Jupiter Transit 2023

Jupiter is currently in Aries sign. It entered the Aries sign on 22nd April 2023 and will stay in Aries till May 1, 2024. After that it will move to Taurus sign.

Jupiter will be turning Retrograde on September 4, 2023 and will stay in Retrograde motion till December 30, 2023. It will be retrograde for about 118 days.

When Jupiter entered Aries sign on 22nd April this year, it joined Rahu who was already in the Aries sign since 12th April 2022 and will stay in Aries sign till 30th October 2023. When Jupiter and Rahu are together, it is known as Guru Chandal Yog. This is considered as an unfavourable celestial phenomenon since energies of both planets viz Jupiter and Rahu are quite different.

Jupiter aspects 5th, 7th and 9th houses from where it is sitting. Therefore it will be aspecting Leo, Libra and Sagitttarius signs during this transit.

Parashar Rishi

What all the Jupiter signifies?

Jupiter is known as Guru for very obvious reasons. It is also known as Brihaspati which means the Great Master.

The Guru of Devas was Brihaspati. Jupiter or Brihaspati is known to be a great teacher and a very capable guide.

Jupiter signifies many things in many spheres. We are listing only a few below:

In Relationships, Jupiter denotes Progeny, sons and grandsons, grand father. In Female horoscopes, Jupiter also signifies the husband.

In Career and professional life, it denotes expansion, big thinking, generosity, wealth and abundance.

It represents Legal profession, Finance, Banks, Political leaders,  large projects etc.

In Social set-ups , it represents institutions of learning, Ministers, Government officials etc.

Jupiter also represents Temples and places of worship. It also is an indicator of Spirituality.

In Body parts it represents Liver and in diseases – it represents diseases like Jaundice and Tumours or carbuncles or flatulence.

Over all, Jupiter is seen as a great benefic planet and is known for its nobility and blessings. It represents Fortune as well.

In Horoscope, Jupiter owns Sagittarius and Pisces. It is known to command over 9th and 12th Houses of Kaal Purush kundali  in Vedic Astrology.

In colors, Jupiter signifies yellow color and in Days, it represents Thursday.

Jupiter is also significator of 2nd House ( wealth), 5th House (education and children), 9th House ( Spirituality and wisdom and gain from Gurus), 10th House (career) and 11th House ( over all gains)

What does Aries Sign signify?

Aries is the  first sign of the Zodiac system. It is owned by Mars. Mars and Jupiter are good friends. Therefore Jupiter is transiting through a friendly sign.

On the positive side, Aries represents Energy, enthusiasm, optimism, ambition, assertiveness, honesty, being brave and courageous and creativity. It also represents leadership and new initiatives and beginnings.

On the negative side, there is an element of recklessness, impatience, aggression, haste, lack of sensitivity at times that might be construed as self interest being the first priority, competitiveness and a tendency to get irritated and angry pretty quickly.

Jupiter in Aries – an Interpretation

We have seen that Jupiter as a planet stands for expansion. It is therefore likely to amplify some of the traits that are associated with Aries Sign.

For example Jupiter in Aries may result in improving the optimism quotient, self assertiveness, courage, boldness etc. It can also help in enhancing the leadership qualities that are associated with Aries sign.

Jupiter being a Karaka of spirituality may also lead to enhanced spirituality when it is transiting through Aries sign.

On the negative side, negative attributes like abrasiveness, impatience, irritabilty, anger etc also can see a rise during this transit of Jupiter in Aries.

The exact impact of the transit will however be dependent upon a lot of factors that we are going to discuss in the next paragraph.

Factors to consider while judging Transit

A transit should ideally be analysed considering a multiple of factors.

Knowedgable Astrologers will look at all or some of the following :

1. Is the Transiting planet a benefic or a malefic for the Ascendant or the Moon sign? For example for Taurus Ascendant or Moon sign, Saturn is a great benefic as it is the Yog Karak and Jupiter is a great malefic as it lords over the 8th house.

2. The position of the transiting planet in the birth chart. What are the houses it is governing. In which house it is placed? What is its strength in the horoscope? Is it conjunct with malefics or benefics? Is it exalted or own sign or debilitated? One can also look at the Ashtakvarga points of the Transiting planet in Birth horoscope or chart. It’s avastha like being Vriddh ( Old), Yuva ( Young) or Baal ( Child) and it’s over all ability to do good or bad in the birth horoscope ( Ishta phal / Kasht phal).

3. Ashtakvarga points in the transiting house. It is said that 4 or more points are good. For example -Saturn’s eighth house transit ( from Ascendant or Moon sign) is known as Ashtam Shani and is considered as a great hassling period for the native. However if the transiting Saturn has say 6 points in the house of its transit which is 8th, the chances are that good results will outdo the bad results.

4. The Dasha running and Dasha lord’s position and strength in birth chart and its relationship with the transiting planet.

5. The benefic or malefic aspects the transiting planet is recieving when it is in transit. A benefic’s aspect might reduce the ill effects of an otherwise unfavourable transit.

6. Any Auspicious or inauspicious Yoga being formed while in Transit. For example Jupiter is in Guru Chandal Yoga with Rahu till 30th October 2023 in current transit.

hindu astrology
About Author

Alok Bhatnagar

Alok Bhatnagar, founder of Astropatri got initiated in the field of Astrology in 1998. He was working with the Internet department of The Times of India Group at that time. Alok founded the Astrology portal for Times Group – Astrospeak.

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