2023  to 2025 for Sagittarius is happening in 10th-4th house axis. Ketu will be in 10th House and Rahu will be in 4th House. It is an intriguing transit that is likely to give mixed results. Click here to read in detail.

The Rahu Ketu transit 2023 to 2025 for Capricorn is happening in 9th-3rd house axis. Ketu will be in 9th House and Rahu will be in 3rd House. Rahu in 3rd house should give good results. Click here to read in detail.

The Rahu Ketu transit 2023 to 2025 for Aquarius is happening in 8th-2nd house axis.Ketu will be in 8th House and Rahu will be in 2nd House. It is going to be a bit tricky. Click here to read in detail.

The Rahu Ketu transit 2023 to 2025 for Pisces is happening in 7th-1st house axis. Ketu will be in 7th House and Rahu will be in First House. Rahu in Lagna makes for a difficult ride. Click here to read in detail.

What Does Rahu Stand For?

The word Rahu comes from the Sanskrit word Rah or रह which means to hide, mysterious, secret or even profound. 

Rahu represents the Maya, it obscures and creates an illusion.

Rahu also represents materialistic pursuits, mischiefs, fears or anxieties, a persisting sense of dissatisfaction, obsession, and a state of confusion.

On the positive side, Rahu is also associated with science and technology. We are living in an era of Technology so Rahu is an extremely important planet in current times.

Rahu also relates to occultism.

Rahu is also the significator of the following as per Uttara Kalamrita :

a) Faulty Logic
b) Harsh speech
c) Outcaste
d) An Irreligious person
e) Going to a Foreign country
f) Uncleanliness
g) Bones
h) Abdominal ulcers
I) Falsehoods
j) Southwestern direction
k) Serpents
l) Old age
m) Maternal grandfather
n) Worship of Vana Durga
o) Writing Urdu or Persian
p) Breathing
q) Acute Duodenal pain.

It is observed that a strong Rahu is good for the above-mentioned significations and a weak Rahu shows just the opposite.

Rahu is generally considered a good planet for worldly comforts. However, there is a lot of Maya attached to Rahu. In modern times Rahu represents Computers and Mass Media.

Rahu is friendly to Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. It considers Sun and Moon as its enemy and towards Mercury it is Neutral. It has a challenging equation with Mars as well.

What Does Ketu Stand For?

The word Ketu comes from the root Ci which represents being conscious.

Ketu represents the metaphysical or psychic aspect of human life. It is said to be the karaka of wisdom, prudence, and insights. However, it also denotes mental illnesses or derangement and fantasies in a native’s life.

It is considered responsible for detachment,  salvation (moksha), renunciation (sanyas), self-realization (आत्मबोध) and gyana.

Ketu also sometimes leads to a weak or wavering nature and a feeling of restlessness. In physical aspects of the body, it signifies the endocrine system amongst the body systems and a lean physique.

As per Uttara Kalamrita, Ketu is the significator of following

a) Worship of Chandi, Ganesh and others
b) Medical practitioner
c) Vultures
d) Final emancipation
e) Consumption
f) Painful fevers
g) Bath in Ganges
h) Great penance
I) Wind complaints
j) Mantra Shastra
k) Instability of mind
l) Diseases of the stomach & eye
m) Vedanta
n) Grandfather
o) Smallpox or boils
p) A servant of Shiva
q) Association with foreigners or people of lower or inferior strata

It is observed that a strong Ketu generally gives good results and a malefic Ketu creates lots of hindrances in life.

Ketu is more towards the spiritual side and is the Karaka for final emancipation whereas Rahu is more towards worldly pleasures. Again, it has to be said that being a Chaya Grah, Ketu just like Rahu gives results according to its associations.

Ketu is friendly to Mars, Venus and Saturn. It considers Sun and Moon as its enemies and towards Mercury and Jupiter it is Neutral.

Interpreting Rahu in Pisces and Ketu in Virgo

In this current transit of Rahu Ketu on 30th October 2023, Rahu has moved to Pisces sign and Ketu to Virgo.

Pisces is owned by Jupiter and Rahu has a neutral relationship with Jupiter. Rahu in Pisces is thus a neutral placement. Rahu does have a tendency to perform well in Jupiterian signs though.

Pisces as a sign relates to the following :

–  Creativity & Imagination
–  Day Dreaming
–  Intuitiveness
–  Compassion
–  Diffusive
–  Spiritual Wisdom
– Inspirational

Rahu in Pisces sign will accentuate the above attributes in a positive or negative manner depending upon the overall flavour ( positive or negative) the transit has on a particular sign. Rahu is known for its expansive energies and they can get functional on the planes mentioned above.

Ketu in Virgo is also a neutral placement for Ketu. Virgo is owned by Mercury and Ketu is having a neutral relationship with Mercury.

In most cultures, Virgo sign is most related to Feminine energies or the Shakti. It also relates to the following aspects or planes of human existence :

– Ability to Analyse
– Ability to create order
– Inquisitiveness
– Discrimination
– Caution
– Conventions
– Dexterity
– Craftsmanship
– Healing
– Interest in Health

Ketu in Virgo can give a clearer understanding of the above aspects.

Why Rahu Ketu Transit is so Important?

Rahu and Ketu have no physical identity but only mathematically calculated sensitive points having an immense influence on the natives of Earth.

Rahu and Ketu are however unique to our system of astrology. Why so much of focus on the point of intersection of the ecliptic is given has to be understood. While the Sun is the body and Moon is the mind, the intersection is bound to give an immense effect!

Moon in its orbit, on a northerly course from South to North, crosses the ecliptic (Sun’s apparent path). This point of intersection is known as Rahu or Dragons head. On its southerly course, Moon crosses the ecliptic, 180 degrees away from this point. This point is called the dragon’s tail or Ketu.

Rahu Ketu Transit 2023

(Image Source – Internet)

Rahu and Ketu are not stationary in space but have a mean motion of about 19 degrees and 30 minutes in a year. It means it takes about 18 years and 6 months to make a revolution around the Earth. This motion is retrograde. There is a concept of Mean Rahu and True Rahu. In Hindu astrology, we take the true position of Rahu and Ketu.

Rahu Ketu Transit 2023 to 2025 at a glance:

This is the summary of Rahu Ketu Transit effects for your sign as compared to the previous transit ( the one that has ended on 30th October 2023).

Ascendant or Moonsign Previous Houses Current Houses Planet Career Finances Health Family Overall
Aries 1st-7th 12th -6th Rahu Equivalent Worse Worse Equivalent Worse
Ketu Much better Better Worse Equivalent Better
Taurus 12th-6th 11th-5th Rahu Much better Much Better Equivalent Better Better
Ketu Better Better Better Equivalent Better
Gemini 11th-5th 10th-4th Rahu Better Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
Ketu Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Worse Equivalent
Cancer 10th-4th 9th-3rd Rahu Equivalent Better Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
Ketu Better Better Better Equivalent Better
Leo 9th-3rd 8th-2nd Rahu Worse Equivalent Worse Equivalent Worse
Ketu Equivalent Better Worse Equivalent Equivalent
Virgo 8th-2nd 7th-1st Rahu Better Equivalent Better Equivalent Better
Ketu Equivalent Better Worse Equivalent Better
Libra 7th-1st 6th-12th Rahu Better Worse Worse Worse Worse
Ketu Better Better Worse Worse Better
Scorpio 6th-12th 5th-11th Rahu Better Better Better Equivalent Better
Ketu Better Better Equivalent Better Better
Sagittarius 5th-11th 4th-10th Rahu Better Equivalent Equivalent Better Equivalent
Ketu Better Equivalent Equivalent Worse Equivalent
Capricorn 4th-10th 3rd-9th Rahu Better Much Better Better Better Better
Ketu Equivalent Better Equivalent Better Better
Aquarius 3rd-9th 2nd-8th Rahu Better Better Worse Better Better
Ketu Better Worse Better Worse Better
Pisces 2nd-8th 1st-7th Rahu Better Equivalent Worse Worse Equivalent
Ketu Much better Worse Equivalent Worse Better


The Rahu Ketu Transit 2023 to 2025 is the second most important celestial event of 2023 after Jupiter’s transit to Aries in April 2023.

This transit will impact all Ascendants (or  Moonsigns) in one way or the other. However at the same time, we must note that the Transits are Celestial delivery boys only. They deliver results based on the promises of the horoscope. It cannot deliver results which are not promised in the horoscope. Hence, transits can not be and shouldn’t be seen in isolation.

Similiarly Rahu Ketu Transit of 2023 should also be verified by planetary promises of the horoscope and should be seen along with the running dasha to give the right predictions.

One must also remember that the planetary influences or the astrological importance are only indicative in nature. Prayers to Lord, Hard work and perseverence and being and doing good to others can help you overcome even the most negative of the interpretations or the predictions. 

FAQs on Rahu Ketu Transit 2023 to 2025

The predictions for my Rahu and Ketu transit are contrary when I see it from Lagna and when I see it from my Moonsign. What should I believe?

This is quite possible. For example, if some one has Taurus Lagna and Leo Moon sign, Rahu transit will happen in 11th house from Lagna, a very favourable transit and in 8th house from Moon sign, a very unfavourable transit. Naturally, the predictions will be pole apart and it is natural for anyone to get confused.

The best way to manage this is to note down all the positives mentioned both as per Lagna as well as the Moon sign and try to work around in a manner to gain maximum from the positives.

Then, make a note of the negatives in both forecasts and capture what is the maximum negative impact that is being seen in either of the forecasts. Take precautions on all the negatives and keep a special focus on the maximum negative impact prediction.

For whom, this Rahu Ketu Transit is most important? Who all should observe more care and caution?

People who are running Mahadasha of Rahu or Mahadasha of Ketu should be more watchful of the probable impacts of the transit.

People who are running Antardasha of  Rahu or that of Ketu should also be a bit more observant than others.

People running difficult transits like Ashtan Shani, Sadhe Saati or dashas of Markesh planets should also keep an eye as some negative astrological influence that is already happening in the chart may get amplified if the Rahu Ketu transit of 2023 is carrying some negative connotations for your Moon sign or Lagna.

In addition, if the transit Rahu and Ketu are passing over Natal Rahu and Ketu or say Saturn or Mars, the results will be a bit more pronounced than in other cases.

Are the Negative impacts of this Rahu Ketu Transit of 2023 to 2025 remediable?

Absolutely Yes. Astrology allows for remedies for any and every situation.

The good part is that they dont need to be complex, cumbersome or costly. Mostly a mix of simple Naam Japa (नाम जप), Charity (दान) and Good deeds (पुण्य कर्म ) is sufficient.

What are some basic remedies for Rahu? Where can I find detailed remedies?

A detailed Remedy section for Rahu is available on the Astropatri website at the following link :

Remedies for Rahu

Summary of Astrological remedies if you find the 2023 transit of Rahu uncomfortable or challenging – is given as below:

Mantra Jaap
– “Om Raahve Namah” or
– “Om Bhraam Bhreem Bhraum sah rahve namah” ( Beej Mantra)

Feed millets ( Juar) to Birds

Feed sweets to the needy or  handicapped people.

-No non functional clocks or damaged electronic items
-Unclean Main door

Lord Shiva or Maa Durga.

What are some basic remedies for Ketu? Where can I find detailed remedies?

A detailed Remedy section for planet Ketu is available on the Astropatri website at the following link :

Remedies for Ketu

Summary of Astrological remedies if you find the 2023 transit of Ketu uncomfortable or challenging – is given as below:

Mantra Jaap
–  “Om Ketve Namah” or
– “Om Straam Streem Straum Sah Ketve Namah”( Beej Mantra)

Feed Dogs
Offer sweets to handicapped people on Thursdays
Offer Blankets ( preferably black and white) to the needy or in temples.

– Petty Heart or mind

Lord Ganesha or Maa Durga.

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak
About Author

Astrologer Anand Sagar Pathak

A devout Shirdi Sai Baba devotee, Anand is an expert astrologer with deep compassion,empathy and love for mankind. Anand is a Jyotish Acharya from Bharti Vidya Bhawan, Delhi. He has an experience of 25+ years in practising Astrology and spiritual counselling.

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